
K. Sivanesan

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5EEAmir Masoud Rabiei, Norman C. Beaulieu, K. Sivanesan: Cochannel Interference Whitening Receiver Designs for BPSK in Nakagami-m/Rayleigh Fading. ICC 2007: 803-808
4EEK. Sivanesan, Norman C. Beaulieu: Precise Outage Analysis of Selection Diversity and Switched Diversity in Bandlimited Microcellular Systems With Cochannel Interference. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(10): 2002-2011 (2007)
3EEK. Sivanesan, Norman C. Beaulieu: Precise Outage Analysis of Selection Diversity and Switched Diversity in Bandlimited Micro-Cellular Systems With Cochannel Interference. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(6): 1267-1267 (2007)
2EETaeyoung Kim, Seunghoon Park, K. Sivanesan, Youngkwon Cho, D. S. Park: A TDD-OFDMA Framework for Next Generation Mobile Communication. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
1EENorman C. Beaulieu, K. Sivanesan: BER Performance of Bandlimited DS-CDMA Systems in Nakagami Fading. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(11): 2075-2084 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Norman C. Beaulieu [1] [3] [4] [5]
2Youngkwon Cho [2]
3Taeyoung Kim [2]
4D. S. Park [2]
5Seunghoon Park [2]
6Amir Masoud Rabiei [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)