
Philippe Kajfasz

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5EEJean-Philippe Diguet, Guy Gogniat, Jean Luc Philippe, Yannick Le Moullec, Sebastien Bilavarn, Christian Gamrat, Karim Ben Chehida, Michel Auguin, Xavier Fornari, Philippe Kajfasz: EPICURE: A partitioning and co-design framework for reconfigurable computing. Microprocessors and Microsystems 30(6): 367-387 (2006)
4EENabil Abdelli, Pierre Bomel, Emmanuel Casseau, Anne-Marie Fouilliart, Christophe Jégo, Philippe Kajfasz, Bertrand Le Gal, Nathalie Le Heno: Hardware Virtual Components Compliant with Communication System Standards. DSD 2005: 88-95
3EEPierre Bomel, Nabil Abdelli, Eric Martin, Anne-Marie Fouilliart, Emmanuel Boutillon, Philippe Kajfasz: High-Level Synthesis in Latency Insensitive System Methodology. DSD 2005: 96-101
2EEPierre Bomel, Nabil Abdelli, Eric Martin, Anne-Marie Fouilliart, Emmanuel Boutillon, Philippe Kajfasz: DVB-DSNG Modem High Level Synthesis in an Optimized Latency Insensitive System Context. SAMOS 2005: 424-433
1EEMichel Barreteau, Juliette Mattioli, Thierry Grandpierre, Christophe Lavarenne, Yves Sorel, Philippe Bonnot, Philippe Kajfasz: PROMPT: a mapping environment for telecom applications on "system-on-a-chip". CASES 2000: 41-47

Coauthor Index

1Nabil Abdelli [2] [3] [4]
2Michel Auguin [5]
3Michel Barreteau [1]
4Sebastien Bilavarn [5]
5Pierre Bomel [2] [3] [4]
6Philippe Bonnot [1]
7Emmanuel Boutillon [2] [3]
8Emmanuel Casseau [4]
9Karim Ben Chehida [5]
10Jean-Philippe Diguet [5]
11Xavier Fornari [5]
12Anne-Marie Fouilliart [2] [3] [4]
13Bertrand Le Gal [4]
14Christian Gamrat [5]
15Guy Gogniat [5]
16Thierry Grandpierre [1]
17Nathalie Le Heno [4]
18Christophe Jégo [4]
19Christophe Lavarenne [1]
20Eric Martin [2] [3]
21Juliette Mattioli [1]
22Yannick Le Moullec [5]
23Jean Luc Philippe [5]
24Yves Sorel [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)