
Georg Sander

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17EEGeorg Sander: ILOG Elixir. Graph Drawing 2008: 447-448
16EEUgur Dogrusoz, Christian A. Duncan, Carsten Gutwenger, Georg Sander: Graph Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2008: 453-458
15EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov, Georg Sander: Graph Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2007: 395-400
14EEChristian A. Duncan, Gunnar W. Klau, Stephen G. Kobourov, Georg Sander: Graph-Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2006: 448-452
13EEGeorg Sander, Adrian Vasiliu: Visualization and ILOG CPLEX. Graph Drawing 2004: 510-511
12EEGeorg Sander: Layout of Directed Hypergraphs with Orthogonal Hyperedges. Graph Drawing 2003: 381-386
11EEThomas Baudel, Bruno Haible, Georg Sander: Visual Data Mining with ILOG Discovery. Graph Drawing 2003: 502-503
10EEGilles Diguglielmo, Eric Durocher, Philippe Kaplan, Georg Sander, Adrian Vasiliu: Graph Layout for Workflow Applications with ILOG JViews. Graph Drawing 2002: 362-363
9EEGeorg Sander, Adrian Vasiliu: Ilog JViews Graph Layout: A Java library for highly demanding graph-based applications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 72(2): (2002)
8EEGeorg Sander, Adrian Vasiliu: The ILOG JViews Graph Layout Module. Graph Drawing 2001: 438-439
7EEGeorg Sander: Graph Layout for Applications in Compiler Construction. Theor. Comput. Sci. 217(2): 175-214 (1999)
6 Georg Sander: A Fast Heuristic for Hierarchical Manhattan Layout. Graph Drawing 1995: 447-458
5 Georg Sander, Martin Alt, Christian Ferdinand, Reinhard Wilhelm: CLaX - A Visualized Compiler. Graph Drawing 1995: 459-462
4 Georg Sander: Graph Layout through the VCG Tool. Graph Drawing 1994: 194-205
3 Peter G. Bouillon, Georg Sander, Reinhard Wilhelm: Lokale Optimierung ausnahmebehafteter Programme durch Spuroptimierung. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 9(2): 72-81 (1994)
2 Martin Alt, Georg Sander, Reinhard Wilhelm: Generation of Synchronization Code for Parallel Compilers. PLILP 1993: 420-421
1 Reinhold Heckmann, Georg Sander: TrafoLa-H Reference Manual. PROSPECTRA Book 1993: 275-313

Coauthor Index

1Martin Alt [2] [5]
2Thomas Baudel [11]
3Peter G. Bouillon [3]
4Gilles Diguglielmo [10]
5Ugur Dogrusoz [16]
6Christian A. Duncan [14] [15] [16]
7Eric Durocher [10]
8Christian Ferdinand [5]
9Carsten Gutwenger [16]
10Bruno Haible [11]
11Reinhold Heckmann [1]
12Philippe Kaplan [10]
13Gunnar W. Klau [14]
14Stephen G. Kobourov [14] [15]
15Adrian Vasiliu [8] [9] [10] [13]
16Reinhard Wilhelm [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)