
Sesh Commuri

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8EEMohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri: An energy efficient and self-healing 3-dimensional sensor cover. IJAHUC 3(1): 33-47 (2008)
7EESesh Commuri, V. Tadigotla, Mohammed Atiquzzaman: Reconfigurable Hardware Based Dynamic Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJDSN 4(2): 194-212 (2008)
6EEMohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri: Boundary coverage and coverage boundary problems in wireless sensor networks. IJSNet 2(3/4): 273-283 (2007)
5EESesh Commuri, V. Tadigotla, L. Sliger: Task-based Hardware Reconfiguration in Mobile Robots Using FPGAs. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 49(2): 111-134 (2007)
4 Mohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri: A Reduced Cover Approach to Energy Efficient Tracking. ICWN 2006: 128-135
3 Mohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri: Power Conservation Approaches to the Border Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICWN 2006: 143-152
2EESesh Commuri, Mohamed Khalil Watfa: Coverage Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJDSN 2(4): 333-353 (2006)
1EEMohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri: An Energy Efficient Approach to Dynamic Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. JNW 1(4): 10-20 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Mohammed Atiquzzaman [7]
2L. Sliger [5]
3V. Tadigotla [5] [7]
4Mohamed Khalil Watfa [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8]

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