
Yaming Wang

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5EEXiaoyin Xu, Zhong Yang, Yaming Wang: A method based on rank-ordered filter to detect edges in cellular image. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(6): 634-640 (2009)
4EEWeiQiang Xu, Yaming Wang, Jiming Chen, George Baciu, Youxian Sun: Dual decomposition method for optimal and fair congestion control in Ad Hoc networks: Algorithm, implementation and evaluation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(7): 997-1007 (2008)
3EEYaming Wang, George Baciu: Human motion estimation from monocular image sequence based on cross-entropy regularization. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 315-325 (2003)
2EEYaming Wang, George Baciu: Robust Object Matching Using a Modified Version of the Hausdorff Measure. Int. J. Image Graphics 2(3): 361-374 (2002)
1EEYaming Wang, Jiajun Wang, Yuanmei Wang, Yude Dong: Enhancement of Eyeround Images Based on an Improved Fuzzy Algorithm. JACIII 3(6): 441-445 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1George Baciu [2] [3] [4]
2Jiming Chen [4]
3Yude Dong [1]
4Youxian Sun [4]
5Jiajun Wang [1]
6Yuanmei Wang [1]
7WeiQiang Xu [4]
8Xiaoyin Xu [5]
9Zhong Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)