
Catherine Brooksbank

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5EECatherine Brooksbank, Graham Cameron, Janet M. Thornton: The European Bioinformatics Institute's data resources: towards systems biology. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 46-53 (2005)
4EEJanet M. Thornton, David Gilbert, Catherine Brooksbank: ISMB/ECCB 2004. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2004: 1-2
3EEJanet M. Thornton, David Gilbert, Catherine Brooksbank: ISMB/ECCB 2004 Organization. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2004: 3-5
2 Catherine Brooksbank, Evelyn Camon, Midori A. Harris, Michele Magrane, Maria Jesus Martin, Nicola J. Mulder, Claire O'Donovan, Helen E. Parkinson, Mary Ann Tuli, Rolf Apweiler, Ewan Birney, Alvis Brazma, Kim Henrick, Rodrigo Lopez, Guenter Stoesser, Peter Stoehr, Graham Cameron: The European Bioinformatics Institute's data resources. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 43-50 (2003)
1 Catherine A. Ball, Gavin Sherlock, Helen E. Parkinson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Catherine Brooksbank, Helen C. Causton, Duccio Cavalieri, Terry Gaasterland, Pascal Hingamp, Frank Holstege, Martin Ringwald, Paul T. Spellman, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr., Jason E. Stewart, Ronald Taylor, Alvis Brazma, John Quackenbush: An open letter to the scientific journals. Bioinformatics 18(11): 1409 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Rolf Apweiler [2]
2Catherine A. Ball [1]
3Ewan Birney [2]
4Alvis Brazma [1] [2]
5Graham Cameron [2] [5]
6Evelyn Camon [2]
7Helen C. Causton [1]
8Duccio Cavalieri [1]
9Terry Gaasterland [1]
10David Gilbert (David R. Gilbert) [3] [4]
11Midori A. Harris [2]
12Kim Henrick [2]
13Pascal Hingamp [1]
14Frank Holstege [1]
15Rodrigo Lopez [2]
16Michele Magrane [2]
17Maria Jesus Martin [2]
18Nicola J. Mulder [2]
19Claire O'Donovan [2]
20Helen E. Parkinson [1] [2]
21John Quackenbush [1]
22Martin Ringwald [1]
23Philippe Rocca-Serra [1]
24Gavin Sherlock [1]
25Paul T. Spellman [1]
26Jason E. Stewart [1]
27Christian J. Stoeckert Jr. [1]
28Peter Stoehr [2]
29Guenter Stoesser [2]
30Ronald Taylor [1]
31Janet M. Thornton [3] [4] [5]
32Mary Ann Tuli [2]

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