
Nikolaos Gaitanis

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21EEAntonis M. Paschalis, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Nikolaos Gaitanis: Concurrent Delay Testing in Totally Self-Checking Systems. J. Electronic Testing 12(1-2): 55-61 (1998)
20EEAntonis M. Paschalis, Nikolaos Gaitanis, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Panagiotis Kostarakis: A Totally Self-Checking 1-out-of-3 Code Error Indicator. J. Electronic Testing 13(1): 61-66 (1998)
19EEAntonis M. Paschalis, Nikolaos Gaitanis, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Panagiotis Kostarakis: A totally self-checking 1-out-of-3 code error indicator. ED&TC 1997: 450-454
18EENikolaos Gaitanis, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Antonis M. Paschalis, Panagiotis Kostarakis: An asynchronous totally self-checking two-rail code error indicator. VTS 1996: 151-156
17EENikolaos Gaitanis, Panagiotis Kostarakis, Antonis M. Paschalis: Totally Self Checking reconfigurable duplication system with separate internal fault indication. Asian Test Symposium 1995: 316-321
16 Nikolaos Gaitanis: Totally Self-Checking Checkers with Separate Internal Fault Indication. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(10): 1206-1213 (1988)
15 Nikolaos Gaitanis: The Design of Totally Self-Checking TMR Fault-Tolerant Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(11): 1450-1454 (1988)
14 Nikolaos Gaitanis: The Design of TSC Error C/D Circuits for SEC/DED Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(3): 258-265 (1988)
13 Dimitris Nikolos, Nikolaos Gaitanis, George Philokyprou: Systematic t-Error Correcting/All Unidirectional Error Detecting Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(5): 394-402 (1986)
12 Nikolaos Gaitanis: Totally Self-Checking Checkers for Low-Cost Arithmetic Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(7): 596-601 (1985)
11 Nikolaos Gaitanis: A Totally Self-Chicking Error Indicator. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(8): 758-761 (1985)
10 Dimitris Nikolos, Nikolaos Gaitanis, George Philokyprou: Systematic t-error correcting all unidirectional error detecting codes. Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme 1984: 177-188
9 Nikolaos Gaitanis, Constantine Halatsis: A New Design Method for m-Out-of-n TSC Checkers. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(3): 273-283 (1983)
8 Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis, Maria Sigala: Error-Correcting Codes in Binary-Coded Radix-r Arithmetik. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(3): 326-328 (1983)
7 Nikolaos Gaitanis, Constantin Halatsis: Near-Perfect Codes for Binary-Coded Radix-r Arithmetic Units. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(5): 494-497 (1983)
6 Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis, Maria Sigala: Fast and Efficient Totally Self-Checking Checkers for m-out-of-(2m ±1) Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(5): 507-511 (1983)
5 Constantinos Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis: Positive Fail-Safe Realization of Synchronous Sequential Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(2): 167-172 (1979)
4 Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis: Irredundant Normal Forms and Minimal Dependece Sets of a Boolean Function. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(11): 1064-1068 (1978)
3 Nikolaos Gaitanis, Constantine Halatsis: A New Double-Rank Realization of Sequential Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(12): 1137-1143 (1978)
2 Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis: On the Minimization of the Control Store in Microprogrammed Computers. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(12): 1189-1192 (1978)
1 George Philokyprou, Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis: On the Problem of Finding d, t, r, and j Type Partition Pairs of a Sequential Machine. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(3): 294-297 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Dimitris Gizopoulos [18] [19] [20] [21]
2Constantin Halatsis (Constantine Halatsis, Constantinos Halatsis) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Panagiotis Kostarakis [17] [18] [19] [20]
4Dimitris Nikolos [10] [13]
5Antonis M. Paschalis [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
6George Philokyprou [1] [10] [13]
7Maria Sigala [6] [8]

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