
Michael M. Richter

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57EEEyke Hüllermeier, Michael M. Richter, Rosina Weber: Prelude to the papers "Fuzzy case based reasoning for facial expression recognition" and "Temporal similarity by measuring possibilistic uncertainty in CBR". Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160(2): 212-213 (2009)
56EEJingzhou Li, Brenan Mackas, Michael M. Richter, Günther Ruhe: Cases, Predictions, and Accuracy Learning and Its Application to Effort Estimation. ECCBR 2008: 299-311
55 Eyke Hüllermeier, Michael M. Richter, Rosina Weber, Kerstin Bach, Miltos Petridis: Preface: Uncertainty, Similarity, and Knowledge Discovery in CBR. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 117-118
54 Craig MacDonald, Rosina Weber, Michael M. Richter: Case Base Properties: A First Step. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 159-170
53EEMichael M. Richter: Similarity. Case-Based Reasoning on Images and Signals 2008: 25-90
52 Rosina Weber, Michael M. Richter: Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 7th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2007, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, August 13-16, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
51 Michael M. Richter: Foundations of Similarity and Utility. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 30-
50EEMichael M. Richter: Case Based Reasoning and the Search for Knowledge. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2007: 1-14
49EEJingzhou Li, Günther Ruhe, Ahmed Al-Emran, Michael M. Richter: A flexible method for software effort estimation by analogy. Empirical Software Engineering 12(1): 65-106 (2007)
48EEAldo von Wangenheim, Rafael F. Bertoldi, Daniel D. Abdala, Michael M. Richter: Color image segmentation guided by a color gradient network. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(13): 1795-1803 (2007)
47 Gengshen Du, Michael M. Richter, Günther Ruhe: An Explanation Oriented Dialogue Approach and Its Application to Wicked Planning Problems. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 25(2-3): (2006)
46 Gengshen Du, Michael M. Richter, Günther Ruhe: An Explanation Oriented Dialogue Approach for Solving Wicked Planning Problems. ExaCt 2005: 62-75
45EEMichael M. Richter, Agnar Aamodt: Case-based reasoning foundations. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 203-207 (2005)
44EEPetra Perner, Alec Holt, Michael M. Richter: Image processing in case-based reasoning. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 311-314 (2005)
43EEGrigori Melnik, Michael M. Richter: Impreciseness and Its Value from the Perspective of Software Organizations and Learning. LSO 2004: 122-130
42EEMichael M. Richter: Logic and Approximation in Knowledge Based Systems. Logic versus Approximation 2004: 184-204
41 Michael M. Richter, Armin Stahl: Modeling Socio-Technical Processes in e-Commerce Scenarios. Modellierung 2004: 313-314
40EEMichael M. Richter: Einige Thesen: Logik versus Approximation. KI 18(3): 62- (2004)
39EEEros Comunello, Michael M. Richter, Daniel D. Abdala, Thiago R. dos Santos, Aldo von Wangenheim, Paulo Roberto Wille: CycML - A Language to Describe Radiological Images. CBMS 2003: 145-149
38EEBabak Mougouie, Michael M. Richter, Ralph Bergmann: Diversity-Conscious Retrieval from Generalized Cases: A Branch and Bound Algorithm. ICCBR 2003: 319-221
37 Sigrid Goldmann, Harald Holz, Michael M. Richter: Knowledge Management for Project Planning and Enactment in Software Engineering. SEKE 2003: 393-397
36EEMichael M. Richter: Fallbasiertes Schliessen: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft. Informatik Spektrum 26(3): 180-190 (2003)
35EELeonardo Ribeiro, Paulo Roberto Dellani, Aldo von Wangenheim, Michael M. Richter, Kerstin Maximini, Eros Comunello: CyclopsDistMedDB. - A Transparent Gateway for Distributed Medical Data Access in DICOM Format. CBMS 2002: 315-320
34 Michael M. Richter: Die semantische Struktur natürlicher Sprache - Wissensrepräsentation mit MultiNet. KI 16(2): 54-55 (2002)
33 Aldo von Wangenheim, Harley Wagner, Peter Conrad, Michael M. Richter, Eros Comunello, Dirk Krechel: A Knowledge-Based Approach for Failure Detection and Correction of Partially Failed Segmentations of Radiological Images. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000: 111-115
32 Michael M. Richter: Some perspectives on mathematical aspects of artificial intelligence: Logic versus approximation. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 28(1-4): 31-33 (2000)
31 Michael M. Richter, Carl H. Smith, Rolf Wiehagen, Thomas Zeugmann: Algorithmic Learning Theory, 9th International Conference, ALT '98, Otzenhausen, Germany, October 8-10, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
30EEMichael M. Richter, Carl H. Smith, Rolf Wiehagen, Thomas Zeugmann: Editor's Introduction. ALT 1998: 1-10
29EEMichael M. Richter: Introduction. Case-Based Reasoning Technology 1998: 1-16
28EEJürgen Avenhaus, Reinhard Gotzhein, Theo Härder, Lothar Litz, Klaus Madlener, Jürgen Nehmer, Michael M. Richter, Norbert Ritter, H. Dieter Rombach, Bernd Schürmann, Gerhard Zimmermann: Entwicklung großer Systeme mit generischen Methoden - Eine Übersicht über den Sonderforschungsbereich 501. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 13(4): 227-234 (1998)
27 Setsuo Arikawa, Michael M. Richter: Special Issue on Algorithmic Learning Theory. New Generation Comput. 15(1): 1-2 (1997)
26 Stefan Wess, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Michael M. Richter: Topics in Case-Based Reasoning, First European Workshop, EWCBR-93, Kaiserslautern, Germany, November 1-5, 1993, Selected Papers Springer 1994
25 Michael M. Richter: A Unified Approach to Inductive Logic and Case-Based Reasoning (Extended Abstract). AII/ALT 1994: 210
24 Michael M. Richter, Bernd Bachmann, Ansgar Bernardi: ARC-TEC - ein Beitrag zur wissensbasierten Unterstützung der industriellen Praxis. KI 8(2): 52-56 (1994)
23 Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning, Simone Martini, Michael M. Richter: Computer Science Logic, 6th Workshop, CSL '92, San Miniato, Italy, September 28 - October 2, 1992, Selected Papers Springer 1993
22 Vera Kamp, Manfred Kopisch, Michael M. Richter, Matthias Schick, Anna-Maria Schoeller: Räumliche Problemstellungen in technischen Domänen. KI 1993: 260-263
21 Michael M. Richter: Some Recent Developments in the Representation and Processing of Knowledge. Fundam. Inform. 18: 233-248 (1993)
20 Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning, Michael M. Richter: Computer Science Logic, 5th Workshop, CSL '91, Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991, Proceedings Springer 1992
19 Michael M. Richter: Geschichte der Tagungen über automatische Beweisverfahren. KI 6(3): 49-50 (1992)
18 Egon Börger, Hans Kleine Büning, Michael M. Richter, Wolfgang Schönfeld: Computer Science Logic, 4th Workshop, CSL '90, Heidelberg, Germany, October 1-5, 1990, Proceedings Springer 1991
17 Harold Boley, Michael M. Richter: Processing Declarative Knowledge, International Workshop PDK'91, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 1-3, 1991, Proceedings Springer 1991
16 Michael M. Richter, Stefan Wess: Similarity, Uncertainty and Case-Based Reasoning in Patdex. Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe 1991: 249-266
15 Harold Boley, Micha Meier, Chris Moss, Michael M. Richter, Andrei Voronkov: Declarative and Procedural Paradigms - Do they Really Compete? (Panel). PDK 1991: 383-398
14 Gerhard Barth, Thomas Christaller, Armin B. Cremers, Bernd Neumann, Franz Josef Radermacher, Bernd Radig, Michael M. Richter, Jörg H. Siekmann, Werner von Seelen: Künstliche Intelligenz - Perspektiven einer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten. Informatik Spektrum 14(4): 201-206 (1991)
13 Egon Börger, Hans Kleine Büning, Michael M. Richter: CSL '89, 3rd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 2-6, 1989, Proceedings Springer 1990
12 Egon Börger, Hans Kleine Büning, Michael M. Richter: CSL '88, 2nd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Duisburg, Germany, October 3-7, 1988, Proceedings Springer 1989
11 Michael M. Richter: Automatisches Beweisen, Künstliche Intelligenz und Mathematik. KI 3(3): 34-37 (1989)
10 Thomas Christaller, Hans-Werner Hein, Michael M. Richter: Künstliche Intelligenz, Theoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder, Frühjahrsschulen, Dassel, 8.-16. März 1985 und 8.-16. März 1986 Springer 1988
9 Egon Börger, Hans Kleine Büning, Michael M. Richter: CSL '87, 1st Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 12-16, 1987, Proceedings Springer 1988
8 Benjamin Benninghofen, Susanne Kemmerich, Michael M. Richter: Systems of Reductions Springer 1987
7 Klaus Nökel, Robert Rehbold, Michael M. Richter: Remarks on SASL and the Verification of Functional Programming Languages. Computation Theory and Logic 1987: 265-276
6 Michael M. Richter: Planung in Wissensbasierten Systemen. Wissensbasierte Systeme 1987: 224-232
5 Michael M. Richter: Künstliche Intelligenz und Logik. Wissensrepräsentation in Expertensystemen 1987: 16-40
4 Peter Heinen, Heinrich Reusch, Michael M. Richter, Thomas Wetter: Formal Description of Objects, Processes, and Levels of Expert Reasoning. GWAI 1985: 285-294
3 Walter Oberschelp, Britta Schinzel, Wolfgang Thomas, Michael M. Richter: European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Aachen, 1983. J. Symb. Log. 50(1): 259-283 (1985)
2 Michael M. Richter: Some reordering properties for inequality proof trees. Logic and Machines 1983: 183-197
1 Michael M. Richter: Complete and Incomplete Systems of Reductions. GI Jahrestagung 1982: 359-371

Coauthor Index

1Agnar Aamodt [45]
2Daniel D. Abdala [39] [48]
3Ahmed Al-Emran [49]
4Klaus-Dieter Althoff [26]
5Setsuo Arikawa [27]
6Jürgen Avenhaus [28]
7Kerstin Bach [55]
8Bernd Bachmann [24]
9Gerhard Barth [14]
10Benjamin Benninghofen [8]
11Ralph Bergmann [38]
12Ansgar Bernardi [24]
13Rafael F. Bertoldi [48]
14Harold Boley [15] [17]
15Egon Börger [9] [12] [13] [18] [20] [23]
16Hans Kleine Büning [9] [12] [13] [18] [20] [23]
17Thomas Christaller [10] [14]
18Eros Comunello [33] [35] [39]
19Peter Conrad [33]
20Armin B. Cremers [14]
21Paulo Roberto Dellani [35]
22Gengshen Du [46] [47]
23Sigrid Goldmann [37]
24Reinhard Gotzhein [28]
25Theo Härder [28]
26Hans-Werner Hein [10]
27Peter Heinen [4]
28Alec Holt [44]
29Harald Holz [37]
30Eyke Hüllermeier [55] [57]
31Gerhard Jäger [20] [23]
32Vera Kamp [22]
33Susanne Kemmerich [8]
34Manfred Kopisch [22]
35Dirk Krechel [33]
36Jingzhou Li [49] [56]
37Lothar Litz [28]
38Craig MacDonald [54]
39Brenan Mackas [56]
40Klaus Madlener [28]
41Simone Martini [23]
42Kerstin Maximini (Kerstin Faber) [35]
43Micha Meier [15]
44Grigori Melnik [43]
45Chris Moss [15]
46Babak Mougouie [38]
47Jürgen Nehmer [28]
48Bernd Neumann [14]
49Klaus Nökel [7]
50Walter Oberschelp [3]
51Petra Perner [44]
52Miltos Petridis [55]
53Franz Josef Radermacher [14]
54Bernd Radig [14]
55Robert Rehbold [7]
56Heinrich Reusch [4]
57Leonardo Ribeiro [35]
58Norbert Ritter [28]
59H. Dieter Rombach [28]
60Günther Ruhe [46] [47] [49] [56]
61Thiago R. dos Santos [39]
62Matthias Schick [22]
63Britta Schinzel [3]
64Anna-Maria Schoeller [22]
65Wolfgang Schönfeld [18]
66Bernd Schürmann [28]
67Werner von Seelen [14]
68Jörg H. Siekmann [14]
69Carl H. Smith [30] [31]
70Armin Stahl [41]
71Wolfgang Thomas [3]
72Andrei Voronkov [15]
73Harley Wagner [33]
74Aldo von Wangenheim [33] [35] [39] [48]
75Rosina O. Weber (Rosina Weber, Rosina Weber-Lee) [52] [54] [55] [57]
76Stefan Wess [16] [26]
77Thomas Wetter [4]
78Rolf Wiehagen [30] [31]
79Paulo Roberto Wille [39]
80Thomas Zeugmann [30] [31]
81Gerhard Zimmermann [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)