Volume 39,
- Xiaoding Yi, Alistair H. Lachlan:
Jump Theorems for REA Operators.
1-6 BibTeX
- Arthur L. Rubin, Jean E. Rubin:
Weak Forms of the Axiom of Choke and the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.
7-22 BibTeX
- Hirokazu Nishimura:
On a Duality Between Boolean Valued Analysis and Topological Reduction Theory.
23-32 BibTeX
- Heinrich Rolletschek:
A Variant of the Notion of Semicreative Set.
33-46 BibTeX
- Michael Rathjen:
How to Develop Proof-Theoretic Ordinal Functions on the Basis of Admissible Ordinals.
47-54 BibTeX
- Douglas S. Bridges:
Sequential, Pointwise, and Uniform Continuity: A Constructive Note.
55-61 BibTeX
- Toshio Suzuki:
Witnessing Numbers of Shelah Cardinals.
62-66 BibTeX
- Jacob C. E. Dekker:
Isols and Maximal Intersecting Classes.
67-78 BibTeX
- Martin Dowd:
Remarks on Levy's Reflection Axiom.
79-95 BibTeX
- Helmut Wolter:
On Roots of Exponential Terms.
96-102 BibTeX
- Maciej Kandulski:
Normal Form of Derivations in the Nonassociative and Commutative Lambek Calculus with Product.
103-114 BibTeX
- Luc Lismont:
La connaissance commune en logique modale.
115-130 BibTeX
- Peter Schreiber:
A Note on Parallelism in Affine Geometry.
131-132 BibTeX
- Luiz Carlos Pereira, Edward Hermann Haeusler:
A Formalization of Sambin's Normalization for GL.
133-142 BibTeX
- Friedrich Otto, Daniel E. Cohen, Klaus Madlener:
Separating the Intrinsic Complexity and the Derivational complexity of the Word Problem for Finitely Presented Groups.
143-157 BibTeX
- J.-M. Brochet:
The Finite Cutset Property.
158-164 BibTeX
- Edwin D. Mares:
Classically Complete Modal Relevant Logics.
165-177 BibTeX
- Benedetto Intrigila:
The Basic Decision Problem in lambda-Calculus.
178-180 BibTeX
- Andrzej Orlicki:
Computable Limits and Colimits in Categories of Partial Enumerated Sets.
181-196 BibTeX
- Isidore Fleischer:
Completeness of the Infinitary Polyadic Axiomatization.
197-200 BibTeX
- Ugo Solitro, Silvio Valentini:
Local Computation in Linear Logic.
201-212 BibTeX
- Mark Mandelkern:
Open Subspaces of Locally Compact Metric Spaces.
213-216 BibTeX
- Noriya Kadota:
On Wainer's Notation for a Minimal Subrecursive Inaccessible Ordinal.
217-227 BibTeX
- Radosav S. Dordevic:
Analytic Completeness Theorem for Singular Biprobability Models.
228-230 BibTeX
- Claudio Cerrato:
Modal Sequents for Normal Modal Logics.
231-240 BibTeX
- Hirokazu Nishimura:
A Boolean Transfer Principle from L*-Algebras to AL*-Algebras.
241-250 BibTeX
- Martin Dowd:
Higher Type Categories.
251-254 BibTeX
- Nalinaxi H. Sankappanavar, Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar:
Quasi-Stone Algebras.
255-268 BibTeX
- Andreas Weiermann:
A Simplified Functorial Construction of the Veblen Hierarchy.
269-273 BibTeX
- Nando Prati:
A Partial Model of NF with ZF.
274-278 BibTeX
- George Rousseau:
The Theorem of the Means for Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers.
279-286 BibTeX
- Michal Krynicki:
Hierarchies of Partially Ordered Connectives and Quantifiers.
287-294 BibTeX
- Douglas S. Bridges:
Constructive Notions of Strict Convexity.
295-300 BibTeX
- Marcus Kracht:
Prefinitely Axiomatizable Modal and Intermediate Logics.
301-322 BibTeX
- John L. Bell:
Hilbert's epsilon-Operator in Intuitionistic Type Theories.
323-337 BibTeX
- Ruggero Ferro, Stefano Baratella:
A Theory of Sets with the Negation of the Axiom of Inflnity.
338-352 BibTeX
- Paul E. Howard:
Variations of Rado's Lemma.
353-356 BibTeX
- Bhavani M. Thuraisingham:
System Function Languages.
357-366 BibTeX
- Andreas Weiermann:
An Order-Theoretic Characterization of the Schütte-Veblen-Hierarchy.
367-383 BibTeX
- Martin K. Solomon:
Measure Independent Gödel Speed-Ups and the Relative Difculty of Recognizing Sets.
384-392 BibTeX
- Victor Pambuccian:
Ternary Operations as Primitive Notions for Constructive Plane Geometry III.
393-402 BibTeX
- Vladimir V. Rybakov:
Intermediate Logics Preserving Admissible Inference Rules of Heyting Calculus.
403-415 BibTeX
- Mark Mandelkern:
Finitary Sequence Spaces.
416-430 BibTeX
- Thomas G. McLaughlin:
A Note on Effective Ultrapowers: Uniform Failure of Bounded Collection.
431-435 BibTeX
- Daniel Dzierzgowski:
Typical Ambiguity and Elementary Equivalence.
436-446 BibTeX
- Jeffry L. Hirst:
Derived Sequences and Reverse Mathematics.
447-453 BibTeX
- Anasthasios Tzouvaras:
Non-Circular, Non-Well-Founded Set Universes.
454-460 BibTeX
- Carlos A. Di Prisco, Walter Alexandre Carnielli:
Some Results an Polarized Relations of Higher Dimension.
461-474 BibTeX
- Steffen Lempp, Rodney G. Downey, Richard A. Shore:
Highness and Bounding Minimal Pairs.
475-491 BibTeX
- Karl-Heinz Diener:
On the Predecessor Relation in Abstract Algebras.
492-514 BibTeX
- Frank Stephan, Carl G. Jockusch Jr.:
A Cohesive Set which is not High.
515-530 BibTeX
- Zoran Markovic:
On the Structure of Kripke Models of Heyting Arithmetic.
531-538 BibTeX
- Silvio Valentini:
A Proof of the Normal Form Theorem for the Closed Terms of Girard's System F by Means of Computability.
539-544 BibTeX
- Kyriakos Keremedis:
Partition Reals and the Consistency of t < add(R).
545-550 BibTeX
- Andrzej Orlicki:
omega-Operations over Partial Enumerated Sets.
551-558 BibTeX
- Helmut Wolter:
Consequences of Schanuel's Condition for Zeros of Exponential Terms.
559-565 BibTeX
- Roger D. Maddux:
Finitary Algebraic Logic II.
566-569 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:41 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)