
Pinar Heggernes

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45EEYngve Villanger, Pinar Heggernes, Christophe Paul, Jan Arne Telle: Interval Completion Is Fixed Parameter Tractable. SIAM J. Comput. 38(5): 2007-2020 (2009)
44EEPinar Heggernes, Charis Papadopoulos: Single-edge monotonic sequences of graphs and linear-time algorithms for minimal completions and deletions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(1): 1-15 (2009)
43EEPinar Heggernes, Rodica Mihai: Mixed Search Number of Permutation Graphs. FAW 2008: 196-207
42EEHans L. Bodlaender, Pinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger: Faster Parameterized Algorithms for Minimum Fill-In. ISAAC 2008: 282-293
41EEPinar Heggernes, Dieter Kratsch, Daniel Meister: Bandwidth of Bipartite Permutation Graphs in Polynomial Time. LATIN 2008: 216-227
40EEHans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Pinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini, Charis Papadopoulos, Frances A. Rosamond: Clustering with Partial Information. MFCS 2008: 144-155
39EEPinar Heggernes, Daniel Meister, Andrzej Proskurowski: Minimum Distortion Embeddings into a Path of Bipartite Permutation and Threshold Graphs. SWAT 2008: 331-342
38EEPinar Heggernes, Daniel Meister, Charis Papadopoulos: Graphs of Linear Clique-Width at Most 3. TAMC 2008: 330-341
37EEPinar Heggernes, Daniel Lokshtanov, Rodica Mihai, Charis Papadopoulos: Cutwidth of Split Graphs, Threshold Graphs, and Proper Interval Graphs. WG 2008: 218-229
36EEPinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini, Charis Papadopoulos: Minimal comparability completions of arbitrary graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(5): 705-718 (2008)
35EEAnne Berry, Elias Dahlhaus, Pinar Heggernes, Geneviève Simonet: Sequential and parallel triangulating algorithms for Elimination Game and new insights on Minimum Degree. Theor. Comput. Sci. 409(3): 601-616 (2008)
34EEPinar Heggernes, Charis Papadopoulos: Single-Edge Monotonic Sequences of Graphs and Linear-Time Algorithms for Minimal Completions and Deletions. COCOON 2007: 406-416
33EEPinar Heggernes, Karol Suchan, Ioan Todinca, Yngve Villanger: Characterizing Minimal Interval Completions. STACS 2007: 236-247
32EEPinar Heggernes, Christophe Paul, Jan Arne Telle, Yngve Villanger: Interval completion with few edges. STOC 2007: 374-381
31EEFedor V. Fomin, Pinar Heggernes, Rodica Mihai: Mixed Search Number and Linear-Width of Interval and Split Graphs. WG 2007: 304-315
30EEFedor V. Fomin, Pinar Heggernes, Dieter Kratsch: Exact Algorithms for Graph Homomorphisms. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(2): 381-393 (2007)
29EEPinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini, Charis Papadopoulos: Making Arbitrary Graphs Transitively Orientable: Minimal Comparability Completions. ISAAC 2006: 419-428
28EEPinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini: Minimal Split Completions of Graphs. LATIN 2006: 592-604
27EEJohanne Cohen, Fedor V. Fomin, Pinar Heggernes, Dieter Kratsch, Gregory Kucherov: Optimal Linear Arrangement of Interval Graphs. MFCS 2006: 267-279
26EEPinar Heggernes, Daniel Lokshtanov: Optimal broadcast domination in polynomial time. Discrete Mathematics 306(24): 3267-3280 (2006)
25EEPinar Heggernes: Minimal triangulations of graphs: A survey. Discrete Mathematics 306(3): 297-317 (2006)
24EEAnne Berry, Pinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger: A vertex incremental approach for maintaining chordality. Discrete Mathematics 306(3): 318-336 (2006)
23EEFederico Mancini, Pinar Heggernes: A completely dynamic algorithm for split graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27: 69-70 (2006)
22EEAnne Berry, Jean Paul Bordat, Pinar Heggernes, Geneviève Simonet, Yngve Villanger: A wide-range algorithm for minimal triangulation from an arbitrary ordering. J. Algorithms 58(1): 33-66 (2006)
21EEPinar Heggernes, Karol Suchan, Ioan Todinca, Yngve Villanger: Minimal Interval Completions. ESA 2005: 403-414
20EEFedor V. Fomin, Pinar Heggernes, Dieter Kratsch: Exact Algorithms for Graph Homomorphisms. FCT 2005: 161-171
19EEPinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle, Yngve Villanger: Computing minimal triangulations in time O(nalpha log n) = o(n2.376). SODA 2005: 907-916
18EEPinar Heggernes, Daniel Lokshtanov: Optimal Broadcast Domination of Arbitrary Graphs in Polynomial Time. WG 2005: 187-198
17EEPinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle, Yngve Villanger: Computing Minimal Triangulations in Time O(nalpha log n) = o(n 2.376). SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(4): 900-913 (2005)
16EEPinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger: Simple and Efficient Modifications of Elimination Orderings. PARA 2004: 788-797
15EEMike Fellows, Pinar Heggernes, Frances A. Rosamond, Christian Sloper, Jan Arne Telle: Finding k Disjoint Triangles in an Arbitrary Graph. WG 2004: 235-244
14EEAnne Berry, Jean R. S. Blair, Pinar Heggernes, Barry W. Peyton: Maximum Cardinality Search for Computing Minimal Triangulations of Graphs. Algorithmica 39(4): 287-298 (2004)
13EEFedor V. Fomin, Pinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle: Graph Searching, Elimination Trees, and a Generalization of Bandwidth. Algorithmica 41(2): 73-87 (2004)
12EEFedor V. Fomin, Pinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle: Graph Searching, Elimination Trees, and a Generalization of Bandwidth. FCT 2003: 73-85
11EEAnne Berry, Pinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger: A Vertex Incremental Approach for Dynamically Maintaining Chordal Graphs. ISAAC 2003: 47-57
10EEAnne Berry, Pinar Heggernes, Geneviève Simonet: The Minimum Degree Heuristic and the Minimal Triangulation Process. WG 2003: 58-70
9 Jirí Fiala, Pinar Heggernes, Petter Kristiansen, Jan Arne Telle: Generalized H-coloring and H-covering of Trees. Nord. J. Comput. 10(3): 206-223 (2003)
8EEPinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger: Efficient Implementation of a Minimal Triangulation Algorithm. ESA 2002: 550-561
7EEAnne Berry, Jean R. S. Blair, Pinar Heggernes: Maximum Cardinality Search for Computing Minimal Triangulations. WG 2002: 1-12
6EEJirí Fiala, Pinar Heggernes, Petter Kristiansen, Jan Arne Telle: Generalized H-Coloring and H-Covering of Trees. WG 2002: 198-210
5EEJean R. S. Blair, Pinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle: A practical algorithm for making filled graphs minimal. Theor. Comput. Sci. 250(1-2): 125-141 (2001)
4EEAnne Berry, Jean Paul Bordat, Pinar Heggernes: Recognizing Weakly Triangulated Graphs by Edge Separability. SWAT 2000: 139-149
3 Anne Berry, Jean Paul Bordat, Pinar Heggernes: Recognizing Weakly Triangulated Graphs by Edge Separability. Nord. J. Comput. 7(3): 164-177 (2000)
2 Pinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle: Partitioning Graphs into Generalized Dominating Sets. Nord. J. Comput. 5(2): 128-142 (1998)
1 Jean R. S. Blair, Pinar Heggernes, Jan Arne Telle: Making an Arbitrary Filled Graph Minimal by Removing Fill Edges. SWAT 1996: 173-184

Coauthor Index

1Anne Berry [3] [4] [7] [10] [11] [14] [22] [24] [35]
2Jean R. S. Blair [1] [5] [7] [14]
3Hans L. Bodlaender [40] [42]
4Jean Paul Bordat [3] [4] [22]
5Johanne Cohen [27]
6Elias Dahlhaus [35]
7Michael R. Fellows (Mike Fellows) [15] [40]
8Jirí Fiala [6] [9]
9Fedor V. Fomin [12] [13] [20] [27] [30] [31]
10Dieter Kratsch [20] [27] [30] [41]
11Petter Kristiansen [6] [9]
12Gregory Kucherov [27]
13Daniel Lokshtanov [18] [26] [37]
14Federico Mancini [23] [28] [29] [36] [40]
15Daniel Meister [38] [39] [41]
16Rodica Mihai [31] [37] [43]
17Charis Papadopoulos [29] [34] [36] [37] [38] [40] [44]
18Christophe Paul [32] [45]
19Barry W. Peyton [14]
20Andrzej Proskurowski [39]
21Frances A. Rosamond [15] [40]
22Geneviève Simonet [10] [22] [35]
23Christian Sloper [15]
24Karol Suchan [21] [33]
25Jan Arne Telle [1] [2] [5] [6] [9] [12] [13] [15] [17] [19] [32] [45]
26Ioan Todinca [21] [33]
27Yngve Villanger [8] [11] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [24] [32] [33] [42] [45]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)