
Andreas Larsson

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6EEAndreas Larsson, Anders Gidenstam, Phuong Hoai Ha, Marina Papatriantafilou, Philippas Tsigas: Multiword atomic read/write registers on multiprocessor systems. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 13: (2008)
5EERomaric Redon, Andreas Larsson, Richard Leblond, Barthélémy Longueville: VIVACE Context Based Search Platform. CONTEXT 2007: 397-410
4EEJaap-Henk Hoepman, Andreas Larsson, Elad Michael Schiller, Philippas Tsigas: Secure and Self-stabilizing Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks. SSS 2007: 340-356
3EEAndreas Larsson, Anders Gidenstam, Phuong Hoai Ha, Marina Papatriantafilou, Philippas Tsigas: Multi-word Atomic Read/Write Registers on Multiprocessor Systems. ESA 2004: 736-748
2EEAndreas Larsson: Making sense of collaboration: the challenge of thinking together in global design teams. GROUP 2003: 153-160
1 Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori, Andreas Larsson: Study of the Impact of MPEG-1 Correlations on Video-Sources Statistical Multiplexing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(7): 1455-1471 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Marco Conti [1]
2Anders Gidenstam [3] [6]
3Enrico Gregori [1]
4Phuong Hoai Ha [3] [6]
5Jaap-Henk Hoepman [4]
6Richard Leblond [5]
7Barthélémy Longueville [5]
8Marina Papatriantafilou [3] [6]
9Romaric Redon [5]
10Elad Michael Schiller (Elad Schiller) [4]
11Philippas Tsigas [3] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)