
Debaleena Das

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8EEDebaleena Das, Nur A. Touba, Markus Seuring, Michael Gössel: Low Cost Concurrent Error Detection Based on Modulo Weight-Based Codes. IOLTW 2000: 171-
7 Debaleena Das, Nur A. Touba: Reducing test data volume using external/LBIST hybrid test patterns. ITC 2000: 115-122
6 Jayabrata Ghosh-Dastidar, Debaleena Das, Nur A. Touba: Fault diagnosis in scan-based BIST using both time and space information. ITC 1999: 95-102
5EEDebaleena Das, Nur A. Touba: A Low Cost Approach for Detecting, Locating, and Avoiding Interconnect Faults in FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Systems. VLSI Design 1999: 266-269
4EEDebaleena Das, Nur A. Touba: Weight-Based Codes and Their Application to Concurrent Error Detection of Multilevel Circuits. VTS 1999: 370-377
3EEDebaleena Das, Nur A. Touba: Synthesis of Circuits with Low-Cost Concurrent Error Detection Based on Bose-Lin Codes. J. Electronic Testing 15(1-2): 145-155 (1999)
2EEDebaleena Das, Nur A. Touba: Synthesis of Circuits with Low-Cost Concurrent Error Detection Based on Bose-Lin Codes. VTS 1998: 309-317
1EEDebaleena Das, Mark G. Karpovsky: Exhaustive and Near-Exhaustive Memory Testing Techniques and their BIST Implementations. J. Electronic Testing 10(3): 215-229 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jayabrata Ghosh-Dastidar [6]
2Michael Gössel [8]
3Mark G. Karpovsky [1]
4Markus Seuring [8]
5Nur A. Touba [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)