
Gul A. Agha

Gul Agha

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129EEYoungMin Kwon, Gul Agha: LTLC: Linear Temporal Logic for Control. HSCC 2008: 316-329
128EEYoungMin Kwon, Gul Agha: Passive Localization: Large Size Sensor Network Localization Based on Environmental Events. IPSN 2008: 3-14
127EEGul Agha: Computing in pervasive cyberspace. Commun. ACM 51(1): 68-70 (2008)
126EEPo-Hao Chang, Gul Agha: Towards Context-Aware Web Applications. DAIS 2007: 239-252
125EERick Kazman, Gul Agha: Software Technology Track Introduction. HICSS 2007: 255
124EEYoungMin Kwon, Gul Agha: A Markov Reward Model for Software Reliability. IPDPS 2007: 1-6
123EEPo-Hao Chang, Gul Agha: Supporting reconfigurable object distribution for customized web applications. SAC 2007: 1286-1292
122EERajesh K. Karmani, Timo Latvala, Gul Agha: On Scaling Multi-Agent Task Reallocation Using Market-Based Approach. SASO 2007: 173-182
121EEYoungMin Kwon, Sameer Sundresh, Kirill Mechitov, Gul Agha: ActorNet: an actor platform for wireless sensor networks. AAMAS 2006: 1297-1300
120EEKoushik Sen, Gul Agha: CUTE and jCUTE: Concolic Unit Testing and Explicit Path Model-Checking Tools. CAV 2006: 419-423
119EEKoushik Sen, Gul Agha: Automated Systematic Testing of Open Distributed Programs. FASE 2006: 339-356
118EEBill Donkervoet, Gul Agha: Reflecting on Aspect-Oriented Programming, Metaprogramming, and Adaptive Distributed Monitoring. FMCO 2006: 246-265
117EEGul Agha: Track Introduction. HICSS 2006
116EEKoushik Sen, Gul Agha: A Race-Detection and Flipping Algorithm for Automated Testing of Multi-threaded Programs. Haifa Verification Conference 2006: 166-182
115EEYoungMin Kwon, Gul Agha: Scalable Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2006: 49-58
114EEKoushik Sen, Abhay Vardhan, Gul Agha, Grigore Rosu: Decentralized runtime analysis of multithreaded applications. IPDPS 2006
113EEReza Razavi, Kirill Mechitov, Sameer Sundresh, Gul Agha, Jean-François Perrot: Ambiance: adaptive object model-based platform for macroprogramming sensor networks. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 663-664
112EEPo-Hao Chang, Gul Agha: Supporting Reconfigurable Object Distribution for Customizable Web Applications. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 32-33
111EELiping Chen, Gul Agha: State Aware Data Dissemination over Structured Overlays. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2006: 145-152
110EEKoushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: Model-Checking Markov Chains in the Presence of Uncertainties. TACAS 2006: 394-410
109EEGul A. Agha, José Meseguer, Koushik Sen: PMaude: Rewrite-based Specification Language for Probabilistic Object Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 153(2): 213-239 (2006)
108EEKoushik Sen, Grigore Rosu, Gul Agha: Online efficient predictive safety analysis of multithreaded programs. STTT 8(3): 248-260 (2006)
107EEMyeong-Wuk Jang, Gul Agha: Agent framework services to reduce agent communication overhead in large-scale agent-based simulations. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 14(6): 679-694 (2006)
106EEKoushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: On Statistical Model Checking of Stochastic Systems. CAV 2005: 266-280
105EEKoushik Sen, Darko Marinov, Gul Agha: CUTE: a concolic unit testing engine for C. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 263-272
104 Predrag T. Tosic, Gul A. Agha: Computational Complexity of Predicting Some Properties of Large-Scale Agent Ensembles' Dynamical Evolution. EUMAS 2005: 415-426
103EEKoushik Sen, Grigore Rosu, Gul Agha: Detecting Errors in Multithreaded Programs by Generalized Predictive Analysis of Executions. FMOODS 2005: 211-226
102EEGul Agha: Software Technology Track. HICSS 2005
101EEYoungMin Kwon, Kirill Mechitov, Sameer Sundresh, WooYoung Kim, Gul A. Agha: Resilient Localization for Sensor Networks in Outdoor Environments. ICDCS 2005: 643-652
100EESandeep Uttamchandani, Xiaoxin Yin, John Palmer, Gul A. Agha: Monitormining: creating domain knowledge for system automation using a gray-box approach. Integrated Network Management 2005: 61-74
99EELi Yin, Sandeep Uttamchandani, John Palmer, Randy H. Katz, Gul A. Agha: AUTOLOOP: Automated Action Selection in the "Observe-Analyze-Act" Loop for Storage Systems. POLICY 2005: 129-138
98EEMyungJoo Ham, Gul Agha: ARA: A Robust Audit to Prevent Free-Riding in P2P Networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2005: 125-132
97EEYoungMin Kwon, Gul A. Agha: iLTLChecker: A Probabilistic Model Checker for Multiple DTMCs. QEST 2005: 245-246
96EEKoushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul A. Agha: VESTA: A Statistical Model-checker and Analyzer for Probabilistic Systems. QEST 2005: 251-252
95EEAbhay Vardhan, Koushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: Using Language Inference to Verify Omega-Regular Properties. TACAS 2005: 45-60
94EEPredrag T. Tosic, Gul A. Agha: On Computational Complexity of Counting Fixed Points in Symmetric Boolean Graph Automata. UC 2005: 191-205
93EESandeep Uttamchandani, Li Yin, Guillermo A. Alvarez, John Palmer, Gul A. Agha: CHAMELEON: A Self-Evolving, Fully-Adaptive Resource Arbitrator for Storage Systems. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2005: 75-88
92 Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Te Wei Wang, Gul A. Agha: Actor Model and Knowledge Management Systems: Social Interaction as a Framework for Knowledge Integration. Wissensmanagement 2005: 19-29
91EEIrma Becerra-Fernandez, Te Wei Wang, Gul Agha, Thant Sin: Actor Model and Knowledge Management Systems: Social Interaction as a Framework for Knowledge Integration. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 19-31
90EENadeem Jamali, Indratmo, Xinghui Zhao, Gul Agha: Decentralized Resource Control for Multi-Agent Systems. AAMAS 2004: 1366-1367
89EEPredrag T. Tosic, Gul Agha: Characterizing Configuration Spaces of Simple Threshold Cellular Automata. ACRI 2004: 861-870
88EEPrasanna Thati, Carolyn L. Talcott, Gul Agha: Techniques for Executing and Reasoning about Specification Diagrams. AMAST 2004: 521-536
87EESameer Sundresh, WooYoung Kim, Gul Agha: SENS: A Sensor, Environment and Network Simulator. Annual Simulation Symposium 2004: 221-
86EEKoushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: Statistical Model Checking of Black-Box Probabilistic Systems. CAV 2004: 202-215
85EEGul Agha, Prasanna Thati: An Algebraic Theory of Actors and Its Application to a Simple Object-Based Language. Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl 2004: 26-57
84EEAbhay Vardhan, Koushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: Actively Learning to Verify Safety for FIFO Automata. FSTTCS 2004: 494-505
83EEGul Agha: Software Technology Track Introduction. HICSS 2004
82EEMyeong-Wuk Jang, Amr Abdel Momen, Gul Agha: ATSpace: A Middle Agent to Support Application Oriented Matchmaking and Brokering Services. IAT 2004: 393-396
81EEYoungMin Kwon, Gul Agha: Linear Inequality LTL (iLTL): A Model Checker for Discrete Time Markov Chains. ICFEM 2004: 194-208
80EEAbhay Vardhan, Koushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: Learning to Verify Safety Properties. ICFEM 2004: 274-289
79EEKoushik Sen, Abhay Vardhan, Gul Agha, Grigore Rosu: Efficient Decentralized Monitoring of Safety in Distributed Systems. ICSE 2004: 418-427
78EEPredrag T. Tosic, Gul Agha: Concurrency vs. Sequential Interleavings in 1-D Threshold Cellular Automata. IPDPS 2004
77EEPredrag T. Tosic, Gul A. Agha: Maximal Clique Based Distributed Coalition Formation for Task Allocation in Large-Scale Multi-agent Systems. MMAS 2004: 104-120
76EEMyeong-Wuk Jang, Gul Agha: Adaptive Agent Allocation for Massively Multi-agent Applications. MMAS 2004: 25-39
75EESandeep Uttamchandani, Guillermo A. Alvarez, Gul Agha: DecisionQoS: An Adaptive, Self-Evolving QoS Arbitration Module for Storage Systems. POLICY 2004: 67-76
74EEKoushik Sen, Mahesh Viswanathan, Gul Agha: Learning Continuous Time Markov Chains from Sample Executions. QEST 2004: 146-155
73EEPo-Hao Chang, WooYoung Kim, Gul Agha: An Adaptive Programming Framework for Web Applications. SAINT 2004: 152-159
72EEMyeong-Wuk Jang, Amr Ahmed Momen, Gul Agha: Efficient Agent Communication in Multi-agent Systems. SELMAS 2004: 236-253
71EEPredrag T. Tosic, Gul A. Agha: Towards a hierarchical taxonomy of autonomous agents. SMC (4) 2004: 3421-3426
70EEKoushik Sen, Grigore Rosu, Gul Agha: Online Efficient Predictive Safety Analysis of Multithreaded Programs. TACAS 2004: 123-138
69EENalini Venkatasubramanian, Carolyn L. Talcott, Gul Agha: A formal model for reasoning about adaptive QoS-enabled middleware. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 13(1): 86-147 (2004)
68EEKoushik Sen, Grigore Rosu, Gul Agha: Generating Optimal Linear Temporal Logic Monitors by Coinduction. ASIAN 2003: 260-275
67EEKoushik Sen, Grigore Rosu, Gul Agha: Runtime safety analysis of multithreaded programs. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 337-346
66EENirman Kumar, Koushik Sen, José Meseguer, Gul Agha: A Rewriting Based Model for Probabilistic Distributed Object Systems. FMOODS 2003: 32-46
65EEReza Ziaei, Gul Agha: SynchNet: A Petri Net Based Coordination Language for Distributed Objects. GPCE 2003: 324-343
64 Hui Ding, Can Zheng, Lui Sha, Gul Agha: Specification and Validation of Fault-Tolerant Software Architectures Based on Actor Model. SEKE 2003: 458-466
63EEKirill Mechitov, Sameer Sundresh, YoungMin Kwon, Gul Agha: Cooperative tracking with binary-detection sensor networks. SenSys 2003: 332-333
62EEHui Ding, Can Zheng, Gul Agha, Lui Sha: Automated Verification of the Dependability of Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems. WORDS Fall 2003: 171-178
61EEPrasannaa Thati, Reza Ziaei, Gul Agha: A Theory of May Testing for Asynchronous Calculi with Locality and No Name Matching. AMAST 2002: 223-238
60 Prasannaa Thati, Reza Ziaei, Gul Agha: A Theory of May Testing for Actors. FMOODS 2002: 147-162
59EEAbhay Vardhan, Gul Agha: Using passive object garbage collection algorithms for garbage collection of active objects. MSP/ISMM 2002: 213-220
58 Dejan S. Milojicic, Gul Agha, Philippe Bernadat, Deepika Chauhan, Shai Guday, Nadeem Jamali, Dan Lambright, Franco Travostino: Case Studies in Security and Resource Management for Mobile Object Systems. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 5(1): 45-79 (2002)
57EEGul Agha: Introduction. Commun. ACM 45(6): 30-32 (2002)
56 Gul Agha, Fiorella de Cindio, Grzegorz Rozenberg: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets, Advances in Petri Nets. Springer 2001
55EEGul Agha: The World Wide Computer: Prospects for Parallel and Distributed Computing on the Web. CCGRID 2001: 18
54EENalini Venkatasubramanian, Carolyn L. Talcott, Gul Agha: A Formal Model for Reasoning about Adaptive QoS-Enabled Middleware. FME 2001: 197-221
53EEPrasannaa Thati, Po-Hao Chang, Gul Agha: Crawlets: Agents for High Performance Web Search Engines. Mobile Agents 2001: 119-134
52 Gul Agha, Nadeem Jamali, Carlos A. Varela: Agent Naming and Coordination: Actor Based Models and Infrastructures. Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications 2001: 225-246
51EEMark Astley, Daniel C. Sturman, Gul Agha: Customizable middleware for modular distributed software. Commun. ACM 44(5): 99-107 (2001)
50 Carlos A. Varela, Gul Agha: Programming Dynamically Reconfigurable Open systems with SALSA. SIGPLAN Notices 36(12): 20-34 (2001)
49EEGul Agha: Object Oriented Architectures, Tools, and Applications. Euro-Par 2000: 1029-1030
48EECarlos A. Varela, Gul Agha: A Hierarchical Model for Coordination of Concurrent Activities. COORDINATION 1999: 166-182
47 Brian Nielsen, Gul Agha: Towards Reusable Real-Time Objects. Ann. Software Eng. 7: 257-282 (1999)
46EEDejan S. Milojicic, Gul Agha, Philippe Bernadat, Deepika Chauhan, Shai Guday, Nadeem Jamali, Dan Lambright: Case Studies in Security and Resource Management for Mobile Objects. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 306
45EEGul Agha, Mark Astley, Jamil A. Sheikh, Carlos A. Varela: Modular Heterogeneous System Development: A Critical Analysis of Java. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1998: 144-155
44EEBrian Nielsen, Shangping Ren, Gul Agha: Specification of Real-Time Interaction Constraints. ISORC 1998: 206-214
43EEMark Astley, Gul Agha: Modular Construction and Composition of Distributed Software Architectures. PDSE 1998: 2-12
42EEMark Astley, Gul Agha: Customizaton and Compositon of Distributed Objects: Middleware Abstractions for Policy Management. SIGSOFT FSE 1998: 1-9
41EECarlos A. Varela, Gul Agha: What after Java? From Objects to Actors. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 573-577 (1998)
40 Rachid Guerraoui, Gul Agha: Editorial - High Availability in CORBA. TAPOS 4(2): 71 (1998)
39EEGul Agha, Stefano Russo: Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems. ICSE 1997: 678
38 Gul Agha, Ian A. Mason, Scott F. Smith, Carolyn L. Talcott: A Foundation for Actor Computation. J. Funct. Program. 7(1): 1-72 (1997)
37 Gul Agha: Modeling Concurrent Systems: Actors, Nets, and the Problem of Abstraction and Composition. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1996: 1-10
36 Shangping Ren, Gul Agha: A Modular Approach for Programming Embedded Systems. European Educational Forum: School on Embedded Systems 1996: 170-207
35EER. Panwar, W. Kim, Gul Agha: Parallel Implementations of Irregular Problems Using High-Level Actor Language. IPPS 1996: 857-862
34 Gul Agha: Linguistic Paradigms for Programming Complex Distributed Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(2): 295-296 (1996)
33 Mark Astley, Gul Agha: A Visualization Model for Concurrent Systems. Inf. Sci. 93(1): 107-131 (1996)
32 Shangping Ren, Gul Agha, Masahiko Saito: A Modular Approach to Programming Distributed Real-Time Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 36(1): 4-12 (1996)
31EEMasahiko Saito, Gul Agha: A modular approach to real-time synchronization. OOPS Messenger 7(1): 13-20 (1996)
30EEWooYoung Kim, Gul Agha: Efficient Support of Location Transparency in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages. SC 1995
29 Shangping Ren, Gul Agha: RTsynchronizer: Language Support for Real-Time Specifications in Distributed Systems. Workshop on Languages, Compilers, & Tools for Real-Time Systems 1995: 50-59
28 Svend Frølund, Gul Agha: Abstracting Interactions Based on Message Sets. ECOOP Workshop 1994: 107-124
27 Daniel C. Sturman, Gul Agha: A Protocol Description Language for Customizing Semantics. SRDS 1994: 148-157
26 Christian J. Callsen, Gul Agha: Open Heterogeneous Computing in Actor Space. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 21(3): 289-300 (1994)
25 R. Panwar, Gul Agha: A Methodology for Programming Scalable Architectures. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 22(3): 479-487 (1994)
24EESvend Frølund, Gul Agha: A Language Framework for Multi-Object Coordination. ECOOP 1993: 346-360
23 Gul Agha, Christian J. Callsen: ActorSpaces: An Open Distributed Programming Paradigm. PPOPP 1993: 23-32
22 Gul Agha, Ian A. Mason, Scott F. Smith, Carolyn L. Talcott: Towards a Theory of Actor Computation. CONCUR 1992: 565-579
21EESuresh Jagannathan, Gul Agha: A Reflective Model of Inheritance. ECOOP 1992: 350-371
20 Gul Agha: Formal methods for Actor systems: A progress report. FORTE 1992: 217-228
19 Christopher R. Houck, Gul Agha: HAL: A High-Level Actor Language and Its Distributed Implementation. ICPP (2) 1992: 158-165
18 Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Gul Agha, Carolyn L. Talcott: Scalable Distributed Garbage Collection for Systems of Active Objects. IWMM 1992: 134-147
17 Won Kim, Gul Agha: Comilation of a Highly Parallel Actor-Based Language. LCPC 1992: 1-15
16 Vineet Singh, Vipin Kumar, Gul Agha, Chris Tomlinson: Scalability of Parallel Sorting on Mesh Multicomputers. IPPS 1991: 92-101
15 Gul Agha, Christopher R. Houck, R. Panwar: Distributed Execution of Actor Programs. LCPC 1991: 1-17
14 Gul Agha, Akinori Yonezawa, Peter Wegner, Samson Abramsky: OOPSLA panel on object-based concurrent programming. OOPS Messenger 2(2): 3-15 (1991)
13 Gul Agha, Samson Abramsky, Carl Hewitt, Robin Milner, Peter Wegner, Akinori Yonezawa: Foundations of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (Panel). OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 100
12 Gul Agha: The Structure and Semantics of Actor Languages. REX Workshop 1990: 1-59
11 Gul Agha: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. Commun. ACM 33(9): 125-141 (1990)
10 Gul Agha: Supporting Multiparadigm Programming on Actor Architectures. PARLE (2) 1989: 1-19
9EEGul Agha: Foundational issues in concurrent computing. SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 60-65 (1989)
8EEChris Tomlinson, Won Kim, Mark Scheevel, Vineet Singh, B. Will, Gul Agha: Rosette: An object-oriented concurrent systems architecture. SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 91-93 (1989)
7 Gul Agha: The Relation between Problems in Large-Scale Concurrent Systems and Distributed Databases. DPDS 1988: 2-12
6 Carl Hewitt, Gul Agha: Guarded Horn Clause Languages: Are They Deductive and Logical? FGCS 1988: 650-657
5 Gul Agha, Carl Hewitt: Actors: A Conceptual Foundation for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming 1987: 49-74
4 Gul Agha, Carl Hewitt: Concurrent Programming Using Actors: Exploiting large-Scale Parallelism. FSTTCS 1985: 19-41
3EEGul Agha: A Message-Passing Paradigm for Object Management. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 8(4): 75-82 (1985)
2 Gul Agha: Semantic Considerations in the Actor Paradigm of Concurrent Computation. Seminar on Concurrency 1984: 151-179
1 Carl Hewitt, Tom Reinhardt, Gul Agha, Giuseppe Attardi: Linguistic Support of Receptionists for Shared Resources. Seminar on Concurrency 1984: 330-359

Coauthor Index

1Samson Abramsky [13] [14]
2Guillermo A. Alvarez [75] [93]
3Mark Astley [33] [42] [43] [45] [51]
4Giuseppe Attardi [1]
5Irma Becerra-Fernandez [91] [92]
6Philippe Bernadat [46] [58]
7Christian J. Callsen [23] [26]
8Po-Hao Chang [53] [73] [112] [123] [126]
9Deepika Chauhan [46] [58]
10Liping Chen [111]
11Fiorella de Cindio [56]
12Hui Ding [62] [64]
13Bill Donkervoet [118]
14Svend Frølund [24] [28]
15Shai Guday [46] [58]
16Rachid Guerraoui [40]
17MyungJoo Ham [98]
18Carl Hewitt [1] [4] [5] [6] [13]
19Christopher R. Houck [15] [19]
20 Indratmo [90]
21Suresh Jagannathan [21]
22Nadeem Jamali [46] [52] [58] [90]
23Myeong-Wuk Jang [72] [76] [82] [107]
24Rajesh K. Karmani [122]
25Randy H. Katz [99]
26Rick Kazman [125]
27W. Kim [35]
28Won Kim [8] [17]
29WooYoung Kim [30] [73] [87] [101]
30Nirman Kumar [66]
31Vipin Kumar [16]
32YoungMin Kwon [63] [81] [97] [101] [115] [121] [124] [128] [129]
33Dan Lambright [46] [58]
34Timo Latvala [122]
35Darko Marinov [105]
36Ian A. Mason [22] [38]
37Kirill Mechitov [63] [101] [113] [121]
38José Meseguer [66] [109]
39Robin Milner [13]
40Dejan S. Milojicic [46] [58]
41Amr Abdel Momen [82]
42Amr Ahmed Momen [72]
43Brian Nielsen [44] [47]
44John Palmer [93] [99] [100]
45R. Panwar [15] [25] [35]
46Jean-François Perrot [113]
47Reza Razavi [113]
48Tom Reinhardt [1]
49Shangping Ren [29] [32] [36] [44]
50Grigore Rosu [67] [68] [70] [79] [103] [108] [114]
51Grzegorz Rozenberg [56]
52Stefano Russo [39]
53Masahiko Saito [31] [32]
54Mark Scheevel [8]
55Koushik Sen [66] [67] [68] [70] [74] [79] [80] [84] [86] [95] [96] [103] [105] [106] [108] [109] [110] [114] [116] [119] [120]
56Lui Sha [62] [64]
57Jamil A. Sheikh [45]
58Thant Sin [91]
59Vineet Singh [8] [16]
60Scott F. Smith [22] [38]
61Daniel C. Sturman [27] [51]
62Sameer Sundresh [63] [87] [101] [113] [121]
63Carolyn L. Talcott [18] [22] [38] [54] [69] [88]
64Prasanna Thati (Prasannaa Thati) [53] [60] [61] [85] [88]
65Chris Tomlinson [8] [16]
66Predrag T. Tosic [71] [77] [78] [89] [94] [104]
67Franco Travostino [58]
68Sandeep Uttamchandani [75] [93] [99] [100]
69Abhay Vardhan [59] [79] [80] [84] [95] [114]
70Carlos A. Varela [41] [45] [48] [50] [52]
71Nalini Venkatasubramanian [18] [54] [69]
72Mahesh Viswanathan [74] [80] [84] [86] [95] [96] [106] [110]
73Te Wei Wang [91] [92]
74Peter Wegner [13] [14]
75B. Will [8]
76Li Yin [93] [99]
77Xiaoxin Yin [100]
78Akinori Yonezawa [13] [14]
79Xinghui Zhao [90]
80Can Zheng [62] [64]
81Reza Ziaei [60] [61] [65]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)