
Byong-Won Hwang

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12EEDoo-Hyun Kim, Won-Hyuck Choi, BurmSuk Seo, JungGoo Seo, Byong-Won Hwang: Automatic Knowledge Recommending System Using E-Mail. EC-Web 2005: 118-127
11EETae-Seung Lee, Byong-Won Hwang: Optimization of Usability on an Authentication System Built from Voice and Neural Networks. ICCSA (3) 2004: 386-395
10EEByong-Won Hwang, Tae-Ha Kang, Tae-Seung Lee: Distortion-Free of General Information with Edge Enhanced Error Diffusion Halftoning. ICCSA (4) 2004: 281-290
9EEByong-Won Hwang, Tae-Ha Kang, Tae-Seung Lee: Improved Edge Enhanced Error Diffusion Based on First-Order Gradient Shaping Filter. IEA/AIE 2004: 473-482
8EETae-Seung Lee, Byong-Won Hwang: Continuants Based Neural Speaker Verification System. MICAI 2004: 89-98
7EETae-Ha Kang, Tae-Seung Lee, Syng-Yup Ohn, Byong-Won Hwang: A Novel Edge Enhanced Error Diffusion. DICTA 2003: 539-548
6EETae-Seung Lee, Eung-Min Lee, Hyeong-Taek Park, Young-Kil Kwag, Sang-Seok Lim, Joong-Hwan Baek, Byong-Won Hwang: Implementation of Traffic Flow Measuring Algorithm Using Real-Time Dynamic Image Processing. ICVS 2003: 78-87
5EETae-Seung Lee, Sung-Won Choi, Won-Hyuck Choi, Hyeong-Taek Park, Sang-Seok Lim, Byong-Won Hwang: A Qualitative Discriminative Cohort Speakers Method to Reduce Learning Data for MLP-Based Speaker Verification Systems. IDEAL 2003: 1082-1086
4EEHyeong-Taek Park, Tae-Seung Lee, Sung-Won Choi, Sang-Seok Lim, Syng-Yup Ohn, Seung-Hoe Choi, Byong-Won Hwang: Measurement System of Traffic Flow Using Real-Time Processing of Moving Pictures. IEA/AIE 2003: 296-305
3EETae-Seung Lee, Sung-Won Choi, Won-Hyuck Choi, Hyeong-Taek Park, Sang-Seok Lim, Byong-Won Hwang: Faster Speaker Enrollment for Speaker Verification Systems Based on MLPs by Using Discriminative Cohort Speakers Method. IEA/AIE 2003: 734-743
2EETae-Seung Lee, Ho-Jin Choi, Young-Kil Kwag, Byong-Won Hwang: A Method on Improvement of the Online Mode Error Backpropagation Algorithm for Pattern Recognition. PRICAI 2002: 275-284
1EETae-Seung Lee, Ho-Jin Choi, Seung-Hoe Choi, Byong-Won Hwang: A Method on Improving of Enrolling Speed for the MLP-Based Speaker Verification System through Reducing Learning Data. PRICAI 2002: 619

Coauthor Index

1Joong-Hwan Baek [6]
2Ho-Jin Choi [1] [2]
3Seung-Hoe Choi [1] [4]
4Sung-Won Choi [3] [4] [5]
5Won-Hyuck Choi [3] [5] [12]
6Tae-Ha Kang [7] [9] [10]
7Doo-Hyun Kim [12]
8Young-Kil Kwag [2] [6]
9Eung-Min Lee [6]
10Tae-Seung Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Sang-Seok Lim [3] [4] [5] [6]
12Syng-Yup Ohn [4] [7]
13Hyeong-Taek Park [3] [4] [5] [6]
14BurmSuk Seo [12]
15JungGoo Seo [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)