
Takashi Ikegami

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27EEJean-Julien Aucouturier, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Hirohisa Hirukawa, Shinichiro Nakaoka, Takaaki Shiratori, Shunsuke Kudoh, Fumio Kanehiro, Tetsuya Ogata, Hideki Kozima, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Marek P. Michalowski, Yuta Ogai, Takashi Ikegami, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Takahiro Takeda, Yasuhisa Hirata: Cheek to Chip: Dancing Robots and AI's Future. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(2): 74-84 (2008)
26EEHiroki Matsuno, Martin M. Hanczyc, Takashi Ikegami: Self-maintained Movements of Droplets with Convection Flow. ACAL 2007: 179-188
25EEKohei Nakajima, Soya Shinkai, Takashi Ikegami: Formal Model of Embodiment on Abstract Systems: From Hierarchy to Heterarchy. ECAL 2007: 1110-1119
24EEAsaki Saito, Makoto Taiji, Takashi Ikegami: Dynamical Singularities in Online Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks. FOCI 2007: 174-179
23EEJean-Julien Aucouturier, Yuta Ogai, Takashi Ikegami: Making a Robot Dance to Music Using Chaotic Itinerancy in a Network of FitzHugh-Nagumo Neurons. ICONIP (2) 2007: 647-656
22EEKazutoshi Sasahara, Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Birdsong Syntax by Interjection Communication. Artificial Life 13(3): 259-277 (2007)
21EEGentaro Morimoto, Takashi Ikegami: Emergence of Coherent Coordinated Behavior in a Network of Homogeneous Active Elements. SAB 2006: 510-521
20EEKeisuke Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami: Spatial-Pattern-Induced Evolution of a Self-Replicating Loop Network. Artificial Life 12(4): 461-485 (2006)
19EEKazutoshi Sasahara, Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Song Communication in a 2D Space. ECAL 2005: 835-844
18EEHiroyuki Iizuka, Takashi Ikegami: Adaptability and Diversity in Simulated Turn-taking Behavior. Artificial Life 10(4): 361-378 (2004)
17EEHiroyuki Iizuka, Takashi Ikegami: Simulating autonomous coupling in discrimination of light frequencies. Connect. Sci. 16(4): 283-299 (2004)
16EEHiroyuki Iizuka, Takashi Ikegami: Adaptive Coupling and Intersubjectivity in Simulated Turn-Taking Behaviour. ECAL 2003: 336-345
15EEKazutoshi Sasahara, Takashi Ikegami: Coevolution of Bridsong Grammar without Imitation. ECAL 2003: 482-490
14EEDuraid Madina, Naoaki Ono, Takashi Ikegami: Cellular Evolution in a 3D Lattice Artificial Chemistry. ECAL 2003: 59-68
13EEKeisuke Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami: Interaction Based Evolution of Self-Replicating Loop Structures. ECAL 2003: 89-96
12EENaoaki Ono, Takashi Ikegami: Artificial Chemistry: Computational Studies on the Emergence of Self-Reproducing Units. ECAL 2001: 186-195
11EEGen Masumoto, Takashi Ikegami: The lambda-Game System: An Approach to a Meta-game. ECAL 2001: 695-699
10 Yuzuru Sato, Makoto Taiji, Takashi Ikegami: On the Power of Nonlinear Mappings in Switching Map Systems. UMC 2000: 234-247
9 Mark A. Bedau, John S. McCaskill, Norman H. Packard, Steen Rasmussen, Christoph Adami, David G. Green, Takashi Ikegami, Kunihiko Kaneko, Thomas S. Ray: Open Problems in Artificial Life. Artificial Life 6(4): 363-376 (2000)
8EEYuzuru Sato, Takashi Ikegami: {Nonlinear Computation with Switching Map Systems. J. UCS 6(9): 881-905 (2000)
7 Naoaki Ono, Takashi Ikegami: Model of Self-Replicating Cell Capable of Self-Maintenance. ECAL 1999: 399-406
6 Kouji Harada, Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Multispecificity in an Immune Network. ECAL 1999: 427-431
5 Takashi Ikegami, Makoto Taiji: Imitation and Cooperation in Coupled Dynamical Recognizers. ECAL 1999: 545-554
4 Takashi Ikegami, Shin I. Nishimura: Emergence of Collective Strategies in a Prey-Predator Game Model. Artificial Life 3(4): 243-260 (1997)
3 Takashi Ikegami, Takashi Hashimoto: Coevolution of Machines and Tapes. ECAL 1995: 234-245
2 Takashi Hashimoto, Takashi Ikegami: Evolution of Symbolic Grammar Systems. ECAL 1995: 812-823
1 Takashi Ikegami, Takashi Hashimoto: Active Mutation in Self-Reproducing Networks of Machines and Tapes. Artificial Life 2(3): 305-318 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Adami [9]
2Jean-Julien Aucouturier [23] [27]
3Mark A. Bedau [9]
4David G. Green [9]
5Martin M. Hanczyc [26]
6Kouji Harada [6]
7Takashi Hashimoto [1] [2] [3]
8Yasuhisa Hirata [27]
9Hirohisa Hirukawa [27]
10Hiroyuki Iizuka [16] [17] [18]
11Katsushi Ikeuchi [27]
12Fumio Kanehiro [27]
13Kunihiko Kaneko [9]
14Kazuhiro Kosuge [27]
15Hideki Kozima [27]
16Shunsuke Kudoh [27]
17Duraid Madina [14]
18Gen Masumoto [11]
19Hiroki Matsuno [26]
20John S. McCaskill [9]
21Marek P. Michalowski [27]
22Gentaro Morimoto [21]
23Kohei Nakajima [25]
24Shinichiro Nakaoka [27]
25Shin I. Nishimura [4]
26Yuta Ogai [23] [27]
27Tetsuya Ogata [27]
28Hiroshi G. Okuno [27]
29Naoaki Ono [7] [12] [14]
30Norman H. Packard [9]
31Steen Rasmussen [9]
32Thomas S. Ray [9]
33Asaki Saito [24]
34Kazutoshi Sasahara [15] [19] [22]
35Yuzuru Sato [8] [10]
36Soya Shinkai [25]
37Takaaki Shiratori [27]
38Keisuke Suzuki [13] [20]
39Makoto Taiji [5] [10] [24]
40Takahiro Takeda [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)