
Matthias Alles

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5EEMatthias May, Matthias Alles, Norbert Wehn: A Case Study in Reliability-Aware Design: A Resilient LDPC Code Decoder. DATE 2008: 456-461
4EEHeiko Hinkelmann, Peter Zipf, Manfred Glesner, Matthias Alles, Timo Vogt, Norbert Wehn, Götz Kappen, Tobias G. Noll: Application-specific reconfigurable processors. FPL 2008: 350
3EETorben Brack, Matthias Alles, Timo Lehnigk-Emden, Frank Kienle, Norbert Wehn, Nicola E. L'Insalata, Francesco Rossi, Massimo Rovini, Luca Fanucci: Low complexity LDPC code decoders for next generation standards. DATE 2007: 331-336
2EEMatthias Alles, Torben Brack, Norbert Wehn: A Reliability-Aware LDPC Code Decoding Algorithm. VTC Spring 2007: 1544-1548
1EETorben Brack, Matthias Alles, Timo Lehnigk-Emden, Frank Kienle, Norbert Wehn, Friedbert Berens, Andreas Ruegg: A Survey on LDPC Codes and Decoders for OFDM-based UWB Systems. VTC Spring 2007: 1549-1553

Coauthor Index

1Friedbert Berens [1]
2Torben Brack [1] [2] [3]
3Luca Fanucci [3]
4Manfred Glesner [4]
5Heiko Hinkelmann [4]
6Götz Kappen [4]
7Frank Kienle [1] [3]
8Nicola E. L'Insalata [3]
9Timo Lehnigk-Emden [1] [3]
10Matthias May [5]
11Tobias G. Noll [4]
12Francesco Rossi [3]
13Massimo Rovini [3]
14Andreas Ruegg [1]
15Timo Vogt [4]
16Norbert Wehn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
17Peter Zipf [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)