
Y. Tina Lee

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10EEFrank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee: Representing layout information in the CMSD specification. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1777-1784
9EERoberto F. Lu, Swee Leong, Niles Bengtsson, Björn Johansson, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, Charles McLean, Al Salour, Laurance N. Hazlehurst, Sidney Ly: Implementation of Core Manufacturing Simulation Data in aerospace industry. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2930
8EESanjay Jain, Charles R. McLean, Y. Tina Lee: Towards standards for integrated gaming and simulation for incident management. SCSC 2007: 1213-1222
7EECharles McLean, Sanjay Jain, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee: A simulation architecture for manufacturing interoperability testing. SCSC 2007: 601-608
6EEMarcus Johansson, Björn Johansson, Anders Skoogh, Swee Leong, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, Pär Klingstam: A test implementation of the core manufacturing simulation data specification. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1673-1681
5 Yan Luo, Y. Tina Lee: Application of Machine Shop Data Model in Manufacturing Simulation. MSV 2005: 3-9
4EEY. Tina Lee, Yan Luo: Data exchange for machine shop simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 1446-1452
3EEShigeki Umeda, Y. Tina Lee: Design Specifications of a Generic Supply Chain Simulator. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1158-1166
2EEY. Tina Lee, Charles McLean, Guodong Shao: Neutral information structure for manufacturing simulations: a neutral information model for simulating machine shop operations. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1296-1304
1EECharles McLean, Al Jones, Y. Tina Lee, Frank Riddick: Manufacturing modeling architectures: an architecture for a generic data-driven machine shop simulator. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 1108-1116

Coauthor Index

1Niles Bengtsson [9]
2Laurance N. Hazlehurst [9]
3Sanjay Jain [7] [8]
4Björn Johansson [6] [9]
5Marcus Johansson [6]
6Al Jones [1]
7Pär Klingstam [6]
8Swee Leong [6] [9]
9Roberto F. Lu [9]
10Yan Luo [4] [5]
11Sidney Ly [9]
12Charles McLean [1] [2] [7] [9]
13Charles R. McLean [8]
14Frank Riddick [1] [6] [7] [9] [10]
15Al Salour [9]
16Guodong Shao [2] [6] [9]
17Anders Skoogh [6]
18Shigeki Umeda [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)