
Moe Z. Win

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63EEAndrea Conti, Wesley M. Gifford, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani: Easily Invertible Tight Bounds for Diversity Reception. GLOBECOM 2008: 3396-3401
62EEKampol Woradit, Tony Q. S. Quek, Watcharapan Suwansantisuk, Henk Wymeersch, Lunchakorn Wuttisittikulkij, Moe Z. Win: Outage Behavior of Cooperative Diversity with Relay Selection. GLOBECOM 2008: 966-970
61EEAlberto Zanella, Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win: A General Framework for the Distribution of the Eigenvalues of Wishart Matrices. ICC 2008: 1271-1276
60EEYuan Shen, Moe Z. Win: Energy Efficient Location-Aware Networks. ICC 2008: 2995-3001
59EEYuan Shen, Moe Z. Win: Effect of Path-Overlap on Localization Accuracy in Dense Multipath Environments. ICC 2008: 4197-4202
58EEHenk Wymeersch, Moe Z. Win: Soft Electrical Equalization for Optical Channels. ICC 2008: 548-552
57EEBappi Barua, Hyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win: Diversity in Double-Scattering MIMO Channels. VTC Spring 2008: 495-499
56EEMd. Zahurul I. Sarkar, Hyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win: Random Coding Exponent for MIMO Channels. VTC Spring 2008: 559-563
55EEMarco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Hyundong Shin: MIMO Networks: the Effects of Interference CoRR abs/0802.0738: (2008)
54EEWee-Peng Tay, John N. Tsitsiklis, Moe Z. Win: Data Fusion Trees for Detection: Does Architecture Matter? CoRR abs/0803.2337: (2008)
53EEOzgur Oyman, Moe Z. Win: Power-Bandwidth Tradeoff in Multiuser Relay Channels with Opportunistic Scheduling CoRR abs/0810.5090: (2008)
52EEWatcharapan Suwansantisuk, Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win: Frame Synchronization for Variable-Length Packets. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(1): 52-69 (2008)
51EEFaisal M. Kashif, Henk Wymeersch, Moe Z. Win: Monte carlo equalization for nonlinear dispersive satellite channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(2): 245-255 (2008)
50EEYinghui Li, Hlaing Minn, Trent Jacobs, Moe Z. Win: Frequency offset estimation for MB-OFDM-based UWB systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(6): 968-979 (2008)
49EEDavide Dardari, Chia-Chin Chong, Moe Z. Win: Threshold-Based Time-of-Arrival Estimators in UWB Dense Multipath Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(8): 1366-1378 (2008)
48EEWee-Peng Tay, John N. Tsitsiklis, Moe Z. Win: On the Subexponential Decay of Detection Error Probabilities in Long Tandems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(10): 4767-4771 (2008)
47EEAndrew S. Fletcher, Peter W. Shor, Moe Z. Win: Channel-Adapted Quantum Error Correction for the Amplitude Damping Channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(12): 5705-5718 (2008)
46EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win: MIMO Diversity in the Presence of Double Scattering. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(7): 2976-2996 (2008)
45EEWee-Peng Tay, John N. Tsitsiklis, Moe Z. Win: Data Fusion Trees for Detection: Does Architecture Matter? IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(9): 4155-4168 (2008)
44EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani: Asymptotic statistics of mutual information for doubly correlated MIMO channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(2): 562-573 (2008)
43EEWesley M. Gifford, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani: Antenna subset diversity with non-ideal channel estimation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(5-1): 1527-1539 (2008)
42EEAggelos Bletsas, Ashish Khisti, Moe Z. Win: Opportunistic cooperative diversity with feedback and cheap radios. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(5-2): 1823-1827 (2008)
41EEWee-Peng Tay, John N. Tsitsiklis, Moe Z. Win: Bayesian Detection in Bounded Height Tree Networks. DCC 2007: 243-252
40EETony Q. S. Quek, Moe Z. Win, Hyundong Shin, Marco Chiani: Optimal Power Allocation for Amplify-And-Forward Relay Networks via Conic Programming. ICC 2007: 5058-5063
39EETony Q. S. Quek, Moe Z. Win, Hyundong Shin, Marco Chiani: Robust Power Allocation for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks. ICC 2007: 957-962
38EETony Q. S. Quek, Davide Dardari, Moe Z. Win: Energy efficiency of dense wireless sensor networks: to cooperate or not to cooperate. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(2): 459-470 (2007)
37EEAndrea Conti, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani: Slow Adaptive M-QAM With Diversity in Fast Fading and Shadowing. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(5): 895-905 (2007)
36EEWatcharapan Suwansantisuk, Moe Z. Win: Multipath Aided Rapid Acquisition: Optimal Search Strategies. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(1): 174-193 (2007)
35EEWee-Peng Tay, John N. Tsitsiklis, Moe Z. Win: Asymptotic Performance of a Censoring Sensor Network. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(11): 4191-4209 (2007)
34EEDajana Cassioli, Moe Z. Win, Francesco Vatalaro, Andreas F. Molisch: Low Complexity Rake Receivers in Ultra-Wideband Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(4): 1265-1275 (2007)
33EETony Q. S. Quek, Moe Z. Win, Davide Dardari: Unified Analysis of UWB Transmitted-Reference Schemes in the Presence of Narrowband Interference. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(6): 2126-2139 (2007)
32EEAggelos Bletsas, Hyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win: Cooperative Communications with Outage-Optimal Opportunistic Relaying. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(9): 3450-3460 (2007)
31EEMarco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Hyundong Shin: Capacity of MIMO Systems in the Presence of Interference. GLOBECOM 2006
30EEWatcharapan Suwansantisuk, Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win: Performance Measures for Frame Synchronization Techniques. GLOBECOM 2006
29EEPedro C. Pinto, Moe Z. Win: Spectral Outage due to Aggregate Interference in a Poisson Field of Nodes. GLOBECOM 2006
28EETony Q. S. Quek, Moe Z. Win, Davide Dardari: Energy efficiency of cooperative dense wireless sensor networks. IWCMC 2006: 1323-1330
27EEAggelos Bletsas, Ashish Khisti, Moe Z. Win: Low complexity virtual antenna arrays using cooperative relay selection. IWCMC 2006: 461-466
26EEWesley M. Gifford, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani: On the SNR penalty for antenna subset diversity. IWCMC 2006: 617-622
25EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win: Gallager's Exponent for MIMO Channels: A Reliability-Rate Tradeoff CoRR abs/cs/0607095: (2006)
24EEYanxin Na, Mohammad Saquib, Moe Z. Win: Pilot-aided chip-interleaved DS-CDMA transmission over time-varying channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(1): 151-160 (2006)
23EEAndrea Ridolfi, Moe Z. Win: Ultrawide bandwidth signals as shot noise: a unifying approach. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(4): 899-905 (2006)
22EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Jae Hong Lee: Saddlepoint approximation to the outage capacity of MIMO channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(10): 2679-2684 (2006)
21EEMoe Z. Win, George Chrisikos, Andreas F. Molisch: Wideband diversity in multipath channels with nonuniform power dispersion profiles. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(5): 1014-1022 (2006)
20EEMohammad Saquib, Sajal K. Das, Giridhar D. Mandyam, Moe Z. Win: Fade-resistant CDMA transmission and reception over time-varying wireless channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(5): 1197-1206 (2006)
19EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Jae Hong Lee, Marco Chiani: On the capacity of doubly correlated MIMO channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(8): 2253-2265 (2006)
18EEHonglei Zhang, Dennis Goeckel, Shuangqing Wei, Moe Z. Win: Rapid Hybrid Acquisition of Ultra-Wideband Signals. VLSI Signal Processing 43(1): 7-23 (2006)
17EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win, Jae Hong Lee, Marco Chiani: On the Capacity of Doubly Correlated MIMO Channels CoRR abs/cs/0509075: (2005)
16EEHyundong Shin, Moe Z. Win: MIMO Diversity in the Presence of Double Scattering CoRR abs/cs/0511028: (2005)
15EETony Q. S. Quek, Moe Z. Win: Analysis of UWB transmitted-reference communication systems in dense multipath channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(9): 1863-1874 (2005)
14EEMarco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Alberto Zanella: On optimum combining of M-PSK signals with unequal-power interferers and noise. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(1): 44-47 (2005)
13EEAndrea Giorgetti, Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win: The effect of narrowband interference on wideband wireless communication systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(12): 2139-2149 (2005)
12EEAlberto Zanella, Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win: MMSE reception and successive interference cancellation for MIMO systems with high spectral efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(3): 1244-1253 (2005)
11EEAndrea Conti, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani: Invertible bounds for M-QAM in Rayleigh fading. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(5): 1994-2000 (2005)
10EESasan Haghani, Norman C. Beaulieu, Moe Z. Win: Penalty of hybrid diversity for two-dimensional signaling in Rayleigh fading. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(5): 694-697 (2004)
9EEMarco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Alberto Zanella, Jack H. Winters: A Laguerre polynomial-based bound on the symbol error probability for adaptive antennas with optimum combining. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(1): 12-16 (2004)
8EERanjan K. Mallik, Moe Z. Win, Marco Chiani, Alberto Zanella: Bit-error probability for optimum combining of binary signals in the presence of interference and noise. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(2): 395-407 (2004)
7EERanjan K. Mallik, Moe Z. Win, Joshua W. Shao, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Andrea J. Goldsmith: Channel capacity of adaptive transmission with maximal ratio combining in correlated Rayleigh fading. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(4): 1124-1133 (2004)
6 Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Alberto Zanella: On the capacity of spatially correlated MIMO Rayleigh-fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(10): 2363-2371 (2003)
5EESennur Ulukus, Ezio Biglieri, Moe Z. Win: Optimum Modulation and Multicode Formats in CDMA Systems with Multiuser Receivers. INFOCOM 2001: 395-402
4 Solomon W. Golomb, Moe Z. Win: Recent Results on Polyphase Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(2): 817-824 (1998)
3 Moe Z. Win, Robert A. Scholtz, Mark A. Barnes: Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Signal Propagation for Indoor Wireless Communications. ICC (1) 1997: 56-60
2 Moe Z. Win, Robert A. Scholtz: Comparisons of Analog and Digital Impulse Radio for Wireless Multiple-Access Communication. ICC (1) 1997: 91-95
1 Moe Z. Win, Chien-Chung Chen, Robert A. Scholtz: Optical Phase-Locked Loop (OPLL) for an Amplitude Modulated Communications Link Using Solid-State Lasers. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(3): 569-576 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed-Slim Alouini [7]
2Mark A. Barnes [3]
3Bappi Barua [57]
4Norman C. Beaulieu [10]
5Ezio Biglieri [5]
6Aggelos Bletsas [27] [32] [42]
7Dajana Cassioli [34]
8Chien-Chung Chen [1]
9Marco Chiani [6] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17] [19] [26] [30] [31] [37] [39] [40] [43] [44] [52] [55] [61] [63]
10Chia-Chin Chong [49]
11George Chrisikos [21]
12Andrea Conti [11] [37] [63]
13Davide Dardari [28] [33] [38] [49]
14Sajal K. Das [20]
15Andrew S. Fletcher [47]
16Wesley M. Gifford [26] [43] [63]
17Andrea Giorgetti [13]
18Dennis Goeckel [18]
19Andrea J. Goldsmith [7]
20Solomon W. Golomb [4]
21Sasan Haghani [10]
22Trent Jacobs [50]
23Faisal M. Kashif [51]
24Ashish Khisti [27] [42]
25Jae Hong Lee [17] [19] [22]
26Yinghui Li [50]
27Ranjan K. Mallik [7] [8]
28Giridhar D. Mandyam [20]
29Hlaing Minn [50]
30Andreas F. Molisch [21] [34]
31Yanxin Na [24]
32Ozgur Oyman [53]
33Pedro C. Pinto [29]
34Tony Q. S. Quek [15] [28] [33] [38] [39] [40] [62]
35Andrea Ridolfi [23]
36Mohammad Saquib [20] [24]
37Md. Zahurul I. Sarkar [56]
38Robert A. Scholtz [1] [2] [3]
39Joshua W. Shao [7]
40Yuan Shen [59] [60]
41Hyundong Shin [16] [17] [19] [22] [25] [31] [32] [39] [40] [44] [46] [55] [56] [57]
42Peter W. Shor [47]
43Watcharapan Suwansantisuk [30] [36] [52] [62]
44Wee-Peng Tay [35] [41] [45] [48] [54]
45John N. Tsitsiklis [35] [41] [45] [48] [54]
46Sennur Ulukus [5]
47Francesco Vatalaro [34]
48Shuangqing Wei [18]
49Jack H. Winters [9]
50Kampol Woradit [62]
51Lunchakorn Wuttisittikulkij [62]
52Henk Wymeersch [51] [58] [62]
53Alberto Zanella [6] [8] [9] [12] [14] [61]
54Honglei Zhang [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)