
Ingolf Ståhl

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28EEIngolf Ståhl: Teaching simulation to business students summary of 30 years' experience. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 2327-2335
27EEIngolf Ståhl: Steps towards a GPSS block diagram system. SimVis 2006: 357-366
26 Ingolf Ståhl: Problems with Java for WebGPSS. SimVis 2005: 365-370
25EECharles R. Standridge, Martha A. Centeno, Björn Johansson, Ingolf Ståhl: Introducing simulation across the disciplines. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2274-2279
24EEIngolf Ståhl: Using discrete event simulation in the teaching of decision analysis. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2280-2289
23 Ingolf Ståhl: When are User Chains Necessary in GPSS? SimVis 2004: 401-410
22EEMichael Freimer, Lee W. Schruben, Theresa M. Roeder, Charles R. Standridge, Catherine M. Harmonosky, Ingolf Ståhl: You Are Going to Teach Simulation - Now What? Tips and Strategies. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 2057-
21EERichard G. Born, Ingolf Ståhl: WebGPSS: The First Two Hours of Simulation Education. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 2066-
20 Ingolf Ståhl: From 44 to 31 to 28 to 22 and now to 18 Less becomes more in GPSS. SimVis 2003: 465-478
19EEIngolf Ståhl, Raymond R. Hill, Joan M. Donohue, Henry Herper, Catherine M. Harmonosky, W. David Kelton: Teaching the classics of simulation to beginners, panel: teaching the classics of simulation to beginners (panel). Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1941-1951
18EEThomas J. Schriber, Jerry Banks, Andrew F. Seila, Ingolf Ståhl, Averill M. Law, Richard G. Born: Simulation textbooks - old and new, panel: simulation text books - old and new (panel). Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1952-1963
17EEHenry Herper, Ingolf Ståhl: Introductory teaching of simulation: modeling and simulation in high school education - two European examples. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1973-1981
16EEIngolf Ståhl: Extensions: simulation prototyping. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 572-579
15 Ingolf Ståhl: GPSS - 40 years of development. SimVis 2001: 277-292
14EEThomas J. Schriber, Springer Cox, James O. Henriksen, Peter Lorenz, Julian Reitman, Ingolf Ståhl: Panel: GPSS 40th anniversary: GPSS turns 40: selected perspectives. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 565-576
13EEIngolf Ståhl: GPSS: 40 years of development. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 577-585
12 Ingolf Ståhl: Learning Micro-GPSS over the Web. ESM 2000: 763-770
11 Ingolf Ståhl: Automatic Animation with a Block Based Simulation Language. SimVis 2000: 165-182
10EEIngolf Ståhl: Teaching methods: how should we teach simulation? Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 1602-1612
9 Ingolf Ståhl: Changes of a Simulation Software in Order to Make it Run Better on the Web. SimVis 1999: 57-70
8EEHenry Herper, Ingolf Ståhl: Micro-GPSS on the Web and for Windows: a tool for introduction to simulation in high schools. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 298-306
7EEIngolf Ståhl: The Efficient Implementation of Wait Statements. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 523-530
6 Henry Herper, Ingolf Ståhl: Diskrete Modellierung und Simulation - Methoden und Werkzeuge für den Informatikunterricht. INFOS 1997: 139-151
5 Ingolf Ståhl: Teaching the Fundamentals of Simulation in a Very Short Time. Informatica (Slovenia) 21(4): (1997)
4EEIngolf Ståhl: Teaching the fundamentals of simulation in a very short time. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 1387-1394
3EEIngolf Ståhl: Steps Toward a Better Internal GPSS Mechanism. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 817-824
2 Ingolf Ståhl: New Product Development: When Discrete Simulation is Preferable to System Dynamics. EUROSIM 1995: 1089-1094
1EEIngolf Ståhl: Discrete-event simulation for corporate financial planning. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 1264-1269

Coauthor Index

1Jerry Banks [18]
2Richard G. Born [18] [21]
3Martha A. Centeno [25]
4Springer Cox [14]
5Joan M. Donohue [19]
6Michael Freimer [22]
7Catherine M. Harmonosky [19] [22]
8James O. Henriksen [14]
9Henry Herper [6] [8] [17] [19]
10Raymond R. Hill [19]
11Björn Johansson [25]
12W. David Kelton [19]
13Averill M. Law [18]
14Peter Lorenz [14]
15Julian Reitman [14]
16Theresa M. Roeder [22]
17Thomas J. Schriber [14] [18]
18Lee W. Schruben (Lee Schruben) [22]
19Andrew F. Seila [18]
20Charles R. Standridge [22] [25]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)