
Lucia Draque Penso

Lucia Draque Penso Rautenbach

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16EEMaurice Herlihy, Flavio Paiva Junqueira, Keith Marzullo, Lucia Draque Penso: Optimizing Threshold Protocols in Adversarial Structures. DISC 2008: 335-349
15EENeeraj Mittal, Felix C. Freiling, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Lucia Draque Penso: On termination detection in crash-prone distributed systems with failure detectors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(6): 855-875 (2008)
14EECarole Delporte-Gallet, Hugues Fauconnier, Felix C. Freiling, Lucia Draque Penso, Andreas Tielmann: From Crash-Stop to Permanent Omission: Automatic Transformation and Weakest Failure Detectors. DISC 2007: 165-178
13EERoberto Cortiñas, Felix C. Freiling, Marjan Ghajar-Azadanlou, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea, Lucia Draque Penso, Iratxe Soraluze Arriola: Secure Failure Detection in TrustedPals. SSS 2007: 173-188
12EEMartin Biely, Martin Hutle, Lucia Draque Penso, Josef Widder: Relating Stabilizing Timing Assumptions to Stabilizing Failure Detectors Regarding Solvability and Efficiency. SSS 2007: 4-20
11 Zinaida Benenson, Felix C. Freiling, Thorsten Holz, Dogan Kesdogan, Lucia Draque Penso: Safety, Liveness, and Information Flow: Dependability Revisited. ARCS Workshops 2006: 56-65
10EEMilan Fort, Felix C. Freiling, Lucia Draque Penso, Zinaida Benenson, Dogan Kesdogan: TrustedPals: Secure Multiparty Computation Implemented with Smart Cards. ESORICS 2006: 34-48
9EENeeraj Mittal, Felix C. Freiling, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Lucia Draque Penso: Efficient Reduction for Wait-Free Termination Detection in a Crash-Prone Distributed System. DISC 2005: 93-107
8 Felix C. Freiling, Neeraj Mittal, Lucia Draque Penso: Transformations in Secure and Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computation. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2005: 410-412
7EEFelix C. Freiling, Maurice Herlihy, Lucia Draque Penso: Optimal Randomized Fair Exchange with Secret Shared Coins. OPODIS 2005: 61-72
6EEMaurice Herlihy, Lucia Draque Penso: Tight bounds for k-set agreement with limited-scope failure detectors. Distributed Computing 18(2): 157-166 (2005)
5EELucia Draque Penso, Valmir C. Barbosa: A distributed algorithm to find k-dominating sets. Discrete Applied Mathematics 141(1-3): 243-253 (2004)
4EEMaurice Herlihy, Lucia Draque Penso: Tight Bounds for k-Set Agreement with Limited-Scope Failure Detectors. DISC 2003: 279-291
3EEMaurice Herlihy, Lucia Draque Penso: tight bounds for k-set agreement with limited-scope failure detectors. PODC 2003: 221
2EELucia Draque Penso, Valmir C. Barbosa: A distributed algorithm to find k-dominating sets CoRR cs.DC/0309040: (2003)
1EELucia Draque Penso, Valmir C. Barbosa: A distributed algorithm for k-dominating sets. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 7: 130-133 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Iratxe Soraluze Arriola [13]
2Valmir C. Barbosa [1] [2] [5]
3Zinaida Benenson [10] [11]
4Martin Biely [12]
5Roberto Cortiñas [13]
6Carole Delporte-Gallet (Carole Delporte) [14]
7Hugues Fauconnier [14]
8Milan Fort [10]
9Felix C. Freiling (Felix C. Gärtner) [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15]
10Marjan Ghajar-Azadanlou [13]
11Maurice Herlihy [3] [4] [6] [7] [16]
12Thorsten Holz [11]
13Martin Hutle [12]
14Flavio Paiva Junqueira [16]
15Dogan Kesdogan [10] [11]
16Alberto Lafuente [13]
17Mikel Larrea [13]
18Keith Marzullo [16]
19Neeraj Mittal [8] [9] [15]
20Andreas Tielmann [14]
21Subbarayan Venkatesan [9] [15]
22Josef Widder [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)