
Philip Chong

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7EEPhilip Chong, Christian Szegedy: A morphing approach to address placement stability. ISPD 2007: 95-102
6EEDavid A. Papa, Igor L. Markov, Philip Chong: Utility of the OpenAccess database in academic research. ASP-DAC 2006: 440-441
5EEZhong Xiu, David A. Papa, Philip Chong, Christoph Albrecht, Andreas Kuehlmann, Rob A. Rutenbar, Igor L. Markov: Early research experience with OpenAccess gear: an open source development environment for physical design. ISPD 2005: 94-100
4EEAaron P. Hurst, Philip Chong, Andreas Kuehlmann: Physical placement driven by sequential timing analysis. ICCAD 2004: 379-386
3EEMukul R. Prasad, Philip Chong, Kurt Keutzer: Why is Combinational ATPG Efficiently Solvable for Practical VLSI Circuits? J. Electronic Testing 17(6): 509-527 (2001)
2EEMukul R. Prasad, Philip Chong, Kurt Keutzer: Why is ATPG Easy? DAC 1999: 22-28
1EETimothy J. Callahan, Philip Chong, André DeHon, John Wawrzynek: Fast Module Mapping and Placement for Datapaths in FPGAs. FPGA 1998: 123-132

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Albrecht [5]
2Timothy J. Callahan [1]
3André DeHon [1]
4Aaron P. Hurst [4]
5Kurt Keutzer [2] [3]
6Andreas Kuehlmann [4] [5]
7Igor L. Markov [5] [6]
8David A. Papa [5] [6]
9Mukul R. Prasad [2] [3]
10Rob A. Rutenbar [5]
11Christian Szegedy [7]
12John Wawrzynek [1]
13Zhong Xiu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)