
Alfredo Gardel

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6EEIgnacio Bravo, Manuel Mazo, José Luis Lázaro, Pedro Jiménez, Alfredo Gardel, Marta Marrón: Novel HW Architecture Based on FPGAs Oriented to Solve the Eigen Problem. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(12): 1722-1725 (2008)
5EEIgnacio Bravo, Pedro Jiménez, Manuel Mazo, José Luis Lázaro, Alfredo Gardel: Implementation in Fpgas of Jacobi Method to Solve the Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problem. FPL 2006: 1-4
4EEJosé Luis Lázaro, Juan Carlos García, Manuel Mazo, Alfredo Gardel, Pedro Martín, Ignacio Fernández, Marta Marrón: Distributed architecture for control and path planning of autonomous vehicles. Microprocessors and Microsystems 25(3): 159-166 (2001)
3EELuis Miguel Bergasa, Manuel Mazo, Alfredo Gardel, Rafael Barea, Luciano Boquete: Commands Generation by Face Movements Applied to the Guidance of a Wheelchair for Handicapped People. ICPR 2000: 4660-4663
2EELuis Miguel Bergasa, Manuel Mazo, Alfredo Gardel, Miguel Ángel Sotelo, Luciano Boquete: Unsupervised and adaptive Gaussian skin-color model. Image Vision Comput. 18(12): 987-1003 (2000)
1 Luis Miguel Bergasa, Alfredo Gardel, Manuel Mazo, Miguel Ángel Sotelo: Face Tracking using an Adaptive Skin Color Model. IIA/SOCO 1999

Coauthor Index

1Rafael Barea [3]
2Luis Miguel Bergasa [1] [2] [3]
3Luciano Boquete [2] [3]
4Ignacio Bravo [5] [6]
5Ignacio Fernández [4]
6Juan Carlos García [4]
7Pedro Jiménez [5] [6]
8José Luis Lázaro [4] [5] [6]
9Marta Marrón [4] [6]
10Pedro Martín [4]
11Manuel Mazo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
12Miguel Ángel Sotelo (Miguel Ángel Sotelo Vázquez) [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)