
Minoru Ito

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54EETomo Matsuda, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: Framework for virtual collaboration emphasized by awareness information and asynchronous interaction. ICME 2008: 997-1000
53EEShinya Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: QoS adaptation in streaming 3D graphics for FAIRVIEW. NOSSDAV 2008: 125-126
52EESho Kuroiwa, Yoshihiro Murata, Tomoya Kitani, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: A Method for Assigning Men and Women with Good Affinity to Matchmaking Parties through Interactive Evolutionary Computation. SEAL 2008: 645-655
51EETomoya Kitani, Takashi Shinkawa, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito, Teruo Higashino: Efficient VANET-Based Traffic Information Sharing using Buses on Regular Routes. VTC Spring 2008: 3031-3036
50EEYasunori Ishihara, Toshiyuki Morita, Hiroyuki Seki, Minoru Ito: An equational logic based approach to the security problem against inference attacks on object-oriented databases. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(5): 788-817 (2007)
49EETatsuhiro Tachibana, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: Proposal of flexible implementation of genetic algorithms on FPGAs. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(13): 28-38 (2007)
48EETatsuhiro Tachibana, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: General Architecture for Hardware Implementation of Genetic Algorithm. FCCM 2006: 291-292
47EETatsuhiro Tachibana, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: Flexible implementation of genetic algorithms on FPGAs. FPGA 2006: 236
46EEKazuya Uyama, Morihiko Tamai, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: A Delivery Method for Compound Video Playback in Wireless Network. ISPA Workshops 2006: 803-812
45EEMakoto Enomoto, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito, Teruo Higashino: Demand-Oriented Information Retrieval Method on MANET. MDM 2006: 104
44EETakashi Shinkawa, Takashi Terauchi, Tomoya Kitani, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito, Teruo Higashino: A Technique for Information Sharing using Inter-Vehicle Communication with Message Ferrying. MDM 2006: 130
43EEMorihiko Tamai, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: An Energy-Aware Video Streaming System for Portable Computing Devices. MDM 2006: 58
42EEKouji Nishigaki, Keiichi Yasumoto, Takaaki Umedu, Teruo Higashino, Minoru Ito: Demonstration of a Cellular Phone Application Based on Context-Aware Group Formation. MDM 2006: 59
41EETakato Izaiku, Shinya Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: Cheat detection for MMORPG on P2P environments. NETGAMES 2006: 46
40EEMunenobu Nagata, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: A Method to Plan Group Tours with Joining and Forking. SEAL 2006: 881-888
39EEHiroshi Nishikawa, Shinya Yamamoto, Morihiko Tamai, Kouji Nishigaki, Tomoya Kitani, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: UbiREAL: Realistic Smartspace Simulator for Systematic Testing. Ubicomp 2006: 459-476
38EEEiichi Takashima, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata, Minoru Ito: Techniques to improve exploration efficiency of parallel self-adaptive genetic algorithms by dispensing with iteration and synchronization. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(14): 25-33 (2006)
37EEMorihiko Tamai, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: Distributed market broker architecture for resource aggregation in grid computing environments. CCGRID 2005: 534-541
36EEKouji Nishigaki, Keiichi Yasumoto, Naoki Shibata, Minoru Ito, Teruo Higashino: Framework and Rule-Based Language for Facilitating Context-Aware Computing Using Information Appliances. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 345-351
35EEKazuya Nagamine, Yu Suzuki, Minoru Ito: Passive specular surface measurements from virtual images of pattern boards. MVA 2005: 245-248
34EEShinya Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Murata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: A distributed event delivery method with load balancing for MMORPG. NETGAMES 2005: 1-8
33EETao Sun, Morihiko Tamai, Keiichi Yasumoto, Naoki Shibata, Minoru Ito, Masaaki Mori: MTcast: Robust and Efficient P2P-Based Video Delivery for Heterogeneous Users. OPODIS 2005: 176-190
32EEAtsushi Maruyama, Naoki Shibata, Yoshihiro Murata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito: A Personal Tourism Navigation System to Support Traveling Multiple Destinations with Time Restrictions. AINA (2) 2004: 18-22
31EEKouji Nishigaki, Keiichi Yasumoto, Takaaki Umedu, Teruo Higashino, Minoru Ito: Middleware Providing Group Communication Facility Based on Muliti-Way Synchronization for Cellular Phone Applications. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 434-437
30 Morihiko Tamai, Tao Sun, Keiichi Yasumoto, Naoki Shibata, Minoru Ito: Energy-aware QoS adaptation for streaming video based on MPEG-7. ICME 2004: 189-192
29EEKouji Nishigaki, Keiichi Yasumoto, Takaaki Umedu, Teruo Higashino, Minoru Ito: Middleware Providing Dynamic Group Communication Facility for Cellular Phone Applications. Mobile Data Management 2004: 170
28EEMorihiko Tamai, Tao Sun, Keiichi Yasumoto, Naoki Shibata, Minoru Ito: Energy-aware video streaming with QoS control for portable computing devices. NOSSDAV 2004: 68-73
27EEYasunori Ishihara, Shin Ishii, Hiroyuki Seki, Minoru Ito: Temporal Reasoning about Two Concurrent Sequences of Events. SIAM J. Comput. 34(2): 498-513 (2004)
26EEIsamu Kouzuki. Masaaki Fujiyama, Tomonori Kaneko, Minoru Ito: Precise and Reliable Image Shift Detection by a New Phase Difference Analysis Method. MVA 2002: 376-379
25 Yasunori Ishihara, Shougo Shimizu, Hiroyuki Seki, Minoru Ito: Refinements of Complexity Results on Type Consistency for Object-Oriented Databases. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 62(4): 537-564 (2001)
24EEHirotaka Niitsuma, Shin Ishii, Minoru Ito: Analog lambda-opt approach to quadratic assignment problem. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(10): 1-9 (2000)
23 Yasunori Ishihara, Toshiyuki Morita, Minoru Ito: The Security Problem against Inference Attacks on Object-Oriented Databases. DBSec 1999: 303-316
22EENobutaka Suzuki, Minoru Ito, Jun Okui: On the possibility of path expressions containing backward navigations in object-oriented databases. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(2): 11-19 (1999)
21 Taku Yoshioka, Shin Ishii, Minoru Ito: Strategy Acquisition for the Game "Othello" Based on Reinforcement Learning. ICONIP 1998: 841-844
20EEYukari Akiyama, Minoru Ito: Book Recognition from Color Images of Book Shelves. MVA 1998: 106-110
19EEYasunori Ishihara, Hiroyuki Seki, Minoru Ito: Type-Consistency Problems for Queries in Object-Oriented Databases. ICDT 1997: 364-378
18 Nobutaka Suzuki, Minoru Ito, Jun Okui: On the Possibility of Path Expressions Containing Backward Navigations in Object-Oriented Databases. CODAS 1996: 469-476
17 Hiroyuki Seki, Yasunori Ishihara, Minoru Ito: Authorization Analysis of Queries in Object-Oriented Databases. DOOD 1995: 521-538
16 Minoru Ito: An Automated System for LSI Fine Pattern Inspection Based on COparison of SEM Images and CAD Data. ICRA 1995: 544-549
15 Minoru Ito, Grant E. Weddell: Implication Problems for Functional Constraints on Databases Supporting Complex Objects. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 50(1): 165-187 (1995)
14EEMinoru Ito, Akira Ishii: A three-level checkerboard pattern (TCP) projection method for curved surface measurement. Pattern Recognition 28(1): 27-40 (1995)
13 Michio Nakanishi, Minoru Ito, Akihiro Hashimoto: An Object-Oriented Database of Protein Structure Data. ADB 1994: 336-350
12 Minoru Ito, Kuniyasu Shimizu, Michio Nakanishi, Akihiro Hashimoto: Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Computing Characteristic Strings. CPM 1994: 274-288
11 Michio Nakanishi, Morio Hasidume, Minoru Ito, Akihiro Hashimoto: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing Characteristic Strings. ISAAC 1994: 315-323
10EEMinoru Ito: A Thresholding Approach for Segmenting Deteriorated SEM Images in an Automated X-ray Mask Visual Inspection System. MVA 1994: 478-481
9 Minoru Ito, Grant E. Weddell: Implication Problems for Functional Constraints on Databases Supporting Complex Objects. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(3): 726-768 (1994)
8EEMinoru Ito, Akira Ishii: A non-iterative procedure for rapid and precise camera calibration. Pattern Recognition 27(2): 301-310 (1994)
7EEMinoru Ito, Michio Nakanishi: On Deriving Specialization Constraints over Complex Objects. DASFAA 1993: 335-342
6 Michio Nakanishi, Yoshiki Katsuyama, Minoru Ito, Akihiro Hashimoto: On Designing Relational Database Schemes for Efficient Query Processing. ICCI 1991: 264-275
5 Toru Fujiwara, Minoru Ito, Tadao Kasami, Mitsuteru Kataoka, Jun Okui: Performance analysis of disk allocation method using error-correcting codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(2): 379- (1991)
4 Minoru Ito, Motoaki Iwasaki, Tadao Kasami: Some Results on the Representative Instance in Relational Databases. SIAM J. Comput. 14(2): 334-354 (1985)
3 Minoru Ito, Motoaki Iwasaki, Kenichi Taniguchi, Tadao Kasami: Membership Problems for Data Dependencies in Relational Expressions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 34: 315-335 (1984)
2 Minoru Ito, Kenichi Taniguchi, Tadao Kasami: Membership Problem for Embedded Multivalued Dependencies under some Restricted Conditions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 22: 175-194 (1983)
1 Kenichi Hagihara, Minoru Ito, Kenichi Taniguchi, Tadao Kasami: Decision Problems for Multivalued Dependencies in Relational Databases. SIAM J. Comput. 8(2): 247-264 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Yukari Akiyama [20]
2Makoto Enomoto [45]
3Toru Fujiwara [5]
4Isamu Kouzuki. Masaaki Fujiyama [26]
5Kenichi Hagihara [1]
6Akihiro Hashimoto [6] [11] [12] [13]
7Morio Hasidume [11]
8Teruo Higashino [29] [31] [36] [42] [44] [45] [51]
9Yasunori Ishihara [17] [19] [23] [25] [27] [50]
10Akira Ishii [8] [14]
11Shin Ishii [21] [24] [27]
12Motoaki Iwasaki [3] [4]
13Takato Izaiku [41]
14Tomonori Kaneko [26]
15Tadao Kasami [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
16Mitsuteru Kataoka [5]
17Yoshiki Katsuyama [6]
18Tomoya Kitani [39] [44] [51] [52]
19Sho Kuroiwa [52]
20Atsushi Maruyama [32]
21Tomo Matsuda [54]
22Masaaki Mori [33]
23Toshiyuki Morita [23] [50]
24Yoshihiro Murata [32] [34] [38] [40] [41] [46] [47] [48] [49] [52] [53]
25Kazuya Nagamine [35]
26Munenobu Nagata [40]
27Michio Nakanishi [6] [7] [11] [12] [13]
28Hirotaka Niitsuma [24]
29Kouji Nishigaki [29] [31] [36] [39] [42]
30Hiroshi Nishikawa [39]
31Jun Okui [5] [18] [22]
32Hiroyuki Seki [17] [19] [25] [27] [50]
33Naoki Shibata [28] [30] [32] [33] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [51] [53] [54]
34Kuniyasu Shimizu [12]
35Shougo Shimizu [25]
36Takashi Shinkawa [44] [51]
37Tao Sun [28] [30] [33]
38Nobutaka Suzuki [18] [22]
39Yu Suzuki [35]
40Tatsuhiro Tachibana [47] [48] [49]
41Eiichi Takashima [38]
42Morihiko Tamai [28] [30] [33] [37] [39] [43] [46]
43Kenichi Taniguchi [1] [2] [3]
44Takashi Terauchi [44]
45Takaaki Umedu [29] [31] [42]
46Kazuya Uyama [46]
47Grant E. Weddell [9] [15]
48Shinya Yamamoto [34] [39] [41] [53]
49Keiichi Yasumoto [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [36] [37] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [51] [52] [53] [54]
50Taku Yoshioka [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)