
Michael A. Greenspan

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26EEMichael A. Greenspan, Joseph Lam, Marc Godard, Imran Zaidi, Sam Jordan, Will Leckie, Ken Anderson, Donna C. Dupuis: Toward a Competitive Pool-Playing Robot. IEEE Computer 41(1): 46-53 (2008)
25EEBabak Taati, M. Bondy, Piotr Jasiobedzki, Michael A. Greenspan: Variable Dimensional Local Shape Descriptors for Object Recognition in Range Data. ICCV 2007: 1-8
24EEShawn Zhang, Michael A. Greenspan: Variable Homography Compensation of Parallax Along Mosaic Seams. ICIAR 2007: 271-284
23EEHong Li, Michael A. Greenspan: Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Gestures. ICIP (1) 2007: 365-368
22EEJoseph Lam, Michael A. Greenspan: An iterative algebraic approach to TCF matrix estimation. IROS 2007: 3848-3853
21EELimin Shang, Piotr Jasiobedzki, Michael A. Greenspan: Model-Based Tracking by Classification in a Tiny Discrete Pose Space. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(6): 976-989 (2007)
20EEWill Leckie, Michael A. Greenspan: An Event-Based Pool Physics Simulator. ACG 2006: 247-262
19EEJoseph Lam, Fei Long, Gerhard Roth, Michael A. Greenspan: Determining Shot Accuracy of a Robotic Pool System. CRV 2006: 23
18EEWill Leckie, Michael A. Greenspan: Monte-Carlo Methods in Pool Strategy Game Trees. Computers and Games 2006: 244-255
17EEL. I. Wang, Michael A. Greenspan, Randy E. Ellis: Validation of bone segmentation and improved 3-D registration using contour coherency in CT data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(3): 324-334 (2006)
16EEBabak Taati, Michael A. Greenspan, Kamal Gupta: A Dynamic Load-Balancing Parallel Search for Enumerative Robot Path Planning. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 47(1): 55-85 (2006)
15EELimin Shang, Piotr Jasiobedzki, Michael A. Greenspan: Discrete Pose Space Estimation to Improve ICP-Based Tracking. 3DIM 2005: 523-530
14EEHong Li, Michael A. Greenspan: Multi-Scale Gesture Recognition from Time-Varying Contours. ICCV 2005: 236-243
13EEIan Fraser, Michael A. Greenspan: Color Indexing by Nonparametric Statistics. ICIAR 2005: 694-702
12 Will Leckie, Michael A. Greenspan: Pool Physics Simulation by Event Prediction 1: Motion Transitions. ICGA Journal 28(4): 214-222 (2005)
11EEWeiguang Yao, Purang Abolmaesumi, Michael A. Greenspan, Randy E. Ellis: An Estimation/Correction Algorithm for Detecting Bone Edges in CT Images. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(8): 997-1010 (2005)
10EEMichael A. Greenspan, Limin Shang, Piotr Jasiobedzki: Efficient Tracking with the Bounded Hough Transform. CVPR (1) 2004: 520-527
9EEMichael A. Greenspan, Mike Yurick: Approximate K-D Tree Search for Efficient ICP. 3DIM 2003: 442-448
8EEMichael A. Greenspan: Geometric Probing of Dense Range Data. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(4): 495-508 (2002)
7EEMichael A. Greenspan, Guy Godin: A Nearest Neighbor Method for Efficient ICP. 3DIM 2001: 161-170
6EEChristian Langis, Michael A. Greenspan, Guy Godin: The Parallel Iterative Closest Point Algorithm. 3DIM 2001: 195-204
5EEChang Shu, Michael A. Greenspan, Guy Godin: Nearest neighbor search through function minimization. CCCG 2001: 157-160
4 Marc Rioux, François Blais, J.-Angelo Beraldin, Guy Godin, Pierre Boulanger, Michael A. Greenspan: Beyond Range Sensing: XYZ-RGB Digitizing and Modeling. ICRA 2000: 111-115
3EED. G. Lamb, D. L. Baird, Michael A. Greenspan: An Automation System for Industrial 3-D Laser Digitizing. 3DIM 1999: 148-159
2EEMichael A. Greenspan, Pierre Boulanger: Efficient and Reliable Template Set Matching for 3D Object Recognition. 3DIM 1999: 230-239
1EEMichael A. Greenspan: The Sample Tree: A Sequential Hypothesis Testing Approach to 3D Object Recognition. CVPR 1998: 772-779

Coauthor Index

1Purang Abolmaesumi [11]
2Ken Anderson [26]
3D. L. Baird [3]
4J.-Angelo Beraldin [4]
5François Blais [4]
6M. Bondy [25]
7Pierre Boulanger [2] [4]
8Donna C. Dupuis [26]
9Randy E. Ellis [11] [17]
10Ian Fraser [13]
11Marc Godard [26]
12Guy Godin [4] [5] [6] [7]
13Kamal Gupta [16]
14Piotr Jasiobedzki [10] [15] [21] [25]
15Sam Jordan [26]
16Joseph Lam [19] [22] [26]
17D. G. Lamb [3]
18Christian Langis [6]
19Will Leckie [12] [18] [20] [26]
20Hong Li [14] [23]
21Fei Long [19]
22Marc Rioux [4]
23Gerhard Roth [19]
24Limin Shang [10] [15] [21]
25Chang Shu [5]
26Babak Taati [16] [25]
27L. I. Wang [17]
28Weiguang Yao [11]
29Mike Yurick [9]
30Imran Zaidi [26]
31Shawn Zhang [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)