
Christian Balkenius

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17EEMagnus Johnsson, Christian Balkenius: Recognizing texture and hardness by touch. IROS 2008: 482-487
16EEDimitri Ognibene, Christian Balkenius, Gianluca Baldassarre: Integrating Epistemic Action (Active Vision) and Pragmatic Action (Reaching): A Neural Architecture for Camera-Arm Robots. SAB 2008: 220-229
15EEChristian Balkenius, Stefan Winberg: Fast Learning in an Actor-Critic Architecture with Reward and Punishment. SCAI 2008: 20-27
14EEDimitri Ognibene, Christian Balkenius, Gianluca Baldassarre: A Reinforcement-Learning Model of Top-Down Attention Based on a Potential-Action Map. The Challenge of Anticipation 2008: 161-184
13EEGiovanni Pezzulo, Martin V. Butz, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Rino Falcone, Gianluca Baldassarre, Christian Balkenius, Alexander Förster, Maurice Grinberg, Oliver Herbort, Kiril Kiryazov, Boicho N. Kokinov, Birger Johansson, Emilian Lalev, Emiliano Lorini, Carlos Martinho, Maria Miceli, Dimitri Ognibene, Ana Paiva, Georgi Petkov, Michele Piunti, Vin Thorsteinsdottir: Endowing Artificial Systems with Anticipatory Capabilities: Success Cases. The Challenge of Anticipation 2008: 237-254
12EEChristian Balkenius, Alexander Förster, Birger Johansson, Vin Thorsteinsdottir: Anticipation in Attention. The Challenge of Anticipation 2008: 65-83
11EEMagnus Johnsson, Christian Balkenius: Neural network models of haptic shape perception. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(9): 720-727 (2007)
10EEAnna Balkenius, Almut Kelber, Christian Balkenius: Modelling Multi-modal Learning in a Hawkmoth. SAB 2006: 422-433
9EEKiril Kiryazov, Georgi Petkov, Maurice Grinberg, Boicho N. Kokinov, Christian Balkenius: The Interplay of Analogy-Making with Active Vision and Motor Control in Anticipatory Robots. SAB ABiALS 2006: 233-253
8EEBirger Johansson, Christian Balkenius: An Experimental Study of Anticipation in Simple Robot Navigation. SAB ABiALS 2006: 365-378
7EEMagnus Johnsson, Christian Balkenius: Experiments with artificial haptic perception in a robotic hand. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 17(4): 377-385 (2006)
6EEMagnus Johnsson, Robert Pallbo, Christian Balkenius: A Haptic System for the Lucs Haptic Hand I. IWINAC (1) 2005: 386-395
5EEAlbert-Jan Baerveldt, Kai Oliver Arras, Christian Balkenius: Editorial. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 44(1): 1- (2003)
4EEChristian Balkenius, Jan Morén: Emotional Learning: a Computational Model of the Amygdala. Cybernetics and Systems 32(6): 611-636 (2001)
3 Christian Balkenius: Dynamics of a Classical Conditioning Model. Auton. Robots 7(1): 41-56 (1999)
2EEChristian Balkenius: Spatial learning with perceptually grounded representations. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25(3-4): 165-175 (1998)
1 Christian Balkenius, Peter Gärdenfors: Nonmonotonic Inferences in Neural Networks. KR 1991: 32-39

Coauthor Index

1Kai Oliver Arras [5]
2Albert-Jan Baerveldt [5]
3Gianluca Baldassarre [13] [14] [16]
4Anna Balkenius [10]
5Martin V. Butz (Martin Butz) [13]
6Cristiano Castelfranchi [13]
7Rino Falcone [13]
8Alexander Förster [12] [13]
9Peter Gärdenfors [1]
10Maurice Grinberg [9] [13]
11Oliver Herbort [13]
12Birger Johansson [8] [12] [13]
13Magnus Johnsson [6] [7] [11] [17]
14Almut Kelber [10]
15Kiril Kiryazov [9] [13]
16Boicho N. Kokinov [9] [13]
17Emilian Lalev [13]
18Emiliano Lorini [13]
19Carlos Martinho [13]
20Maria Miceli [13]
21Jan Morén [4]
22Dimitri Ognibene [13] [14] [16]
23Ana Paiva [13]
24Robert Pallbo [6]
25Georgi Petkov [9] [13]
26Giovanni Pezzulo [13]
27Michele Piunti [13]
28Vin Thorsteinsdottir [12] [13]
29Stefan Winberg [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)