
Philippe Bonnot

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4EEAntonio Deledda, Claudio Mucci, Arseni Vitkovski, Philippe Bonnot, Arnaud Grasset, P. Millet, Matthias Kühnle, F. Ries, Michael Hübner, Jürgen Becker, Massimo Coppola, Lorenzo Pieralisi, Riccardo Locatelli, Giuseppe Maruccia, Fabio Campi, T. DeMarco: Design of a HW/SW Communication Infrastructure for a Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Processor. DATE 2008: 1352-1357
3EEPhilippe Bonnot, Fabrice Lemonnier, Gilbert Edelin, Gerard Gaillat, Olivier Ruch, Pascal Gauget: Definition and SIMD Implementation of a Multi-Processing Architecture Approach on FPGA. DATE 2008: 610-615
2EEFlorian Thoma, Matthias Kühnle, Philippe Bonnot, Elena Moscu Panainte, Koen Bertels, Sebastian Goller, Axel Schneider, Stéphane Guyetant, Eberhard Schüler, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser, Jürgen Becker: MORPHEUS: Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Computing. FPL 2007: 409-414
1EEMichel Barreteau, Juliette Mattioli, Thierry Grandpierre, Christophe Lavarenne, Yves Sorel, Philippe Bonnot, Philippe Kajfasz: PROMPT: a mapping environment for telecom applications on "system-on-a-chip". CASES 2000: 41-47

Coauthor Index

1Michel Barreteau [1]
2Jürgen Becker [2] [4]
3Koen Bertels [2]
4Fabio Campi [4]
5Massimo Coppola [4]
6T. DeMarco [4]
7Antonio Deledda [4]
8Gilbert Edelin [3]
9Gerard Gaillat [3]
10Pascal Gauget [3]
11Sebastian Goller [2]
12Thierry Grandpierre [1]
13Arnaud Grasset [4]
14Stéphane Guyetant [2]
15Michael Hübner [4]
16Philippe Kajfasz [1]
17Matthias Kühnle [2] [4]
18Christophe Lavarenne [1]
19Fabrice Lemonnier [3]
20Riccardo Locatelli [4]
21Giuseppe Maruccia [4]
22Juliette Mattioli [1]
23P. Millet [4]
24Claudio Mucci [4]
25Klaus D. Müller-Glaser [2]
26Elena Moscu Panainte [2]
27Lorenzo Pieralisi [4]
28F. Ries [4]
29Olivier Ruch [3]
30Axel Schneider [2]
31Eberhard Schüler [2]
32Yves Sorel [1]
33Florian Thoma [2]
34Arseni Vitkovski [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)