
Silvano Pupolin

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6EEAntonio Assalini, Silvano Pupolin: A Unified SNR-Dependent Analysis of Space-Time Codes in Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(9): 3021-3034 (2007)
5EEPaola Bisaglia, Silvano Pupolin, Daniele Veronesi, Michele Gobbi: Resource allocation and power control in a TDD OFDM-based system for 4G cellular networks. VTC Spring 2006: 1595-1599
4EERoberto Corvaja, Silvano Pupolin: Performance of CDMA with differential detection in the presence of phase noise and multiuser interference. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(3): 498-506 (2004)
3 Giuseppe Bianchi, Parviz Kermani, Silvano Pupolin: Guest Editorial: Wireless Mobile Internet. Wireless Networks 9(4): 281-282 (2003)
2 Larry J. Greenstein, Silvano Pupolin: Digital Radio Performance When The Transmitter Spectral Shaping Follows The Power Amplifier. ICC 1986: 1449-1454
1 Gianfranco Cariolaro, Gianfranco L. Pierobon, Silvano Pupolin: Spectral analysis of variable-length coded digital signals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(3): 473-481 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Assalini [6]
2Giuseppe Bianchi [3]
3Paola Bisaglia [5]
4Gianfranco Cariolaro [1]
5Roberto Corvaja [4]
6Michele Gobbi [5]
7Larry J. Greenstein [2]
8Parviz Kermani [3]
9Gianfranco L. Pierobon [1]
10Daniele Veronesi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)