
John A. Copeland

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22EEA. Selcuk Uluagac, Christopher P. Lee, Raheem A. Beyah, John A. Copeland: Designing Secure Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. WASA 2008: 503-514
21EECherita L. Corbett, Raheem A. Beyah, John A. Copeland: Passive classification of wireless NICs during active scanning. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 7(5): 335-348 (2008)
20EEYusun Chang, Christopher P. Lee, John A. Copeland: Goodput optimization in CSMA/CA wireless networks. BROADNETS 2007: 880-888
19 Yusun Chang, Christopher P. Lee, B. K. Kwon, John A. Copeland: Dynamic Optimal Fragmentation with Rate Adaptation for Goodput Enhancement in WLANs. ICWN 2007: 12-17
18EEChristopher P. Lee, John A. Copeland: Flowtag: a collaborative attack-analysis, reporting, and sharing tool for security researchers. VizSEC 2006: 103-108
17EEKulsoom Abdullah, John A. Copeland: Tool update: high alarm count issues in IDS rainstorm. VizSEC 2006: 61-62
16EEGregory J. Conti, Kulsoom Abdullah, Julian B. Grizzard, John T. Stasko, John A. Copeland, Mustaque Ahamad, Henry L. Owen, Christopher P. Lee: Countering Security Information Overload through Alert and Packet Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(2): 60-70 (2006)
15EERaheem A. Beyah, Raghupathy Sivakumar, John A. Copeland: Galo: a Deployable Framework for Providing Better than Best-Effort Quality of Service. Journal of Interconnection Networks 7(3): 319-351 (2006)
14EEHyoung-Kee Choi, John A. Copeland: Modeling the Behavior of TCP in Web Traffic. ICOIN 2005: 188-197
13EEKulsoom Abdullah, Christopher P. Lee, Gregory J. Conti, John A. Copeland, John T. Stasko: IDS RainStorm: Visualizing IDS Alarms. VizSEC 2005: 1
12EEChristopher P. Lee, Jason Trost, Nicholas Gibbs, Raheem A. Beyah, John A. Copeland: Visual Firewall: Real-time Network Security Monito. VizSEC 2005: 16
11EEShantanu Kangude, John A. Copeland, Matthew Sherman: An Analysis of the Home PNA Collision Resolution Mechanism. LCN 2003: 250-259
10EESeong-Ho Jeong, John A. Copeland: Performance Analysis of AAL2 Trunking/Switching for Digital Telephone Switching Systems. ICOIN (1) 2002: 549-562
9EESung-Eun Kim, Heechang Kim, John A. Copeland: Dynamic radio resource allocation considering QoS in UMTS network. MWCN 2002: 636-640
8 Seong-Ho Jeong, Henry L. Owen, John A. Copeland, Joachim Sokol: QoS support for UDP/TCP based networks. Computer Communications 24(1): 64-77 (2001)
7 Sherry Wang, Harold Zheng, John A. Copeland: A QoS Enhanced Hybrid SR-ARQ for Mobile Video Communications. ICC (1) 2000: 526-530
6EEMutlu Arpaci, Hüseyin Uzunalioglu, John A. Copeland: TCP Performance over Heterogeneous Networks. LCN 2000: 536-541
5EESeong-Ho Jeong, Myung Choi, Randal Abler, Henry L. Owen, John A. Copeland, Joachim Sokol: QoS Support for Real-Time Applications Using the Integration of RSVP/Intserv and Diffserv: A Testbed Experiment. NETWORKING 2000: 458-469
4EEMutlu Arpaci, John A. Copeland: Buffer Management for Shared-Memory ATM Switches. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 3(1): (2000)
3EEJohn A. Copeland, Randal Abler, Keith L. Bernhardt: IP flow identification for IP traffic carried over switched networks. Computer Networks 31(5): 493-504 (1999)
2EESeong-Ho Jeong, John A. Copeland: Cell Loss Ratio and Multiplexing Gain of an ATM Multiplexer for VBR Voice Sources. LCN 1998: 384-389
1EETimucin Ozugur, Mahmoud Naghshineh, Parviz Kermani, C. Michael Olsen, Babak Rezvani, John A. Copeland: Balanced Media Access Methods for Wireless Networks. MOBICOM 1998: 21-32

Coauthor Index

1Kulsoom Abdullah [13] [16] [17]
2Randal Abler [3] [5]
3Mustaque Ahamad [16]
4Mutlu Arpaci [4] [6]
5Keith L. Bernhardt [3]
6Raheem A. Beyah [12] [15] [21] [22]
7Yusun Chang [19] [20]
8Hyoung-Kee Choi [14]
9Myung Choi [5]
10Gregory J. Conti [13] [16]
11Cherita L. Corbett [21]
12Nicholas Gibbs [12]
13Julian B. Grizzard [16]
14Seong-Ho Jeong [2] [5] [8] [10]
15Shantanu Kangude [11]
16Parviz Kermani [1]
17Heechang Kim [9]
18Sung-Eun Kim [9]
19B. K. Kwon [19]
20Christopher P. Lee [12] [13] [16] [18] [19] [20] [22]
21Mahmoud Naghshineh [1]
22C. Michael Olsen [1]
23Henry L. Owen [5] [8] [16]
24Timucin Ozugur [1]
25Babak Rezvani [1]
26Matthew Sherman [11]
27Raghupathy Sivakumar [15]
28Joachim Sokol [5] [8]
29John T. Stasko [13] [16]
30Jason Trost [12]
31A. Selcuk Uluagac [22]
32Hüseyin Uzunalioglu [6]
33Sherry Wang [7]
34Harold Zheng [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)