
Chintha Tellambura

Chinthananda Tellambura

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70EEAlireza Ghaderipoor, Chintha Tellambura, Moslem Noori: On the Eigenvalue Distribution of Correlated MIMO Channels by Character Expansion of Groups. GLOBECOM 2008: 1068-1072
69EEKhoa T. Phan, Tho Le-Ngoc, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Chintha Tellambura: Power Allocation in Wireless Relay Networks: A Geometric Programming-Based Approach. GLOBECOM 2008: 3237-3241
68EEWei Zhang, Zhongshan Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: Optimal Pilots for Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation in OFDMA Uplink. GLOBECOM 2008: 3407-3411
67EEZhongshan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: Cooperative OFDM Channel Estimation with Frequency Offsets. GLOBECOM 2008: 3665-3669
66EEFeifei Gao, Arumugam Nallanathan, Chintha Tellambura: Reduced Complexity ML Detection for Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation with Carrier Frequency Offset. GLOBECOM 2008: 4222-4227
65EEZhongshan Zhang, Chintha Tellambura, Robert Schober: Improved OFDMA Uplink Transmission via Cooperation in the Presence of Frequency Offsets. GLOBECOM 2008: 4239-4243
64EETao Cui, Feifei Gao, Chintha Tellambura: Physical Layer Differential Network Coding for Two-Way Relay Channels. GLOBECOM 2008: 4614-4618
63EEAlireza Ghaderipoor, Chintha Tellambura: On the Eigenvalue Distribution of Ricean MIMO Channels by Character Expansion of Groups. ICC 2008: 1287-1291
62EEZhongshan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: Improved OFDMA uplink Frequency offset Estimation via Cooperative Relaying: AF or DcF? ICC 2008: 3313-3317
61EETyler Nechiporenko, Khoa T. Phan, Chintha Tellambura, Ha H. Nguyen: Performance Analysis of Adaptive M-QAM for Rayleigh Fading Cooperative Systems. ICC 2008: 3393-3399
60EEMahdi Hajiaghayi, Chintha Tellambura: Antenna Selection for Unitary Space-Time Modulation over Correlated Rayleigh Channels. ICC 2008: 3824-3828
59EEFeifei Gao, Tao Cui, Arumugam Nallanathan, Chinthananda Tellambura: Maximum likelihood detection for differential unitary space-time modulation with carrier frequency offset. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(11): 1881-1891 (2008)
58EEK. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, Nandana Rajatheva, Chinthananda Tellambura: On the trivariate rician distribution. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(12): 1993-1997 (2008)
57EEDung Ngoc Dao, Chintha Tellambura: Quasi-orthogonal STBC with minimum decoding complexity: performance analysis, optimal signal transformations, and antenna selection diversity. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(6): 849-853 (2008)
56EEChintha Tellambura: Bounds on the Distribution of a Sum of Correlated Lognormal Random Variables and Their Application. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(8): 1241-1248 (2008)
55EEFeifei Gao, Tao Cui, Arumugam Nallanathan, Chintha Tellambura: Maximum likelihood based estimation of frequency and phase offset in DCT OFDM systems under non-circular transmissions: algorithms, analysis and comparisons. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(9): 1425-1429 (2008)
54EEDung Ngoc Dao, Chau Yuen, Chintha Tellambura, Yong Liang Guan, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung: Four-Group Decodable Space-Time Block Codes. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(1): 424-430 (2008)
53EEDung Ngoc Dao, Chintha Tellambura: Decoding, Performance Analysis, and Optimal Signal Designs for Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(1): 54-59 (2008)
52EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: Generalized feedback detection for spatial multiplexing multi-antenna systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(2): 594-603 (2008)
51EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: On Multiple Symbol Detection for Diagonal DUSTM Over Ricean Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(4): 1146-1151 (2008)
50EEZhongshan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation in the Presence of Frequency Offsets. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(6): 2329-2339 (2008)
49EETao Cui, Feifei Gao, Arumugam Nallanathan, Chintha Tellambura: Maximum Likelihood Detection and Optimal Code Design for Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation with Carrier Frequency Offset. GLOBECOM 2007: 2811-2815
48EEZhongshan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation in Presence of Carrier Frequency Offsets. GLOBECOM 2007: 3280-3284
47EEAlireza Ghaderipoor, Mahdi Hajiaghayi, Chintha Tellambura: On the Design of 2x2 Full-Rate Full-Diversity Space-Time Block Codes. GLOBECOM 2007: 3406-3410
46EEWei Zhang, Chintha Tellambura, Xinwei Deng: Performance Analysis of Transmit and Receive Antenna Selection with Space-Time Coding. GLOBECOM 2007: 3519-3523
45EEK. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, R. M. A. P. Rajatheva, Chinthananda Tellambura: Infinite Series Representations of the Trivariate and Quadrivariate Nakagami-m distributions. ICC 2007: 1114-1118
44EEAlireza Ghaderipoor, Chintha Tellambura: Optimal Precoder for Rate 1 Space-Time Block Codes. ICC 2007: 4168-4172
43EEYu Fu, Witold A. Krzymien, Chintha Tellambura: Precoding for Multiuser Orthogonal Space-Time Block-Coded OFDM: Mean or Covariance Feedback? ICC 2007: 4269-4274
42EETao Cui, Tracey Ho, Chintha Tellambura: Statistical Pruning for Near Maximum Likelihood Detection of MIMO Systems. ICC 2007: 5462-5467
41EEZhongshan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: BER of MIMO-OFDM Systems with Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation Errors. ICC 2007: 5473-5477
40EETao Cui, Feifei Gao, Arumugam Nallanathan, Chintha Tellambura: ML CFO and PO Estimation in DCT OFDM Systems under Non-Circular Transmissions. ICC 2007: 6275-6280
39EEZhongshan Zhang, Chintha Tellambura: The Effect of Imperfect Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation on OFDMA Uplink Transmission. ICC 2007: 6281-6286
38EEK. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, R. M. A. P. Rajatheva, Chintha Tellambura: On the Trivariate Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution. VTC Spring 2007: 1856-1860
37EEDung Ngoc Dao, Chau Yuen, Chintha Tellambura, Yong Liang Guan, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung: Four-Group Decodable Space-Time Block Codes CoRR abs/0707.3959: (2007)
36EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: Semiblind Channel Estimation and Data Detection for OFDM Systems With Optimal Pilot Design. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(5): 1053-1062 (2007)
35EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: Blind Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Over Doubly Selective Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(5): 906-917 (2007)
34EEYu Fu, Witold A. Krzymien, Chintha Tellambura: A Technique for Multiuser and Intercarrier Interference Reduction in Multiple-Antenna Multiuser OFDM Downlink. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(10): 3493-3497 (2007)
33EEK. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, R. M. A. P. Rajatheva, Chintha Tellambura: Infinite series representations of the trivariate and quadrivariate nakagami-m distributions. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(12): 4320-4328 (2007)
32EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: Joint Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems Using Pilot Symbols and Virtual Carriers. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(4): 1193-1202 (2007)
31EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: Efficient Blind Receiver Design for Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(5): 1890-1899 (2007)
30EEYu Fu, Chintha Tellambura, Witold A. Krzymien: Adaptive Precoding for Switching between Spatial Multiplexing and Diversity in MIMO OFDM with Transmit Antenna and Path Correlations. GLOBECOM 2006
29EELuqing Wang, Chintha Tellambura: An Adaptive-Scaling Tone Reservation Algorithm for PAR Reduction in OFDM Systems. GLOBECOM 2006
28EEZhongshan Zhang, Hidetoshi Kayama, Chintha Tellambura: Joint Frame Synchronization and Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Multicarrier Systems. GLOBECOM 2006
27EEYu Fu, Witold A. Krzymien, Chintha Tellambura: Non-Linear Precoding for OFDM Systems in Spatially-Correlated Frequency-Selective Fading MIMO Channels. GLOBECOM 2006
26EEDung Ngoc Dao, Chintha Tellambura: On Decoding, Mutual Information, and Antenna Selection Diversity for Quasi-Orthogonal STBC with Minimum Decoding Complexity. GLOBECOM 2006
25EEDung Ngoc Dao, Chintha Tellambura: Performance Analysis and Optimal Signal Designs for Minimum Decoding Complexity ABBA Codes. GLOBECOM 2006
24EEAlireza Ghaderipoor, Chintha Tellambura: Optimal limited feedback technique for small size and low rate MIMO systems. IWCMC 2006: 677-682
23EESaeed Kaviani, Chintha Tellambura: Closed-Form BER Analysis for Antenna Selection Using Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes. VTC Fall 2006: 1-4
22EEYue Wu, Chintha Tellambura: Low-Complexity Optimal Detection for Hybrid Space-Time Block Coding and Spatial Multiplexing. VTC Fall 2006: 1-4
21EEAlireza Ghaderipoor, Chintha Tellambura: Minimum Distance-Based Limited-Feedback Precoder for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems. VTC Fall 2006: 1-4
20EEMahdi Hajiaghayi, Chintha Tellambura: Optimum Design of Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation. VTC Fall 2006: 1-4
19EELuqing Wang, Chintha Tellambura: An Adaptive-Scaling Algorithm for OFDM PAR Reduction Using Active Constellation Extension. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
18EEYu Fu, Witold A. Krzymien, Chintha Tellambura: Transmitter Precoding for Orthogonal Space-Time Block-Coded OFDM in Transmit-Antenna and Path-Correlated Channels. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
17EETao Cui, Chinthananda Tellambura: Joint data detection and channel estimation for OFDM systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(4): 670-679 (2006)
16EEYunxia Chen, Chintha Tellambura: Infinite series representations of the trivariate and quadrivariate Rayleigh distribution and their applications. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(12): 2092-2101 (2005)
15EETao Cui, Chintha Tellambura: Bound-intersection detection for multiple-symbol differential unitary space-time modulation. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(12): 2114-2123 (2005)
14EEAnnamalai Annamalai, Chinthananda Tellambura, Vijay K. Bhargava: A general method for calculating error probabilities over fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(5): 841-852 (2005)
13EEAnnamalai Annamalai, Gautam K. Deora, Chinthananda Tellambura: Theoretical diversity improvement in GSC(N, L) receiver with nonidentical fading statistics. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(6): 1027-1035 (2005)
12EEYunxia Chen, Chintha Tellambura: Performance analysis of three-branch selection combining over arbitrarily correlated Rayleigh-fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(3): 861-865 (2005)
11EEA. Dhammika S. Jayalath, Chintha Tellambura: SLM and PTS peak-power reduction of OFDM signals without side information. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(5): 2006-2013 (2005)
10EEYunxia Chen, Chintha Tellambura: Distribution functions of selection combiner output in equally correlated Rayleigh, Rician, and Nakagami-m fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(11): 1948-1956 (2004)
9EEJulian Cheng, Chintha Tellambura, Norman C. Beaulieu: Performance of digital linear modulations on Weibull slow-fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(8): 1265-1268 (2004)
8EEAnnamalai Annamalai, Chintha Tellambura: A Moment-Generating Function (MGF) Derivative-Based Unified Analysis of Incoherent Diversity Reception of M-ary Orthogonal Signals over Independent and Correlated Fading Channels. IJWIN 10(1): 41-56 (2003)
7EEAnnamalai Annamalai, Chintha Tellambura: Performance evaluation of generalized selection diversity systems over Nakagami-m fading channels. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(1): 99-116 (2003)
6EEA. Dhammika S. Jayalath, Chintha Tellambura: Use of data permutation to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio of an OFDM signal. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(2): 187-203 (2002)
5EEA. Dhammika S. Jayalath, Chintha Tellambura: Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of an OFDM signal using data permutation with embedded side information. ISCAS (4) 2001: 562-565
4EEK. Sathananathan, Chintha Tellambura: Forward error correction codes to reduce intercarrier interference in OFDM. ISCAS (4) 2001: 566-569
3EEMatthew G. Parker, Chintha Tellambura: Generalised Rudin-Shapiro Constructions. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 6: 364-374 (2001)
2EEAnnamalai Annamalai, Chintha Tellambura: Cauchy-Schwarz bound on the generalized Marcum Q-function with applications. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(2): 243-253 (2001)
1 Annamalai Annamalai, Chintha Tellambura, Vijay K. Bhargava: A General Method for Calculating Error Probabilities over Fading Channels. ICC (1) 2000: 36-40

Coauthor Index

1Annamalai Annamalai [1] [2] [7] [8] [13] [14]
2Norman C. Beaulieu [9]
3Vijay K. Bhargava [1] [14]
4Yunxia Chen [10] [12] [16]
5Julian Cheng [9]
6Tao Cui [15] [17] [31] [32] [35] [36] [40] [42] [49] [51] [52] [55] [59] [64]
7Dung Ngoc Dao [25] [26] [37] [53] [54] [57]
8Xinwei Deng [46]
9Gautam K. Deora [13]
10K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa [33] [38] [45] [58]
11Yu Fu [18] [27] [30] [34] [43]
12Feifei Gao [40] [49] [55] [59] [64] [66]
13Alireza Ghaderipoor [21] [24] [44] [47] [63] [70]
14Yong Liang Guan [37] [54]
15Mahdi Hajiaghayi [20] [47] [60]
16Tracey Ho [42]
17A. Dhammika S. Jayalath [5] [6] [11]
18Saeed Kaviani [23]
19Hidetoshi Kayama [28]
20Witold A. Krzymien [18] [27] [30] [34] [43]
21Tho Le-Ngoc [69]
22Arumugam Nallanathan [40] [49] [55] [59] [66]
23Tyler Nechiporenko [61]
24Ha H. Nguyen [61]
25Moslem Noori [70]
26Matthew G. Parker [3]
27Khoa T. Phan [61] [69]
28R. M. A. P. Rajatheva (Nandana Rajatheva) [33] [38] [45] [58]
29K. Sathananathan [4]
30Robert Schober [65]
31Tjeng Thiang Tjhung [37] [54]
32Sergiy A. Vorobyov [69]
33Luqing Wang [19] [29]
34Yue Wu [22]
35Chau Yuen [37] [54]
36Wei Zhang [41] [46] [48] [50] [62] [67] [68]
37Zhongshan Zhang [28] [39] [41] [48] [50] [62] [65] [67] [68]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)