2008 |
146 | EE | Amir Masoud Rabiei,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
ISI-Free Cochannel Interference Whitening for Bandlimited Fading Channels.
GLOBECOM 2008: 3319-3324 |
145 | EE | Iraj Hosseini,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimal Error Rate Performance of Binary TH-UWB Receivers in Multiuser Interference.
GLOBECOM 2008: 3941-3946 |
144 | EE | Reza Nikjah,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On Optimal Power Allocation for Source-Orthogonal Relay-Nonorthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Relaying.
GLOBECOM 2008: 4100-4105 |
143 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Ergodic Capacity of Multi-Hop Wireless Relaying Systems in Rayleigh Fading.
GLOBECOM 2008: 4477-4482 |
142 | EE | Reza Nikjah,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel Rateless Coded Selection Cooperation in Dual-Hop Relaying Systems.
GLOBECOM 2008: 4625-4630 |
141 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel Space-Time Coded MIMO Receivers in the Presence of Channel Estimation Errors.
ICC 2008: 1254-1258 |
140 | EE | Young Gil Kim,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Lossless Selection Combining without Channel State Information.
ICC 2008: 1328-1332 |
139 | EE | Young Gil Kim,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Comparison of Erasure Tests with Diversity Reception for Noncoherent M-ary FSK Signaling.
ICC 2008: 1339-1344 |
138 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Further Results on Prony Approximation for Evaluation of the Average Probability of Error.
ICC 2008: 1349-1354 |
137 | EE | Payam Dehghani Rahimzadeh,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel Simpler Expressions for the BER of MRC BPSK in Correlated Rayleigh Fading and CCI.
ICC 2008: 1370-1376 |
136 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Hypergeometric View on Diversity Combining.
ICC 2008: 1382-1387 |
135 | EE | Robert Carruthers,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Quadrature Markov Chain Model of the Rayleigh Fading Channel.
ICC 2008: 1404-1409 |
134 | EE | Reza Nikjah,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Achievable Rates and Fairness in Rateless Coded Decode-and-Forward Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex Opportunistic Relaying.
ICC 2008: 3701-3707 |
133 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Wireless Relaying Systems In Rayleigh Fading.
ICC 2008: 3730-3735 |
132 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the Outage and Error Probability of Amplify-And-Forward Multi-Hop Diversity Transmission Systems.
ICC 2008: 3748-3754 |
131 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Yunfei Chen:
Sum-Of-Squares and Sum-Of-Amplitudes Receiver Antenna Selection for Alamouti MIMO in Correlated Fading.
ICC 2008: 3834-3838 |
130 | EE | S. Niranjayan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Myriad Filter Detector for UWB Multiuser Communication.
ICC 2008: 3918-3922 |
129 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
New Receiver Designs for Generalized UWB Transmitted Reference Systems.
ICC 2008: 3923-3927 |
128 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Systems with Fixed Gain Relays.
ICC 2008: 4300-4305 |
127 | EE | Shuo Liu,
Julian Cheng,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Asymptotic Error Rate Analysis of Multi-Branch EGC and SC on Equally Correlated Rician Channels.
ICC 2008: 4606-4610 |
126 | EE | Jeremiah Hu,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance Analysis of Distributed Spatial Diversity with Selection Combining.
ICC 2008: 4611-4615 |
125 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu:
Switching Rates of Selection Diversity and Switch-And-Stay Diversity.
ICC 2008: 4671-4677 |
124 | EE | Amir Masoud Rabiei,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Two Multiuser Combining Receiver Diversity Structures.
ICC 2008: 4683-4688 |
123 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the Benefits of Decorrelation in Dual-Branch Diversity.
ICC 2008: 4696-4702 |
122 | EE | Hua Shao,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
An Analytical Method for Calculating the Bit Error Rate Performance of Rake Reception in UWB Multipath Fading Channels.
ICC 2008: 4855-4860 |
121 | EE | S. Niranjayan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
The Optimal BER Linear Rake Receiver for Alpha-Stable Noise.
ICC 2008: 5013-5017 |
120 | EE | Iraj Hosseini,
Kaveh Mahdaviani,
Omid Taheri,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Noniterative Joint Channel Equalization and Decoding Based on State Extended Viterbi Algorithm.
ICC 2008: 5092-5097 |
119 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Decorrelation and Orthogonalization of Correlated Diversity Branches for HS/MRC Diversity.
VTC Spring 2008: 335-339 |
118 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the Benefit of Decorrelation in Dual-Branch Switch-and-Stay Combining in Rician Fading.
WCNC 2008: 70-75 |
117 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Hua Shao,
Jocelyn Fiorina:
P-order metric UWB receiver structures with superior performance.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(10): 1666-1676 (2008) |
116 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu:
Fast convenient numerical computation of lognormal characteristic functions.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(3): 331-333 (2008) |
115 | EE | Zheng Du,
Julian Cheng,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Asymptotic Error Rate Analysis of Dual-Branch Diversity over Correlated Rician Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(4): 527-530 (2008) |
114 | EE | Seung Joon Lee,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance Improvement of Non-Data-Aided Feedforward Symbol Timing Estimation Using the Better Than Raised-Cosine Pulse.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(4): 542-544 (2008) |
113 | EE | Peng Tan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Effect of Channel Estimation Error on Bit Error Probability in OFDM Systems over Rayleigh and Ricean Fading Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(4): 675-685 (2008) |
112 | EE | Young Gil Kim,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimum selection combining using the maximum energy criterion for M-ary NCFSK in Rician fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(9): 1404-1408 (2008) |
111 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu:
Switching rates of dual selection diversity and dual switch-and-stay diversity.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(9): 1409-1413 (2008) |
110 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of S + N Selection Diversity Receivers in Correlated Rician and Rayleigh Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(1): 146-154 (2008) |
109 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Improved receivers for generalized UWB transmitted reference systems.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(2): 500-504 (2008) |
108 | EE | Reza Nikjah,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On Antijamming in General CDMA Systems-Part II: Antijamming Performance of Coded Multicarrier Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(3): 888-897 (2008) |
107 | EE | Reza Nikjah,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On antijamming in general CDMA systems-part I: multiuser capacity analysis.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(5-1): 1646-1655 (2008) |
106 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the performance of amplify-and-forward cooperative systems with fixed gain relays.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(5-2): 1851-1856 (2008) |
105 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Bo Hu:
On Determining a Best Pulse Shape for Multiple Access Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(9): 3589-3596 (2008) |
104 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Hsiao-Hwa Chen,
Hamid Sharif:
Security and Communication Networks 1(1): 1-3 (2008) |
103 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Hsiao-Hwa Chen,
Hamid Sharif:
Security and Communication Networks 1(2): 99-101 (2008) |
2007 |
102 | EE | Robert Carruthers,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On an Improved Markov Chain Model of the Rayleigh Fading Channel.
GLOBECOM 2007: 1529-1534 |
101 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel Solutions to Integrals of Products of Q-Functions with Wireless Applications.
GLOBECOM 2007: 1749-1753 |
100 | EE | Seung Joon Lee,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of the Raised-Cosine and "Better Than Raised-Cosine" Pulses in Non-Data-Aided Symbol Timing-Error Detection.
GLOBECOM 2007: 1765-1769 |
99 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Moment Based Interference Analysis of CM1, CM2, CM3 and CM4 UWB Systems.
GLOBECOM 2007: 3858-3862 |
98 | EE | Seung Joon Lee,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Novel Pulse That Jointly Optimizes Symbol Timing Estimation and Mean Squared Error in Data Recovery.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4035-4039 |
97 | EE | Hua Shao,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Analysis of a Novel P-Order Metric UWB Receiver Structure with Improved Performance in Multiple Access Interference.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4112-4117 |
96 | EE | Hua Shao,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Novel Zonal UWB Receiver Structure with Improved Performance in Multiple Access Interference.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4118-4123 |
95 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Bo Hu:
On Determining a Best Pulse Shape for Multiple Access Ultra-Wideband Wireless Systems.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4129-4134 |
94 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Selective Decode-and-Forward Relaying Scheme for Multi-Hop Diversity Transmission Systems.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4385-4390 |
93 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
BER of MFSK With Postdetection Switch-and-Stay Combining in Correlated Rayleigh and Rician Fading.
ICC 2007: 1089-1095 |
92 | EE | Somasundaram Niranjayan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Accurate Performance Analysis of TR UWB Systems With Arbitrary Front-end Filters.
ICC 2007: 4122-4127 |
91 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Somasundaram Niranjayan:
New UWB Receiver Designs Based on a Gaussian-Laplacian Noise-Plus-MAI Model.
ICC 2007: 4128-4133 |
90 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Xiaodi Zhang:
On the Maximum Useful Number of Receiver Antennas for MRC Diversity in Cochannel Interference and Noise.
ICC 2007: 5103-5108 |
89 | EE | Jeremiah Hu,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Closed-Form Expressions for the Outage and Error Probabilities of Decode-and-Forward Relaying in Dissimilar Rayleigh Fading Channels.
ICC 2007: 5553-5557 |
88 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Binary Repetition Codes and SPC Product Codes for Coded and Cooperative Diversity Systems.
ICC 2007: 5903-5909 |
87 | EE | David J. Young,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Simple Power Margin Quality Measure for Correlated Random Variates Derived from the Normal Distribution.
ICC 2007: 6199-6204 |
86 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Closed-Form BER Expressions for BPSK Using MRC with Multiple Interferers in Arbitrarily Correlated Rayleigh Fading.
ICC 2007: 6295-6298 |
85 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Peng Tan:
On the Use of Correlative Coding for OFDM.
ICC 2007: 756-761 |
84 | EE | Amir Masoud Rabiei,
Norman C. Beaulieu,
K. Sivanesan:
Cochannel Interference Whitening Receiver Designs for BPSK in Nakagami-m/Rayleigh Fading.
ICC 2007: 803-808 |
83 | EE | Seung Joon Lee,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Comparison of Non-Data-Aided Feedforward Symbol Timing Estimation with "Better Than" Raised Cosine and Raised Cosine Pulse Shapings.
VTC Fall 2007: 1386-1389 |
82 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
M-ary NCFSK with S + N Selection Diversity in Correlated Rayleigh Fading.
VTC Spring 2007: 1485-1490 |
81 | EE | Amir Masoud Rabiei,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
An Analytical Expression for the BER of an Individually Optimal Single Cochannel Interferer BPSK Receiver.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(1): 60-63 (2007) |
80 | EE | K. Sivanesan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Precise Outage Analysis of Selection Diversity and Switched Diversity in Bandlimited Microcellular Systems With Cochannel Interference.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(10): 2002-2011 (2007) |
79 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Closed-Form BER Expression for BPSK Using MRC in Correlated CCI and Rayleigh Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(12): 2249-2252 (2007) |
78 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Explicit Analytical Expressions for Outage and Error Rate of Diversity Cellular Systems in the Presence of Multiple Interferers and Correlated Rayleigh Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(12): 2303-2315 (2007) |
77 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Error Rate of Quadrature Subbranch Hybrid Selection/ Maximal-Ratio Combining in Rayleigh Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(2): 247-250 (2007) |
76 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of Two Dual-Branch Postdetection Switch-and-Stay Combining Schemes in Correlated Rayleigh and Rician Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(5): 1007-1019 (2007) |
75 | EE | K. Sivanesan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Precise Outage Analysis of Selection Diversity and Switched Diversity in Bandlimited Micro-Cellular Systems With Cochannel Interference.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(6): 1267-1267 (2007) |
74 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimum Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(8): 1536-1546 (2007) |
73 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Xiaodi Zhang:
On the Maximum Number of Receiver Diversity Antennas That Can Be Usefully Deployed in a Cochannel Interference Dominated Environment.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(7-1): 3349-3359 (2007) |
72 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Peng Tan:
On the effects of receiver windowing on OFDM performance in the presence of carrier frequency offset.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(1): 202-209 (2007) |
71 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Maximum likelihood estimation of SNR using digitally modulated signals.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(1): 210-219 (2007) |
70 | EE | Amir Masoud Rabiei,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Exact error probability of a bandlimited single-interferer maximum-likelihood BPSK receiver in AWGN.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(1): 30-34 (2007) |
69 | EE | Peng Tan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Precise BER Analysis of pi/4-DQPSK OFDM with Carrier Frequency Offset over Frequency Selective Fast Fading Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(10): 3770-3780 (2007) |
68 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
SNR Estimation Methods for UWB Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(10): 3836-3845 (2007) |
67 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Estimation of Ricean K parameter and local average SNR from noisy correlated channel samples.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(2): 640-648 (2007) |
66 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Yunfei Chen:
A MAP Estimator for the m Parameter in Nakagami Fading Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Indoor Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(3): 840-844 (2007) |
65 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Predetection Switched Combining in Correlated Rician Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(8): 2788-2792 (2007) |
2006 |
64 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance Analysis of Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems Over Generalized Ricean Fading Channels.
CCECE 2006: 1634-1639 |
63 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Outage Probability of MRC in CCI-Limited Correlated Rayleigh Fading.
CCECE 2006: 267-271 |
62 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Family of Low Complexity Adaptive Binary Linear Block Codes.
61 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Simple Integral Form of Lognormal Characteristic Functions Convenient for Numerical Computation.
60 | EE | Reza Nikjah,
Norman C. Beaulieu,
Masoud Ardakani:
On Relaying in Cooperative Static Channels.
59 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Xiaodi Zhang:
On Selecting the Number of Receiver Diversity Antennas in Ricean Fading Cochannel Interference.
58 | EE | S. Niranjayan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the Integrated Cross-Noise Component in Correlation Receivers.
57 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Outage and Error Rate of Cellular Systems Using MRC in the Presence of Multiple Interferers and Correlated Rayleigh Fading.
56 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
SNR Estimators for UWB BPSK Systems.
55 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
The Effects of Mobility on the Bit Error Rate Performance of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
54 | EE | Golnaz Farhadi,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Connectivity and Bit Error Rate Analysis of Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
53 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimization of Predetection Switched Combining in Correlated Rician Fading.
VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
52 | EE | Wenyu Li,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Effects of channel-estimation errors on receiver selection-combining schemes for Alamouti MIMO systems with BPSK.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(1): 169-178 (2006) |
51 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Approximate SER of H-S/MRC in Nakagami fading with arbitrary branch power correlation.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(1): 56-60 (2006) |
50 | EE | Bo Hu,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of an Ultra-Wideband Communication System in the Presence of Narrowband BPSK- and QPSK-Modulated OFDM Interference.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(10): 1720-1724 (2006) |
49 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
K. Sivanesan:
BER Performance of Bandlimited DS-CDMA Systems in Nakagami Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(11): 2075-2084 (2006) |
48 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance Analysis of Generalized Selection Combining in Generalized Correlated Nakagami-m Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(11): 2103-2112 (2006) |
47 | EE | Peng Tan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A Comparison of DCT-Based OFDM and DFT-Based OFDM in Frequency Offset and Fading Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(11): 2113-2125 (2006) |
46 | EE | Zheng Du,
Julian Cheng,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Accurate error-rate performance analysis of OFDM on frequency-selective Nakagami-m fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(2): 319-328 (2006) |
45 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
M-ary NCFSK with S+N selection combining in Rician fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(3): 491-498 (2006) |
44 | EE | Seung Joon Lee,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Precise analysis of bit-error probability for asynchronous multicode DS-CDMA systems.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(4): 637-647 (2006) |
43 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu:
A useful integral for wireless communication theory and its application to rectangular signaling constellation error rates.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(5): 802-805 (2006) |
42 | EE | Zheng Du,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Decision-feedback detection for block differential space-time modulation.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(5): 900-910 (2006) |
41 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Revised Analyses of Postdetection Switch-and-Stay Diversity in Rician Fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(7): 1175-1178 (2006) |
40 | EE | Mohamed Oussama Damen,
Hesham El Gamal,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
A New Representation of TAST Codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(9): 4248-4251 (2006) |
39 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
SER of M-ary NCFSK with S + N Selection Combining in Nakagami Fading for Integer m.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(11): 3050-3055 (2006) |
38 | EE | Chengshan Xiao,
Yahong Rosa Zheng,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel Sum-of-Sinusoids Simulation Models for Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(12): 3667-3679 (2006) |
37 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Bo Hu:
A pulse design paradigm for ultra-wideband communication systems.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(6): 1274-1278 (2006) |
36 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
SER of selection diversity MFSK with channel estimation errors.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(7): 1920-1929 (2006) |
35 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Novel diversity receivers in the presence of Gaussian channel estimation errors.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(8): 2022-2025 (2006) |
2005 |
34 | EE | Kareem E. Baddour,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Corrections to "Accurate Simulation of Multiple Cross-Correlated Rician Fading Channels".
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(4): 745-745 (2005) |
33 | EE | Bo Hu,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Accurate performance evaluation of time-hopping and direct-sequence UWB systems in multi-user interference.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(6): 1053-1062 (2005) |
32 | EE | Pavel Loskot,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Sample rejection for efficient simulation of binary coding schemes over quantized additive white Gaussian noise channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(7): 1145-1154 (2005) |
31 | EE | Yunfei Chen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Estimators Using Noisy Channel Samples for Fading Distribution Parameters.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(8): 1274-1277 (2005) |
30 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
SER of threshold-based hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining in correlated Nakagami fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(9): 1423-1426 (2005) |
29 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Revised analyses of postdetection switched combining in Nakagami-m fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(9): 1587-1594 (2005) |
28 | EE | Lingzhi Cao,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Closed-form BER results for MRC diversity with channel estimation errors in Ricean fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(4): 1440-1447 (2005) |
27 | EE | Kareem E. Baddour,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Autoregressive modeling for fading channel simulation.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(4): 1650-1662 (2005) |
26 | EE | Julian Cheng,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Error rate of asynchronous DS-CDMA in Nakagami fading.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(6): 2674-2676 (2005) |
25 | EE | Kareem E. Baddour,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Robust Doppler spread estimation in nonisotropic fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(6): 2677-2682 (2005) |
2004 |
24 | | Jeremiah Hu,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Accurate closed-form approximations to the distributions and densities of ricean sum random variables.
Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 15-18 |
23 | EE | Lingzhi Cao,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Closed-form results for the BER of maximal ratio combining with channel estimation errors in Ricean fading channels.
ISCC 2004: 645-650 |
22 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Julian Cheng:
Precise error-rate analysis of bandwidth-efficient BPSK in Nakagami fading and cochannel interference.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(1): 149-158 (2004) |
21 | EE | Bo Hu,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Accurate evaluation of multiple-access performance in TH-PPM and TH-BPSK UWB systems.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(10): 1758-1766 (2004) |
20 | EE | Kareem E. Baddour,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Accurate Simulation of multiple cross-correlated Rician fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(11): 1980-1987 (2004) |
19 | EE | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Mohamed Oussama Damen:
Parametric construction of Nyquist-I pulses.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(12): 2134-2142 (2004) |
18 | EE | Xiaodi Zhang,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
SER and outage of threshold-based hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining over generalized fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(12): 2143-2153 (2004) |
17 | EE | Christopher C. Tan,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Transmission properties of conjugate-root pulses.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(4): 553-558 (2004) |
16 | EE | Sasan Haghani,
Norman C. Beaulieu,
Moe Z. Win:
Penalty of hybrid diversity for two-dimensional signaling in Rayleigh fading.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(5): 694-697 (2004) |
15 | EE | Lingzhi Cao,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Exact error-rate analysis of diversity 16-QAM with channel estimation error.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(6): 1019-1029 (2004) |
14 | EE | Tim V. Poon,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Error performance analysis of a jointly optimal single-cochannel-interferer BPSK receiver.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(7): 1051-1054 (2004) |
13 | EE | Julian Cheng,
Chintha Tellambura,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Performance of digital linear modulations on Weibull slow-fading channels.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(8): 1265-1268 (2004) |
2003 |
12 | | David J. Young,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Power margin quality measures for correlated random variates derived from the normaldistribution.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(1): 241-252 (2003) |
11 | | Mohamed Oussama Damen,
Hesham El Gamal,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Linear threaded algebraic space-time constellations.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(10): 2372-2388 (2003) |
10 | | Mohamed Oussama Damen,
Hesham El Gamal,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Systematic construction of full diversity algebraic constellations.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(12): 3344-3349 (2003) |
9 | | Mohamed Oussama Damen,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On two high-rate algebraic space-time codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(4): 1059-1063 (2003) |
8 | | Mohamed Oussama Damen,
Norman C. Beaulieu,
Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Bandwidth-efficient linear Modulations for multiple-antenna transmission.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(9): 2292-2298 (2003) |
2000 |
7 | | Norman C. Beaulieu:
Bounds on variances of recovery times of decision feedback equalizers.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(6): 2249-2256 (2000) |
1997 |
6 | | W. W. Choy,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Improved bounds for error recovery times of decision feedback equalization.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(3): 890-902 (1997) |
1995 |
5 | | Norman C. Beaulieu,
W. W. Choy:
The autocorrelation of error propagation in a one-tap decision-feedback equalizer.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(3): 847-848 (1995) |
1993 |
4 | | Shirish A. Altekar,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
Upper bounds to the error probability of decision feedback equalization.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(1): 145-156 (1993) |
1991 |
3 | | Shirish A. Altekar,
Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the tightness of two error bounds for decision feedback equalizers.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(3): 638- (1991) |
1990 |
2 | | Norman C. Beaulieu,
Wendy L. Hopkins,
Peter J. McLane:
Interception of Frequency-Hopped Spread-Spectrum Signals.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(5): 853-870 (1990) |
1986 |
1 | | Norman C. Beaulieu,
C. Leung:
The Optimal Hard-Limiting Detector for Data Signals in Different Noise Environments.
ICC 1986: 1033-1037 |