
George Baciu

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37EEXiang Zhang, George Baciu: Low Cost Minimal Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID. ICNSC 2008: 620-624
36EEEddie C. L. Chan, George Baciu, S. C. Mak: Wireless Tracking Analysis in Location Fingerprinting. WiMob 2008: 214-220
35EEGeorge Baciu, Liang Ma, Jinlian Hu: Generating Seams and Wrinkles for Virtual Clothing. Int. J. Image Graphics 8(2): 281-297 (2008)
34EEPhillip-Christoph Scherff, George Baciu, Jinlian Hu: Intuitive Parameterized Input Interface for Proportional Reshaping of Human Bodies. Int. J. Image Graphics 8(2): 299-325 (2008)
33EEWeiQiang Xu, Yaming Wang, Jiming Chen, George Baciu, Youxian Sun: Dual decomposition method for optimal and fair congestion control in Ad Hoc networks: Algorithm, implementation and evaluation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(7): 997-1007 (2008)
32EEWingo Sai-Keung Wong, George Baciu: Robust continuous collision detection for interactive deformable surfaces. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 18(3): 179-192 (2007)
31EEGeorge Baciu, Bartholomew K. C. Iu: Motion retargeting in the presence of topological variations. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 17(1): 41-57 (2006)
30EEHugo Ledoux, Christopher M. Gold, George Baciu: Flipping to Robustly Delete a Vertex in a Delaunay Tetrahedralization. ICCSA (1) 2005: 737-747
29EEWingo Sai-Keung Wong, George Baciu: Dynamic Interaction between Deformable Surfaces and Nonsmooth Objects. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(3): 329-340 (2005)
28EEGeorge Baciu, Ming Lin, Rynson W. H. Lau, Daniel Thalmann: Foreword. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 16(3-4): 137-139 (2005)
27EEWingo Sai-Keung Wong, George Baciu: GPU-based intrinsic collision detection for deformable surfaces. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 16(3-4): 153-161 (2005)
26EEClifford K. F. So, George Baciu: Entropy-based motion extraction for motion capture animation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 16(3-4): 225-235 (2005)
25 Rynson W. H. Lau, George Baciu: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2004, Hong Kong, China, November 10-12, 2004 ACM 2004
24EEXiabo Yu, George Baciu: Face Recognition from Color Images in Presence of Dynamic Orientations and Illumination Conditions. ICBA 2004: 227-233
23EEWingo Sai-Keung Wong, George Baciu, Jinlian Hu: Multi-layered deformable surfaces for virtual clothing. VRST 2004: 24-31
22EEJinyuan Jia, George Baciu, Ki-Wan Kwok: Quadric decomposition for computing the intersections of surfaces of revolution. Graphical Models 66(5): 303-330 (2004)
21EEGeorge Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong: Image-Based Collision Detection for Deformable Cloth Models. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(6): 649-663 (2004)
20EEJing Sun, George Baciu, Xiaobo Yu, Mark Green: Image-Based Template Generation Of Road Networks For Virtual Maps. Int. J. Image Graphics 4(4): 701-720 (2004)
19 Wingo Sai-Keung Wong, George Baciu: Hardware-Based Collision and Self-Collision for Rigid and Deformable Surfaces. Presence 13(6): 681-691 (2004)
18EEGeorge Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong: Image-Based Techniques in a Hybrid Collision Detector. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(2): 254-271 (2003)
17EEYaming Wang, George Baciu: Human motion estimation from monocular image sequence based on cross-entropy regularization. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 315-325 (2003)
16EEJinyuan Jia, George Baciu, Ki-Wan Kwok: A Novel Algorithm on Computing Intersections of Two Surfaces of Revolution Based on Spherical Decomposition. IV 2002: 119-125
15EEGeorge Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong: Hardware-assisted self-collision for deformable surfaces. VRST 2002: 129-136
14EEJing Sun, Xiaobo Yu, George Baciu, Mark Green: Template-based generation of road networks for virtual city modeling. VRST 2002: 33-40
13EEYaming Wang, George Baciu: Robust Object Matching Using a Modified Version of the Hausdorff Measure. Int. J. Image Graphics 2(3): 361-374 (2002)
12EEGeorge Baciu, Jinyuan Jia, Gibson Lam: Ray Tracing Surfaces of Revolution: An Old Problem with A New Perspective. Computer Graphics International 2001: 215-224
11EEGeorge Baciu, Tosiyasu L. Kunii: Homological Invariants and HolorGraphic Representations of Topological Structures in Cellular Spaces. Computer Graphics International 2000: 89-98
10EEGeorge Baciu, Cliff Cheung, Chun Yu: Visibility in the Presence of Occluders with Curved Boundaries. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 105-
9 Hanqiu Sun, Xiaobu Yuan, George Baciu, Yunqing Gu: Direct Virtual-hand Interface in Robot Assembly Programming. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 10(1): 55-68 (1999)
8 George Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong, Hanqiu Sun: RECODE: an image-based collision detection algorithm. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 10(4): 181-192 (1999)
7EEGeorge Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong, Hanqiu Sun: RECODE: An Image-based Collision Detection Algorithm. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1998: 125-133
6EEGeorge Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong, Hanqiu Sun: Hardware-assisted virtual collisions. VRST 1998: 145-151
5EEClifford K. F. So, George Baciu, Hanqiu Sun: Reconstruction of 3D virtual buildings from 2D architectural floor plans. VRST 1998: 17-23
4EEGeorge Baciu, Wingo Sai-Keung Wong: Rendering in object interference detection on conventional graphics workstations. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1997: 51-58
3EEGeorge Baciu, Rico K. W. Tsang: Performance of advancing front algorithms for triangulating radiosity meshes. The Visual Computer 13(2): 95-108 (1997)
2 George Baciu, Rico K. W. Tsang: Advancing Front Meshing for Radiosity Solutions. ICSC 1995: 283-291
1 George Baciu, Brian P. W. Lee: An Interface for Synthesizing 3D Multibody Structures. ICSC 1995: 363-371

Coauthor Index

1Eddie C. L. Chan [36]
2Jiming Chen [33]
3Cliff Cheung [10]
4Christopher M. Gold [30]
5Mark Green [14] [20]
6Yunqing Gu [9]
7Jinlian Hu [23] [34] [35]
8Bartholomew K. C. Iu [31]
9Jinyuan Jia [12] [16] [22]
10Tosiyasu L. Kunii [11]
11Ki-Wan Kwok [16] [22]
12Gibson Lam [12]
13Rynson W. H. Lau [25] [28]
14Hugo Ledoux [30]
15Brian P. W. Lee [1]
16Ming Lin [28]
17Liang Ma [35]
18S. C. Mak [36]
19Phillip-Christoph Scherff [34]
20Clifford K. F. So [5] [26]
21Hanqiu Sun [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
22Jing Sun [14] [20]
23Youxian Sun [33]
24Daniel Thalmann [28]
25Rico K. W. Tsang [2] [3]
26Yaming Wang [13] [17] [33]
27Wingo Sai-Keung Wong [4] [6] [7] [8] [15] [18] [19] [21] [23] [27] [29] [32]
28WeiQiang Xu [33]
29Chun Yu [10]
30Xiabo Yu [24]
31Xiaobo Yu [14] [20]
32Xiaobu Yuan [9]
33Xiang Zhang [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)