
Estela Bicho

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9EEHarold Bekkering, Estela Bicho, Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek, Wolfram Erlhagen: Joint action in man and autonomous systems. HRI 2008: 389-390
8EESergio Monteiro, Estela Bicho: Robot formations: Robots allocation and leader-follower pairs. ICRA 2008: 3769-3775
7EERui Soares, Estela Bicho, Toni Machado, Wolfram Erlhagen: Object transportation by multiple mobile robots controlled by attractor dynamics: theory and implementation. IROS 2007: 937-944
6EEWolfram Erlhagen, Albert Mukovskiy, Estela Bicho, Giorgio Panin, Csaba Kiss, Alois Knoll, Hein T. van Schie, Harold Bekkering: Goal-directed imitation for robots: A bio-inspired approach to action understanding and skill learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(5): 353-360 (2006)
5EEWolfram Erlhagen, Albert Mukovskiy, Estela Bicho, Giorgio Panin, Csaba Kiss, Alois Knoll, Hein T. van Schie, Harold Bekkering: Action Understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task. ICANN (1) 2005: 261-268
4EESergio Monteiro, Miguel Vaz, Estela Bicho: Attractor Dynamics Generates Robot Formation: from Theory to Implementation. ICRA 2004: 2582-2586
3 Sergio Monteiro, Estela Bicho: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Behavior-Based Formation Control. ICRA 2002: 2606-2611
2EEEstela Bicho, Pierre Mallet, Gregor Schöner: Target Representation on an Autonomous Vehicle with Low-Level Sensors. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(5): 424-447 (2000)
1EEEstela Bicho, Gregor Schöner: The dynamic approach to autonomous robotics demonstrated on a low-level vehicle platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 21(1): 23-35 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Harold Bekkering [5] [6] [9]
2Wolfram Erlhagen [5] [6] [7] [9]
3Csaba Kiss [5] [6]
4Alois Knoll [5] [6]
5Toni Machado [7]
6Pierre Mallet [2]
7Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek [9]
8Sergio Monteiro [3] [4] [8]
9Albert Mukovskiy [5] [6]
10Giorgio Panin [5] [6]
11Hein T. van Schie [5] [6]
12Gregor Schöner [1] [2]
13Rui Soares [7]
14Miguel Vaz [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)