
Brian A. Barsky

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36EEAdrien Theetten, Laurent Grisoni, Claude Andriot, Brian A. Barsky: Geometrically exact dynamic splines. Computer-Aided Design 40(1): 35-48 (2008)
35EETodd J. Kosloff, Brian A. Barsky: An Algorithm for Rendering Generalized Depth of Field Effects Based on Simulated Heat Diffusion. ICCSA (3) 2007: 1124-1140
34EEAdrian Sfarti, Brian A. Barsky, Todd J. Kosloff, Egon C. Pasztor, Alex Kozlowski, Eric Roman, Alex Perelman: Extensions for 3D Graphics Rendering Engine Used for Direct Tessellation of Spline Surfaces. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 215-222
33EEAdrian Sfarti, Brian A. Barsky, Todd J. Kosloff, Egon C. Pasztor, Alex Kozlowski, Eric Roman, Alex Perelman: New 3D Graphics Rendering Engine Architecture for Direct Tessellation of Spline Surfaces. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 224-231
32EEPeter Hall, Brian A. Barsky: Special Issue: Vision, Video and Graphics 2003. Graphical Models 67(6): 475 (2005)
31EEBrian A. Barsky, Michael J. Tobias, Derrick P. Chu, Daniel R. Horn: Elimination of artifacts due to occlusion and discretization problems in image space blurring techniques. Graphical Models 67(6): 584-599 (2005)
30EEBrian A. Barsky: A Fond Farewell. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(4): 6-7 (2005)
29EEBrian A. Barsky: In Memoriam: Jane Wilhelms. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(5): 481-482 (2005)
28EEBrian A. Barsky, Todd J. Kosloff, Steven D. Upstill: An opponent process approach to modeling the blue shift of the human color vision system. APGV 2004: 163
27EEBrian A. Barsky: Vision-realistic rendering: simulation of the scanned foveal image from wavefront data of human subjects. APGV 2004: 73-81
26EEBrian A. Barsky, Daniel R. Horn, Stanley A. Klein, Jeffrey A. Pang, Meng Yu: Camera Models and Optical Systems Used in Computer Graphics: Part I, Object-Based Techniques. ICCSA (3) 2003: 246-255
25EEBrian A. Barsky, Daniel R. Horn, Stanley A. Klein, Jeffrey A. Pang, Meng Yu: Camera Models and Optical Systems Used in Computer Graphics: Part II, Image-Based Techniques. ICCSA (3) 2003: 256-265
24 Brian A. Barsky, Michael J. Tobias, Daniel R. Horn, Derrick P. Chu: Investigating Occlusion and Discretization Problems in Image-Based BlurringTechniques. VVG 2003: 97-102
23EEBrian A. Barsky, Yoshihisa Shinagawa, Wenping Wang: Special Issue on Pacific Graphics 2000. Graphical Models 63(4): 211 (2001)
22EECaiming Zhang, Fuhua Cheng, Brian A. Barsky: Constrained C1 Piecewise Bicubic Bézier Surface Interpolation. GMP 2000: 162-171
21EEChiew-Lan Tai, Kia-Fock Loe, Brian A. Barsky, Yim-Hung Chan: A Method for Deforming Polygonal Shapes into Smooth Spline Surface Models. IV 1999: 302-308
20EEBrian A. Barsky: The OPTICAL Project: OPtics and Topography Involving the Cornea and Lens. IV 1999: 9-
19EELillian Chu, Brian A. Barsky, Stanley A. Klein: Cylindrical Coordinate Representations for Modeling Surfaces of the Cornea and Contact Lenses. Shape Modeling International 1999: 98-
18EEXuefu Wang, Fuhua Cheng, Brian A. Barsky: Blending, smoothing and interpolation of irregular meshes using N-sided Varady patches. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1999: 212-222
17EEXuefu Wang, Fuhua Cheng, Brian A. Barsky: Energy and B-spline interproximation. Computer-Aided Design 29(7): 485-496 (1997)
16EEMark A. Halstead, Brian A. Barsky, Stanley A. Klein, Robert B. Mandell: Reconstructing Curved Surfaces from Specular Reflection Patterns Using Spline Surface Fitting of Normals. SIGGRAPH 1996: 335-342
15 Mel Slater, Brian A. Barsky: 2D line and polygon clipping based on space subdivision. The Visual Computer 10(7): 407-422 (1994)
14EEMichael E. Hohmeyer, Brian A. Barsky: Skinning rational B-spline curves to construct an interpolatory surface. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 53(6): 511-521 (1991)
13EEFuhua Cheng, Brian A. Barsky: Interproximation: interpolation and approximation using cubic spline curves. Computer-Aided Design 23(10): 700-706 (1991)
12EEArdeshir Goshtasby, Fuhua Cheng, Brian A. Barsky: B-spline curves and surfaces viewed as digital filters. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 52(2): 264-275 (1990)
11EEMichael E. Hohmeyer, Brian A. Barsky: Rational continuity: parametric, geometric, and Frenet frame continuity of rational curves. ACM Trans. Graph. 8(4): 335-359 (1989)
10EETony DeRose, Brian A. Barsky: Geometric continuity, shape parameters, and geometric constructions for Catmull-Rom splines. ACM Trans. Graph. 7(1): 1-41 (1988)
9EEPauline Y. Ts'o, Brian A. Barsky: Modeling and Rendering Waves: Wave-Tracing Using beta-Splines and Reflective and Refractive Texture Mapping. ACM Trans. Graph. 6(3): 191-214 (1987)
8EEFrancis J. M. Schmitt, Brian A. Barsky, Wen-Hui Du: An adaptive subdivision method for surface-fitting from sampled data. SIGGRAPH 1986: 179-188
7 Pat Cole, Robert Heilman, Brian A. Barsky: Proceedings of the 12st Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1985 ACM 1985
6 Kenneth P. Fishkin, Brian A. Barsky: Algorithms for brush movement. The Visual Computer 1(4): 221-230 (1985)
5EEYou-Dong Liang, Brian A. Barsky: A New Concept and Method for Line Clipping. ACM Trans. Graph. 3(1): 1-22 (1984)
4EEBrian A. Barsky: Exponential and polynomial methods for applying tension to an interpolating spline curve. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 27(1): 1-18 (1984)
3EEBrian A. Barsky, John C. Beatty: Local Control of Bias and Tension in Beta-Splines. ACM Trans. Graph. 2(2): 109-134 (1983)
2 You-Dong Liang, Brian A. Barsky: An Analysis and Algorithm for Polygon Clipping. Commun. ACM 26(11): 868-877 (1983)
1 Brian A. Barsky, Spencer W. Thomas: TRANSPLINE - A System for Representing Curves Using Transformations Among four Spline Formulations. Comput. J. 24(3): 271-277 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Claude Andriot [36]
2John C. Beatty [3]
3Yim-Hung Chan [21]
4Fuhua Cheng [12] [13] [17] [18] [22]
5Derrick P. Chu [24] [31]
6Lillian Chu [19]
7Pat Cole [7]
8Tony DeRose [10]
9Wen-Hui Du [8]
10Kenneth P. Fishkin [6]
11A. Ardeshir Goshtasby (Ardeshir Goshtasby) [12]
12Laurent Grisoni [36]
13Peter Hall [32]
14Mark A. Halstead [16]
15Robert Heilman [7]
16Michael E. Hohmeyer [11] [14]
17Daniel R. Horn [24] [25] [26] [31]
18Stanley A. Klein [16] [19] [25] [26]
19Todd J. Kosloff [28] [33] [34] [35]
20Alex Kozlowski [33] [34]
21You-Dong Liang [2] [5]
22Kia-Fock Loe [21]
23Robert B. Mandell [16]
24Jeffrey A. Pang [25] [26]
25Egon C. Pasztor [33] [34]
26Alex Perelman [33] [34]
27Eric Roman [33] [34]
28Francis J. M. Schmitt [8]
29Adrian Sfarti [33] [34]
30Yoshihisa Shinagawa [23]
31Mel Slater [15]
32Chiew-Lan Tai [21]
33Adrien Theetten [36]
34Spencer W. Thomas [1]
35Michael J. Tobias [24] [31]
36Pauline Y. Ts'o [9]
37Steven D. Upstill [28]
38Wenping Wang [23]
39Xuefu Wang [17] [18]
40Meng Yu [25] [26]
41Caiming Zhang [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)