
Thierry Grandpierre

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9EEP. Matas, Eva Dokladalova, Mohamed Akil, Thierry Grandpierre, L. Najman, M. Poupa, V. Georgiev: Parallel Algorithm for Concurrent Computation of Connected Component Tree. ACIVS 2008: 230-241
8EEPierre Niang, Thierry Grandpierre, Mohamed Akil: Implementing Real-Time Algorithms by using the AAA Prototyping Methodology. IESS 2007: 27-36
7EEPierre Niang, Thierry Grandpierre, Mohamed Akil, Yves Sorel: AAA and SynDEx-Ic: A Methodology and a Software Framework for the Implementation of Real-Time Applications onto Reconfigurable Circuits. FPL 2004: 1119-1123
6EELinda Kaouane, Mohamed Akil, Thierry Grandpierre, Yves Sorel: A Methodology to Implement Real-Time Applications onto Reconfigurable Circuits. The Journal of Supercomputing 30(3): 283-301 (2004)
5 Linda Kaouane, Mohamed Akil, Thierry Grandpierre, Yves Sorel: A Methodology to Implement Real-Time Applications on Reconfigurable Circuits. Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 188-200
4EELinda Kaouane, Mohamed Akil, Yves Sorel, Thierry Grandpierre: From Algorithm Graph Specification to Automatic Synthesis of FPGA Circuit: A Seamless Flow of Graphs Transformations. FPL 2003: 934-943
3EEThierry Grandpierre, Yves Sorel: From Algorithm and Architecture Specifications to Automatic Generation of Distributed Real-Time Executives: a Seamless Flow of Graphs Transformations. MEMOCODE 2003: 123-
2EEMichel Barreteau, Juliette Mattioli, Thierry Grandpierre, Christophe Lavarenne, Yves Sorel, Philippe Bonnot, Philippe Kajfasz: PROMPT: a mapping environment for telecom applications on "system-on-a-chip". CASES 2000: 41-47
1EEThierry Grandpierre, Christophe Lavarenne, Yves Sorel: Optimized rapid prototyping for real-time embedded heterogeneous multiprocessors. CODES 1999: 74-78

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Akil [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Michel Barreteau [2]
3Philippe Bonnot [2]
4Eva Dokladalova [9]
5V. Georgiev [9]
6Philippe Kajfasz [2]
7Linda Kaouane [4] [5] [6]
8Christophe Lavarenne [1] [2]
9P. Matas [9]
10Juliette Mattioli [2]
11L. Najman [9]
12Pierre Niang [7] [8]
13M. Poupa [9]
14Yves Sorel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)