
Karl-Heinz Diener

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6EEAndré Schneider, Karl-Heinz Diener, Eero Ivask, Jaan Raik, Raimund Ubar, P. Miklos, T. Cibáková, Elena Gramatová: Internet-Based Collaborative Test Generation with MOSCITO. DATE 2002: 221-226
5EEAndré Schneider, Karl-Heinz Diener, Eero Ivask, Raimund Ubar, Elena Gramatová, Thomas Hollstein, Wieslaw Kuzmicz, Zebo Peng: Integrated Design and Test Generation Under Internet Based Environment MOSCITO. DSD 2002: 187-195
4EEKarl-Heinz Diener: On kappa-hereditary Sets and Consequences of the Axiom of Choice. Math. Log. Q. 46(4): 563-568 (2000)
3 Günter Elst, Karl-Heinz Diener: Entwurfsautomatisierung - F & E-Arbeiten der Dresdner Außenstelle des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Integrierte Schaltungen. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 12(4): 224-229 (1997)
2 Karl-Heinz Diener: A Remark an Ascending Chain Conditions, the CouDtable Axiom of Choice and the Principle of Dependent Choices. Math. Log. Q. 40: 415-421 (1994)
1 Karl-Heinz Diener: On the Predecessor Relation in Abstract Algebras. Math. Log. Q. 39: 492-514 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1T. Cibáková [6]
2Günter Elst [3]
3Elena Gramatová [5] [6]
4Thomas Hollstein [5]
5Eero Ivask [5] [6]
6Wieslaw Kuzmicz [5]
7P. Miklos [6]
8Zebo Peng [5]
9Jaan Raik [6]
10André Schneider [5] [6]
11Raimund Ubar [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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