
Eberhard Schüler

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5EEFlorian Thoma, Matthias Kühnle, Philippe Bonnot, Elena Moscu Panainte, Koen Bertels, Sebastian Goller, Axel Schneider, Stéphane Guyetant, Eberhard Schüler, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser, Jürgen Becker: MORPHEUS: Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Computing. FPL 2007: 409-414
4EEMohsin A. Syed, Eberhard Schüler: Reconfigurable Parallel Computing Architecture for On-Board Data Processing. AHS 2006: 229-236
3 Mohsin A. Syed, T. Helfers, Eberhard Schüler: XPP - A High Performance Parallel Signal Processing Platform for Space Applications. PDPTA 2004: 36-42
2EEJürgen Helmschmidt, Eberhard Schüler, Prashant Rao, Sergio Rossi, Serge di Matteo, Rainer Bonitz: Reconfigurable Signal Processing in Wireless Terminals. DATE 2003: 20244-20249
1 Claus Ritter, Eberhard Schüler, Johannes Quast, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser: Acceleration of MPEG-4 video applications with the reconfigurable HW processor XPP. VCIP 2003: 1097-1108

Coauthor Index

1Jürgen Becker [5]
2Koen Bertels [5]
3Rainer Bonitz [2]
4Philippe Bonnot [5]
5Sebastian Goller [5]
6Stéphane Guyetant [5]
7T. Helfers [3]
8Jürgen Helmschmidt [2]
9Matthias Kühnle [5]
10Serge di Matteo [2]
11Klaus D. Müller-Glaser [1] [5]
12Elena Moscu Panainte [5]
13Johannes Quast [1]
14Prashant Rao [2]
15Claus Ritter [1]
16Sergio Rossi [2]
17Axel Schneider [5]
18Mohsin A. Syed [3] [4]
19Florian Thoma [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)