
Igor Razgon

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24EEDániel Marx, Barry O'Sullivan, Igor Razgon: Treewidth reduction for constrained separation and bipartization problems CoRR abs/0902.3780: (2009)
23EEGregory Gutin, Igor Razgon, Eun Jung Kim: Minimum Leaf Out-Branching Problems. AAIM 2008: 235-246
22EEEmmanuel Hebrard, Barry O'Sullivan, Igor Razgon: A Soft Constraint of Equality: Complexity and Approximability. CP 2008: 358-371
21EEIgor Razgon, Barry O'Sullivan: Almost 2-SAT Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (Extended Abstract). ICALP (1) 2008: 551-562
20EEJianer Chen, Yang Liu, Songjian Lu, Barry O'Sullivan, Igor Razgon: A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback vertex set problem. STOC 2008: 177-186
19EEFedor V. Fomin, Serge Gaspers, Artem V. Pyatkin, Igor Razgon: On the Minimum Feedback Vertex Set Problem: Exact and Enumeration Algorithms. Algorithmica 52(2): 293-307 (2008)
18EEIgor Razgon, Barry O'Sullivan: Almost 2-SAT is Fixed-Parameter Tractable CoRR abs/0801.1300: (2008)
17EEGregory Gutin, Eun Jung Kim, Igor Razgon: Minimum Leaf Out-Branching Problems CoRR abs/0801.1979: (2008)
16EEJianer Chen, Yang Liu, Songjian Lu, Barry O'Sullivan, Igor Razgon: A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback vertex set problem. J. ACM 55(5): (2008)
15EEBenny Chor, Michael R. Fellows, Mark A. Ragan, Igor Razgon, Frances A. Rosamond, Sagi Snir: Connected Coloring Completion for General Graphs: Algorithms and Complexity. COCOON 2007: 75-85
14EEIgor Razgon, Barry O'Sullivan, Gregory M. Provan: Generalizing Global Constraints Based on Network Flows. CSCLP 2007: 127-141
13 Igor Razgon: Computing Minimum Directed Feedback Vertex Set in O(1.9977n). ICTCS 2007: 70-81
12EEIgor Razgon, Barry O'Sullivan: Directed Feedback Vertex Set is Fixed-Parameter Tractable. Structure Theory and FPT Algorithmics for Graphs, Digraphs and Hypergraphs 2007
11EEIgor Razgon, Barry O'Sullivan: Directed Feedback Vertex Set is Fixed-Parameter Tractable CoRR abs/0707.0282: (2007)
10EEIgor Razgon, Amnon Meisels: A CSP Search Algorithm with Responsibility Sets and Kernels. Constraints 12(2): 151-177 (2007)
9EEIgor Razgon: A 2O(k)poly(n) algorithm for the parameterized Convex Recoloring problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 104(2): 53-58 (2007)
8 Igor Razgon: A Faster Solving of the Maximum Independent Set Problem for Graphs with Maximal Degree 3. ACiD 2006: 131-142
7EEIgor Razgon, Barry O'Sullivan: Efficient Recognition of Acyclic Clustered Constraint Satisfaction Problems. CSCLP 2006: 154-168
6EEIgor Razgon: Exact Computation of Maximum Induced Forest. SWAT 2006: 160-171
5EEIgor Razgon, Amnon Meisels: A CSP Search Algorithm with Reduced Branching Factor. CSCLP 2005: 59-72
4EEIgor Razgon: Complexity Analysis of Heuristic CSP Search Algorithms. CSCLP 2005: 88-99
3EEIgor Razgon, Amnon Meisels: CSP Search with Responsibility Sets and Kernels. IJCAI 2005: 1533-1534
2EEIgor Razgon, Amnon Meisels: Pruning by Equally Constrained Variables. CSCLP 2004: 26-40
1EEIgor Razgon, Amnon Meisels: Maintaining Dominance Consistency. CP 2003: 945-949

Coauthor Index

1Jianer Chen [16] [20]
2Benny Chor [15]
3Michael R. Fellows (Mike Fellows) [15]
4Fedor V. Fomin [19]
5Serge Gaspers [19]
6Gregory Gutin [17] [23]
7Emmanuel Hebrard [22]
8Eun Jung Kim [17] [23]
9Yang Liu [16] [20]
10Songjian Lu [16] [20]
11Dániel Marx [24]
12Amnon Meisels [1] [2] [3] [5] [10]
13Barry O'Sullivan [7] [11] [12] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21] [22] [24]
14Gregory M. Provan [14]
15Artem V. Pyatkin [19]
16Mark A. Ragan [15]
17Frances A. Rosamond [15]
18Sagi Snir [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)