
Marc Rioux

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28EEMegumi Shinozaki, Kazunori Umeda, Guy Godin, Marc Rioux: Correction of intensity of a color image using a range intensity image. ICPR (3) 2006: 774-777
27EEEric Paquet, Marc Rioux: Invariant Robust 3-D Face Recognition based on the Hilbert Transform in Spectral Space. Journal of Multimedia 1(1): 9-15 (2006)
26EEZouhour Ben Azouz, Marc Rioux, Chang Shu, Richard Lepage: Characterizing human shape variation using 3D anthropometric data. The Visual Computer 22(5): 302-314 (2006)
25EEKazunori Umeda, Megumi Shinozaki, Guy Godin, Marc Rioux: Correction of Color Information of a 3D Model Using a Range Intensity Image. 3DIM 2005: 229-236
24EEZouhour Ben Azouz, Chang Shu, Richard Lepage, Marc Rioux: Extracting Main Modes of Human Body Shape Variation from 3-D Anthropometric Data. 3DIM 2005: 335-342
23EEKazunori Umeda, Guy Godin, Marc Rioux: Registration of Range and Color Images Using Gradient Constraints and Range Intensity Images. ICPR (3) 2004: 12-15
22EEJ.-Angelo Beraldin, François Blais, Marc Rioux, Jacques Domey, Lorenzo Gonzo, Fabrizio De Nisi, F. Comper, David Stoppa, Massimo Gottardi, Andrea Simoni: Optimized Position Sensors for Flying-Spot Active Triangulation Systems. 3DIM 2003: 29-36
21EEJohn Taylor, J.-Angelo Beraldin, Guy Godin, Luc Cournoyer, Réjean Baribeau, François Blais, Marc Rioux, Jacques Domey: NRC 3D imaging technology for museum and heritage applications. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 14(3): 121-138 (2003)
20EEGuy Godin, J.-Angelo Beraldin, John Taylor, Luc Cournoyer, Marc Rioux, Sabry F. El-Hakim, Réjean Baribeau, François Blais, Pierre Boulanger, Jacques Domey, Michel Picard: Active Optical 3D Imaging for Heritage Applications. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(5): 24-36 (2002)
19 Marc Rioux, François Blais, J.-Angelo Beraldin, Guy Godin, Pierre Boulanger, Michael A. Greenspan: Beyond Range Sensing: XYZ-RGB Digitizing and Modeling. ICRA 2000: 111-115
18EEJ.-Angelo Beraldin, François Blais, Luc Cournoyer, Marc Rioux, Sabry F. El-Hakim, R. Rodella, F. Bernier, N. Harrison: Digital 3D Imaging System for Rapid Response on Remote Sites. 3DIM 1999: 34-45
17EEEric Paquet, Marc Rioux: The MPEG-7 Standard and the Content-Based Management of Three-Dimensional Data: A Case Study. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 375-380
16EEEric Paquet, Marc Rioux: Crawling, Indexing and Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Data on the Web in the Framework of MPEG-7. VISUAL 1999: 179-186
15EEEric Paquet, Marc Rioux: Nefertiti: a query by content system for three-dimensional model and image databases management. Image Vision Comput. 17(2): 157-166 (1999)
14EEEric Paquet, Marc Rioux: A Content-Based Search Engine for VRML Databases. CVPR 1998: 541-546
13 Eric Paquet, Marc Rioux: Content-Based Access of VRML Libraries. Multimedia Information Analysis and Retrieval 1998: 20-32
12 Patrick Hébert, Marc Rioux: Toward a Handheld Laser Range Scanner: Integrating Observation-based Motion Compensation. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 1998: 2-13
11EEJ.-Angelo Beraldin, Luc Cournoyer, Marc Rioux, François Blais, Sabry F. El-Hakim, Guy Godin: Object Model Creation from Multiple Range Images: Acquisition, Calibration, Model Building and Verification. 3DIM 1997: 326-334
10EEEric Paquet, Marc Rioux: Nefertiti: A Query by Content Software for Three-Dimensional Models Databases Management. 3DIM 1997: 345-352
9EETakahiko Horiuchi, Marc Rioux, Ryoji Haruki, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Hiromitsu Yamada, Kazuo Toraichi: Three-dimensional approach to thresholding seal impressions. Pattern Recognition 29(5): 719-724 (1996)
8EEMarc Soucy, Guy Godin, Marc Rioux: A texture-mapping approach for the compression of colored 3D triangulations. The Visual Computer 12(10): 503-514 (1996)
7 Réjean Baribeau, Marc Rioux, Guy Godin: Three-Dimensional Object Modeling - Towards Improving Access to Collections by Virtualizing Reality. ICHIM, Multimedia Computing and Museums 1995: 170-176
6EEMasanobu Yamamoto, Pierre Boulanger, J.-Angelo Beraldin, Marc Rioux: Direct Estimation of Range Flow on Deformable Shape From a Video Rate Range Camera. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(1): 82-89 (1993)
5EERéjean Baribeau, Marc Rioux, Guy Godin: Color Reflectance Modeling Using a Polychromatic Laser Range Sensor. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(2): 263-269 (1992)
4 Réjean Baribeau, J. M. Taylor, Marc Rioux, Guy Godin: Color and Range Sensing for Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums. ICHIM 1991: 265-275
3 Monique Nahas, Hervé Huitric, Marc Rioux, Jacques Domey: Facial image synthesis using skin texture recording. The Visual Computer 6(6): 337-343 (1990)
2EEPierre Boulanger, André Gagalowicz, Marc Rioux: Integration of synthetic surface relief in range images. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 47(3): 361-372 (1989)
1EEAndrew K. C. Wong, Si W. Lu, Marc Rioux: Recognition and Shape Synthesis of 3-D Objects Based on Attributed Hypergraphs. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(3): 279-290 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Zouhour Ben Azouz [24] [26]
2Réjean Baribeau [4] [5] [7] [20] [21]
3J.-Angelo Beraldin [6] [11] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
4F. Bernier [18]
5François Blais [11] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
6Pierre Boulanger [2] [6] [19] [20]
7F. Comper [22]
8Luc Cournoyer [11] [18] [20] [21]
9Jacques Domey [3] [20] [21] [22]
10Sabry F. El-Hakim [11] [18] [20]
11André Gagalowicz [2]
12Guy Godin [4] [5] [7] [8] [11] [19] [20] [21] [23] [25] [28]
13Lorenzo Gonzo [22]
14Massimo Gottardi [22]
15Michael A. Greenspan [19]
16N. Harrison [18]
17Ryoji Haruki [9]
18Patrick Hébert [12]
19Takahiko Horiuchi [9]
20Hervé Huitric [3]
21Richard Lepage [24] [26]
22Si W. Lu [1]
23Monique Nahas [3]
24Fabrizio De Nisi [22]
25Eric Paquet [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [27]
26Michel Picard [20]
27R. Rodella [18]
28Megumi Shinozaki [25] [28]
29Chang Shu [24] [26]
30Andrea Simoni [22]
31Marc Soucy [8]
32David Stoppa [22]
33J. M. Taylor [4]
34John Taylor [20] [21]
35Kazuo Toraichi [9]
36Kazunori Umeda [23] [25] [28]
37Andrew K. C. Wong [1]
38Hiromitsu Yamada [9]
39Kazuhiko Yamamoto [9]
40Masanobu Yamamoto [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)