2009 |
160 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Distributed Computing and the Multicore Revolution.
ICDCN 2009: 8 |
159 | EE | Hany E. Ramadan,
Indrajit Roy,
Maurice Herlihy,
Emmett Witchel:
Committing conflicting transactions in an STM.
PPOPP 2009: 163-172 |
158 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum,
Mark R. Tuttle:
An Axiomatic Approach to Computing the Connectivity of Synchronous and Asynchronous Systems.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 230: 79-102 (2009) |
157 | EE | Rachid Guerraoui,
Maurice Herlihy,
Bastian Pochon:
A topological treatment of early-deciding set-agreement.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(6-7): 570-580 (2009) |
2008 |
156 | EE | Cesare Ferri,
Amber Viescas,
Tali Moreshet,
R. Iris Bahar,
Maurice Herlihy:
Energy efficient synchronization techniques for embedded architectures.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 435-440 |
155 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Flavio Paiva Junqueira,
Keith Marzullo,
Lucia Draque Penso:
Optimizing Threshold Protocols in Adversarial Structures.
DISC 2008: 335-349 |
154 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit,
Moran Tzafrir:
Hopscotch Hashing.
DISC 2008: 350-364 |
153 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
The future of distributed computing: renaissance or reformation?
PODC 2008: 464 |
152 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Eric Koskinen:
Transactional boosting: a methodology for highly-concurrent transactional objects.
PPOPP 2008: 207-216 |
151 | EE | Eric Koskinen,
Maurice Herlihy:
Checkpoints and continuations instead of nested transactions.
SPAA 2008: 160-168 |
150 | EE | Eric Koskinen,
Maurice Herlihy:
Dreadlocks: efficient deadlock detection.
SPAA 2008: 297-303 |
149 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Asynchronous Consensus Impossibility.
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
148 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
147 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
146 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Topology Approach in Distributed Computing.
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
145 | EE | Tim Harris,
Simon Marlow,
Simon L. Peyton Jones,
Maurice Herlihy:
Composable memory transactions.
Commun. ACM 51(8): 91-100 (2008) |
144 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco:
Distributed computing and the multicore revolution.
SIGACT News 39(1): 62-72 (2008) |
2007 |
143 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
The Multicore Revolution.
FSTTCS 2007: 1-8 |
142 | EE | Guy Eddon,
Maurice Herlihy:
Language Support and Compiler Optimizations for STM and Transactional Boosting.
ICDCIT 2007: 209-224 |
141 | EE | Rachid Guerraoui,
Maurice Herlihy,
Petr Kouznetsov,
Nancy A. Lynch,
Calvin C. Newport:
On the weakest failure detector ever.
PODC 2007: 235-243 |
140 | EE | Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai,
David Dice,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit,
Christos Kozyrakis,
Christoph von Praun,
Michael Scott:
Potential show-stoppers for transactional synchronization.
PPOPP 2007: 55 |
139 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Yossi Lev,
Victor Luchangco,
Nir Shavit:
A Simple Optimistic Skiplist Algorithm.
SIROCCO 2007: 124-138 |
138 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Ye Sun:
Distributed transactional memory for metric-space networks.
Distributed Computing 20(3): 195-208 (2007) |
137 | EE | Steve Heller,
Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir,
William N. Scherer III,
Nir Shavit:
A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm.
Parallel Processing Letters 17(4): 411-424 (2007) |
2006 |
136 | EE | Eli Gafni,
Sergio Rajsbaum,
Maurice Herlihy:
Subconsensus Tasks: Renaming Is Weaker Than Set Agreement.
DISC 2006: 329-338 |
135 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir:
A flexible framework for implementing software transactional memory.
OOPSLA 2006: 253-262 |
134 | EE | Rachid Guerraoui,
Maurice Herlihy,
Bastian Pochon:
A Topological Treatment of Early-Deciding Set-Agreement.
OPODIS 2006: 20-35 |
133 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
The art of multiprocessor programming.
PODC 2006: 1-2 |
132 | EE | Rachid Guerraoui,
Maurice Herlihy,
Bastian Pochon:
Towards a theory of transactional contention managers.
PODC 2006: 316-317 |
131 | EE | Viktor Vafeiadis,
Maurice Herlihy,
Tony Hoare,
Marc Shapiro:
Proving correctness of highly-concurrent linearisable objects.
PPOPP 2006: 129-136 |
130 | EE | Tali Moreshet,
R. Iris Bahar,
Maurice Herlihy:
Energy implications of multiprocessor synchronization.
SPAA 2006: 329 |
129 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura:
Self-stabilizing smoothing and balancing networks.
Distributed Computing 18(5): 345-357 (2006) |
128 | EE | Srikanta Tirthapura,
Maurice Herlihy:
Self-Stabilizing Distributed Queuing.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(7): 646-655 (2006) |
127 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura:
Randomized smoothing networks.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(5): 626-632 (2006) |
126 | EE | Ori Dvir,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
Virtual Leashing: Creating a computational foundation for software protection.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(9): 1233-1240 (2006) |
125 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Fabian Kuhn,
Srikanta Tirthapura,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Dynamic Analysis of the Arrow Distributed Protocol.
Theory Comput. Syst. 39(6): 875-901 (2006) |
2005 |
124 | EE | Rachid Guerraoui,
Maurice Herlihy,
Bastian Pochon:
Polymorphic Contention Management.
DISC 2005: 303-323 |
123 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Ye Sun:
Distributed Transactional Memory for Metric-Space Networks.
DISC 2005: 324-338 |
122 | EE | Ori Dvir,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
Virtual Leashing: Internet-Based Software Piracy Protection.
ICDCS 2005: 283-292 |
121 | EE | Ravi Rajwar,
Maurice Herlihy,
Konrad K. Lai:
Virtualizing Transactional Memory.
ISCA 2005: 494-505 |
120 | EE | Tali Moreshet,
R. Iris Bahar,
Maurice Herlihy:
Energy reduction in multiprocessor systems using transactional memory.
ISLPED 2005: 331-334 |
119 | EE | Steve Heller,
Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir,
William N. Scherer III,
Nir Shavit:
A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm.
OPODIS 2005: 3-16 |
118 | EE | Felix C. Freiling,
Maurice Herlihy,
Lucia Draque Penso:
Optimal Randomized Fair Exchange with Secret Shared Coins.
OPODIS 2005: 61-72 |
117 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
The transactional manifesto: software engineering and non-blocking synchronization.
PLDI 2005: 280 |
116 | EE | Rachid Guerraoui,
Maurice Herlihy,
Bastian Pochon:
Toward a theory of transactional contention managers.
PODC 2005: 258-264 |
115 | EE | Tim Harris,
Simon Marlow,
Simon L. Peyton Jones,
Maurice Herlihy:
Composable memory transactions.
PPOPP 2005: 48-60 |
114 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Paul A. Martin,
Mark Moir:
Nonblocking memory management support for dynamic-sized data structures.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 23(2): 146-196 (2005) |
113 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Lucia Draque Penso:
Tight bounds for k-set agreement with limited-scope failure detectors.
Distributed Computing 18(2): 157-166 (2005) |
112 | EE | Christopher Cole,
Maurice Herlihy:
Snapshots and software transactional memory.
Sci. Comput. Program. 58(3): 310-324 (2005) |
2004 |
111 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura:
Randomized Smoothing Networks.
IPDPS 2004 |
110 | EE | Simon Doherty,
Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir:
Bringing practical lock-free synchronization to 64-bit applications.
PODC 2004: 31-39 |
109 | EE | Panagiota Fatourou,
Maurice Herlihy:
Read-modify-write networks.
Distributed Computing 17(1): 33-46 (2004) |
2003 |
108 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Lucia Draque Penso:
Tight Bounds for k-Set Agreement with Limited-Scope Failure Detectors.
DISC 2003: 279-291 |
107 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura:
Self-Stabilizing Smoothing and Counting Maurice Herlihy, Srikanta Tirthapura.
ICDCS 2003: 4-11 |
106 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir:
Obstruction-Free Synchronization: Double-Ended Queues as an Example.
ICDCS 2003: 522-529 |
105 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Lucia Draque Penso:
tight bounds for k-set agreement with limited-scope failure detectors.
PODC 2003: 221 |
104 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir,
William N. Scherer III:
Software transactional memory for dynamic-sized data structures.
PODC 2003: 92-101 |
103 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir:
Space and Time Adaptive Non-blocking Algorithms.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 78: (2003) |
102 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
A classification of wait-free loop agreement tasks.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 291(1): 55-77 (2003) |
2002 |
101 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Mark Moir:
The Repeat Offender Problem: A Mechanism for Supporting Dynamic-Sized, Lock-Free Data Structures.
DISC 2002: 339-353 |
100 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Victor Luchangco,
Paul A. Martin,
Mark Moir:
Dynamic-sized lock-free data structures.
PODC 2002: 131 |
99 | EE | Costas Busch,
Neophytos Demetriou,
Maurice Herlihy,
Marios Mavronicolas:
Threshold counters with increments and decrements.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 270(1-2): 811-826 (2002) |
98 | EE | Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy:
Sorting and Counting Networks of Arbitrary Width and Small Depth.
Theory Comput. Syst. 35(2): 99-128 (2002) |
2001 |
97 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum,
Mark R. Tuttle:
A New Synchronous Lower Bound for Set Agreement.
DISC 2001: 136-150 |
96 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura:
Self Stabilizing Distributed Queuing.
DISC 2001: 209-223 |
95 | EE | Panagiota Fatourou,
Maurice Herlihy:
Adding Networks.
DISC 2001: 330-342 |
94 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Competitive concurrent distributed queuing.
PODC 2001: 127-133 |
93 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
On beyond registers: wait-free readable objects.
PODC 2001: 26-42 |
92 | EE | Panagiota Fatourou,
Maurice Herlihy:
Adding networks.
PODC 2001: 308-310 |
91 | EE | Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Routing without flow control.
SPAA 2001: 11-20 |
90 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum,
Mark R. Tuttle:
An Overview of Synchronous Message-Passing and Topology.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 39(2): (2001) |
89 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Srikanta Tirthapura,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Ordered Multicast and Distributed Swap.
Operating Systems Review 35(1): 85-96 (2001) |
2000 |
88 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Distributed Computing, 14th International Conference, DISC 2000, Toledo, Spain, October 4-6, 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2000 |
87 | EE | Costas Busch,
Neophytos Demetriou,
Maurice Herlihy,
Marios Mavronicolas:
A Combinatorial Characterization of Properties Preserved by Antitokens.
Euro-Par 2000: 575-582 |
86 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Eric Ruppert:
On the Existence of Booster Types.
FOCS 2000: 653-663 |
85 | EE | Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Randomized greedy hot-potato routing.
SODA 2000: 458-466 |
84 | EE | Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Hard-Potato routing.
STOC 2000: 278-285 |
83 | | Costas Busch,
Neophytos Demetriou,
Maurice Herlihy,
Marios Mavronicolas:
A Combinatorial Characterization of Properties Preserved by Antitokens.
Bulletin of the EATCS 71: 114-132 (2000) |
82 | EE | William Aiello,
Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Nir Shavit,
Dan Touitou:
Supporting Increment and Decrement Operations in Balancing Networks.
Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci. 2000: (2000) |
81 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Michael P. Warres:
A tale of two directories: implementing distributed shared objects in Java.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 12(7): 555-572 (2000) |
80 | EE | Soma Chaudhuri,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nancy A. Lynch,
Mark R. Tuttle:
Tight bounds for k-set agreement.
J. ACM 47(5): 912-943 (2000) |
79 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
Algebraic spans.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 10(4): 549-573 (2000) |
1999 |
78 | | Maurice Herlihy:
The Aleph Toolkit: Support for Scalable Distributed Shared Objects.
CANPC 1999: 137-149 |
77 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Michael P. Warres:
A Tale of Two Directories: Implementing Distributed Shared Objects in Java.
Java Grande 1999: 99-108 |
76 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
New Perspectives in Distributed Computing.
MFCS 1999: 170-186 |
75 | | Costas Busch,
Neophytos Demetriou,
Maurice Herlihy,
Marios Mavronicolas:
Threshold Counters with Increments and Decrements.
SIROCCO 1999: 47-61 |
74 | EE | Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy:
Sorting and Counting Networks of Small Depth and Arbitrary Width.
SPAA 1999: 64-73 |
73 | EE | William Aiello,
Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Nir Shavit,
Dan Touitou:
Supporting Increment and Decrement Operations in Balancing Networks.
STACS 1999: 393-403 |
72 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
The topological structure of asynchronous computability.
J. ACM 46(6): 858-923 (1999) |
71 | | Cynthia Dwork,
Maurice Herlihy,
Serge A. Plotkin,
Orli Waarts:
Time-Lapse Snapshots.
SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1848-1874 (1999) |
70 | EE | Soma Chaudhuri,
Maurice Herlihy,
Mark R. Tuttle:
Wait-Free Implementations in Message-Passing Systems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 220(1): 211-245 (1999) |
1998 |
69 | EE | Michael J. Demmer,
Maurice Herlihy:
The Arrow Distributed Directory Protocol.
DISC 1998: 119-133 |
68 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
A Wait-Free Classification of Loop Agreement Tasks.
DISC 1998: 175-185 |
67 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum,
Mark R. Tuttle:
Unifying Synchronous and Asynchronous Message-Passing Models.
PODC 1998: 133-142 |
66 | | Costas Busch,
Maurice Herlihy:
A Survey on Counting Networks.
WDAS 1998: 13-20 |
65 | EE | Faith Ellen Fich,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
On the Space Complexity of Randomized Synchronization.
J. ACM 45(5): 843-862 (1998) |
1997 |
64 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
The Decidability of Distributed Decision Tasks (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1997: 589-598 |
63 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Maurice Herlihy,
Orli Waarts:
Contention in shared memory algorithms.
J. ACM 44(6): 779-805 (1997) |
1996 |
62 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
On the Decidability of Distributed Decision Tasks (Brief Announcement).
PODC 1996: 279 |
61 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit,
Orli Waarts:
Linearizable Counting Networks.
Distributed Computing 9(4): 193-203 (1996) |
1995 |
60 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
Algebraic Spans (Preliminary Version).
PODC 1995: 90-99 |
59 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
Algebraic Topology and Distributed Computing: A Primer.
Computer Science Today 1995: 203-217 |
58 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Beng-Hong Lim,
Nir Shavit:
Scalable Concurrent Counting.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 13(4): 343-364 (1995) |
57 | | Hagit Attiya,
Maurice Herlihy,
Ophir Rachman:
Atomic Snapshots Using Lattice Agreement.
Distributed Computing 8(3): 121-132 (1995) |
1994 |
56 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Sergio Rajsbaum:
Set Consensus Using Arbitrary Objects (Preliminary Version).
PODC 1994: 324-333 |
55 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
A simple constructive computability theorem for wait-free computation.
STOC 1994: 243-252 |
54 | EE | James Aspnes,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
Counting Networks.
J. ACM 41(5): 1020-1048 (1994) |
1993 |
53 | | Soma Chaudhuri,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nancy A. Lynch,
Mark R. Tuttle:
A Tight Lower Bound for k-Set Agreement
FOCS 1993: 206-215 |
52 | | Maurice Herlihy,
J. Eliot B. Moss:
Transactional Memory: Architectural Support for Lock-Free Data Structures.
ISCA 1993: 289-300 |
51 | | Faith Ellen Fich,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
On the Space Complexity of Randomized Synchronization.
PODC 1993: 241-249 |
50 | | Cynthia Dwork,
Maurice Herlihy,
Orli Waarts:
Bounded Round Numbers.
PODC 1993: 53-64 |
49 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
The asynchronous computability theorem for t-resilient tasks.
STOC 1993: 111-120 |
48 | EE | Cynthia Dwork,
Maurice Herlihy,
Orli Waarts:
Contention in shared memory algorithms.
STOC 1993: 174-183 |
47 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Objects.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 15(5): 745-770 (1993) |
1992 |
46 | | Cynthia Dwork,
Maurice Herlihy,
Serge A. Plotkin,
Orli Waarts:
Time-Lapse Snapshots.
ISTCS 1992: 154-170 |
45 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Beng-Hong Lim,
Nir Shavit:
Low Contention Load Balancing on Large-Scale Multiprocessors.
SPAA 1992: 219-227 |
44 | | Hagit Attiya,
Maurice Herlihy,
Ophir Rachman:
Efficient Atomic Snapshots Using Lattice Agreement (Extended Abstract).
WDAG 1992: 35-53 |
43 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
J. Eliot B. Moss:
Lock-Free Garbage Collection for Multiprocessors.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 3(3): 304-311 (1992) |
42 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Nancy A. Lynch,
Michael Merritt,
William E. Weihl:
On the Correctness of Orphan Management Algorithms.
J. ACM 39(4): 881-930 (1992) |
41 | | Maurice Herlihy:
A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Data Objects (Abstract).
Operating Systems Review 26(2): 12 (1992) |
1991 |
40 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit,
Orli Waarts:
Low Contention Linearizable Counting
FOCS 1991: 526-535 |
39 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Randomized Wait-Free Concurrent Objects (Extended Abstract).
PODC 1991: 11-21 |
38 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
J. Eliot B. Moss:
Lock-Free garbage Collection for Multiprocessors.
SPAA 1991: 229-236 |
37 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Impossibility Results for Asynchronous PRAM (Extended Abstract).
SPAA 1991: 327-336 |
36 | | James Aspnes,
Maurice Herlihy,
Nir Shavit:
Counting Networks and Multi-Processor Coordination
STOC 1991: 348-358 |
35 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Wait-Free Synchronization.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 13(1): 124-149 (1991) |
34 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Specifying Graceful Degradation.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 2(1): 93-104 (1991) |
33 | | Maurice Herlihy,
William E. Weihl:
Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 43(1): 25-61 (1991) |
1990 |
32 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Mark R. Tuttle:
Lower Bounds for Wait-Free Computation in Message-Passing Systems.
PODC 1990: 347-362 |
31 | | Maurice Herlihy:
A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Data Structures.
PPOPP 1990: 197-206 |
30 | EE | James Aspnes,
Maurice Herlihy:
Wait-Free Data Structures in the Asynchronous PRAM Model.
SPAA 1990: 340-349 |
29 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Position Statement: Type Specific Replication for Multiprocessors.
Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data 1990: 70-74 |
28 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Apologizing Versus Asking Permission: Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 15(1): 96-124 (1990) |
27 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 12(3): 463-492 (1990) |
26 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Concurrency and Availability as Dual Properties of Replicated Atomic Data
J. ACM 37(2): 257-278 (1990) |
25 | | James Aspnes,
Maurice Herlihy:
Fast Randomized Consensus Using Shared Memory.
J. Algorithms 11(3): 441-461 (1990) |
1989 |
24 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Specifying Security Constraints with Relaxation Lattices.
CSFW 1989: 47-53 |
23 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Martin S. McKendry:
Timestamp-Based Orphan Elimination.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(7): 825-831 (1989) |
22 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Linearizable concurrent objects.
SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 133-135 (1989) |
21 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Taking concurrency seriously (position paper).
SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 32-33 (1989) |
1988 |
20 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Reasoning about Atomic Objects.
FTRTFT 1988: 193-208 |
19 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Impossibility and Universality Results for Wait-Free Synchronization.
PODC 1988: 276-290 |
18 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
William E. Weihl:
Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types.
PODS 1988: 201-210 |
17 | | David Detlefs,
Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Inheritance of Synchronization and Recovery Properties in Avalon/C++.
IEEE Computer 21(12): 57-69 (1988) |
1987 |
16 | | David Detlefs,
Maurice Herlihy,
K. Kietzke,
Jeannette M. Wing:
C++ Workshop 1987: 451-459 |
15 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
J. D. Tygar:
How to Make Replicated Data Secure.
CRYPTO 1987: 379-391 |
14 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Specifying Graceful Degradation in Distributed Systems.
PODC 1987: 167-177 |
13 | | Maurice Herlihy,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Axioms for Concurrent Objects.
POPL 1987: 13-26 |
12 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Concurrency versus Availability: Atomic Mechanisms for Replicated Data.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 5(3): 249-274 (1987) |
11 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
Dynamic Quorum Adjustment for Partitioned Data.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 170-194 (1987) |
10 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Extending Multiversion Time-Stamping Protocols to Exploit Type Information.
IEEE Trans. Computers 36(4): 443-448 (1987) |
9 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types.
Operating Systems Review 21(2): 33-44 (1987) |
1986 |
8 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types.
PODC 1986: 206-217 |
7 | | Barbara Liskov,
Maurice Herlihy,
Lucy Gilbert:
Limitations of Synchronous Communication with Static Process Structure in Languages for Distributed Computing.
POPL 1986: 150-159 |
6 | | Martin S. McKendry,
Maurice Herlihy:
Time-Driven Orphan Elimination.
Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1986: 42-48 |
5 | EE | Maurice Herlihy:
A Quorum-Consensus Replication Method for Abstract Data Types.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 4(1): 32-53 (1986) |
4 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Comparing How Atomicity Mechanisms Support Replication.
Operating Systems Review 20(3): 31-39 (1986) |
1985 |
3 | | Maurice Herlihy:
Comparing How Atomicity Mechanisms Support Replication.
PODC 1985: 102-110 |
1983 |
2 | | Barbara Liskov,
Maurice Herlihy:
Issues Process and Communication Structure for Distributed Programs.
Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1983: 123-132 |
1982 |
1 | EE | Maurice Herlihy,
Barbara Liskov:
A Value Transmission Method for Abstract Data Types.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 4(4): 527-551 (1982) |