
Haitham Akkary

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16EESatyanarayana Nekkalapu, Haitham Akkary, Komal Jothi, Renjith Retnamma, Xiaoyu Song: A simple latency tolerant processor. ICCD 2008: 384-389
15EEHaitham Akkary, Komal Jothi, Renjith Retnamma, Satyanarayana Nekkalapu, Doug Hall, Shahrokh Shahidzadeh: On the potential of latency tolerant execution in speculative multithreading. IFMT 2008: 3
14EEAhmed S. Al-Zawawi, Vimal K. Reddy, Eric Rotenberg, Haitham Akkary: Transparent control independence (TCI). ISCA 2007: 448-459
13EEAmit Gandhi, Haitham Akkary, Ravi Rajwar, Srikanth T. Srinivasan, Konrad Lai: Scalable Load and Store Processing in Latency-Tolerant Processors. IEEE Micro 26(1): 30-39 (2006)
12EEAmit Gandhi, Haitham Akkary, Ravi Rajwar, Srikanth T. Srinivasan, Konrad K. Lai: Scalable Load and Store Processing in Latency Tolerant Processors. ISCA 2005: 446-457
11EESrikanth T. Srinivasan, Ravi Rajwar, Haitham Akkary, Amit Gandhi, Michael Upton: Continual flow pipelines. ASPLOS 2004: 107-119
10EEAmit Gandhi, Haitham Akkary, Srikanth T. Srinivasan: Reducing Branch Misprediction Penalty via Selective Branch Recovery. HPCA 2004: 254-264
9EEHaitham Akkary, Srikanth T. Srinivasan, Rajendar Koltur, Yogesh Patil, Wael Refaai: Perceptron-Based Branch Confidence Estimation. HPCA 2004: 265-275
8EESrikanth T. Srinivasan, Haitham Akkary, Tom Holman, Konrad Lai: A Minimal Dual-Core Speculative Multi-Threading Architecture. ICCD 2004: 360-367
7EESrikanth T. Srinivasan, Ravi Rajwar, Haitham Akkary, Amit Gandhi, Michael Upton: Continual Flow Pipelines: Achieving Resource-Efficient Latency Tolerance. IEEE Micro 24(6): 62-73 (2004)
6EEHaitham Akkary, Ravi Rajwar, Srikanth T. Srinivasan: An analysis of a resource efficient checkpoint architecture. TACO 1(4): 418-444 (2004)
5EEHaitham Akkary, Srikanth T. Srinivasan, Konrad Lai: Recycling waste: exploiting wrong-path execution to improve branch prediction. ICS 2003: 12-21
4EEHaitham Akkary, Ravi Rajwar, Srikanth T. Srinivasan: Checkpoint Processing and Recovery: Towards Scalable Large Instruction Window Processors. MICRO 2003: 423-
3EEHaitham Akkary, Ravi Rajwar, Srikanth T. Srinivasan: Checkpoint Processing and Recovery: An Efficient, Scalable Alternative to Reorder Buffers. IEEE Micro 23(6): 11-19 (2003)
2EEHaitham Akkary, Sébastien Hily: The Case for Speculative Multithreading on SMT Processors. ISHPC 2000: 59-72
1EEHaitham Akkary, Michael A. Driscoll: A Dynamic Multithreading Processor. MICRO 1998: 226-236

Coauthor Index

1Ahmed S. Al-Zawawi [14]
2Michael A. Driscoll [1]
3Amit Gandhi [7] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Doug Hall [15]
5Sébastien Hily [2]
6Tom Holman [8]
7Komal Jothi [15] [16]
8Rajendar Koltur [9]
9Konrad Lai (Konrad K. Lai) [5] [8] [12] [13]
10Satyanarayana Nekkalapu [15] [16]
11Yogesh Patil [9]
12Ravi Rajwar [3] [4] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13]
13Vimal K. Reddy [14]
14Wael Refaai [9]
15Renjith Retnamma [15] [16]
16Eric Rotenberg [14]
17Shahrokh Shahidzadeh [15]
18Xiaoyu Song [16]
19Srikanth T. Srinivasan [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
20Michael Upton [7] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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