2008 | ||
25 | EE | Andrew P. King, Christian Jansen, Redha Boubertakh, Kawal S. Rhode, Reza Razavi, Graeme P. Penney: Model-based respiratory motion correction using 3-D echocardiography. ISBI 2008: 1465-1468 |
24 | EE | Xiahai Zhuang, Kawal S. Rhode, Simon R. Arridge, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill, David J. Hawkes, Sébastien Ourselin: An Atlas-Based Segmentation Propagation Framework Using Locally Affine Registration - Application to Automatic Whole Heart Segmentation. MICCAI (2) 2008: 425-433 |
23 | EE | Phani Chinchapatnam, Kawal S. Rhode, M. Ginks, C. A. Rinaldi, Pier Lambiase, Reza Razavi, Simon R. Arridge, Maxime Sermesant: Model-Based Imaging of Cardiac Apparent Conductivity and Local Conduction Velocity for Diagnosis and Planning of Therapy. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(11): 1631-1642 (2008) |
2007 | ||
22 | EE | Maxime Sermesant, Ender Konukoglu, Hervé Delingette, Yves Coudière, Phani Chinchapatnam, Kawal S. Rhode, Reza Razavi, Nicholas Ayache: An Anisotropic Multi-front Fast Marching Method for Real-Time Simulation of Cardiac Electrophysiology. FIMH 2007: 160-169 |
21 | EE | Hervé Delingette, Maxime Sermesant, Jean-Marc Peyrat, Nicholas Ayache, Kawal S. Rhode, Reza Razavi, Elliot R. McVeigh, Dominique Chapelle, Jacques Sainte-Marie, Philippe Moireau, Miguel Fernandez, Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Karima Djabella, Qinghua Zhang, Michel Sorine: Cardiosense3d: Patient-Specific Cardiac Simulation. ISBI 2007: 628-631 |
20 | EE | Phani Chinchapatnam, Kawal S. Rhode, Andrew P. King, G. Gao, Y. Ma, T. Schaeffter, David J. Hawkes, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill, Simon R. Arridge, Maxime Sermesant: Anisotropic Wave Propagation and Apparent Conductivity Estimation in a Fast Electrophysiological Model: Application to XMR Interventional Imaging. MICCAI (1) 2007: 575-583 |
2006 | ||
19 | EE | Adam G. Chandler, Richard J. Pinder, Thomas Netsch, Julia A. Schnabel, David J. Hawkes, Derek L. G. Hill, Reza Razavi: Correction of misaligned slices in multi-slice MR cardiac examinations by using slice-to-volume registration. ISBI 2006: 474-477 |
18 | EE | Reza Razavi, Kirill Mechitov, Sameer Sundresh, Gul Agha, Jean-François Perrot: Ambiance: adaptive object model-based platform for macroprogramming sensor networks. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 663-664 |
2005 | ||
17 | EE | Maxime Sermesant, Philippe Moireau, Oscar Camara, Jacques Sainte-Marie, R. Andriantsimiavona, Robert Cimrman, Derek L. G. Hill, Dominique Chapelle, Reza Razavi: Cardiac Function Estimation from MRI Using a Heart Model and Data Assimilation: Advances and Difficulties. FIMH 2005: 325-337 |
16 | EE | Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Maxime Sermesant, Kawal S. Rhode, Raghavendra Chandrashekara, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill, Daniel Rueckert: Detecting and Comparing the Onset of Myocardial Activation and Regional Motion Changes in Tagged MR for XMR-Guided RF Ablation. FIMH 2005: 348-358 |
15 | EE | Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Maxime Sermesant, Kawal S. Rhode, Raghavendra Chandrashekara, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill, Daniel Rueckert: Localization of Abnormal Conduction Pathways for Tachyarrhythmia Treatment Using Tagged MRI. MICCAI 2005: 425-433 |
14 | EE | Maxime Sermesant, Yves Coudière, Valérie Moreau-Villéger, Kawal S. Rhode, Derek L. G. Hill, Reza Razavi: A Fast-Marching Approach to Cardiac Electrophysiology Simulation for XMR Interventional Imaging. MICCAI (2) 2005: 607-615 |
13 | EE | Nicholas M. I. Noble, Redha Boubertakh, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill: Inter-breath-hold Registration for the Production of High Resolution Cardiac MR Volumes. MICCAI (2) 2005: 894-901 |
12 | EE | Reza Razavi, Noury Bouraqadi, Joseph W. Yoder, Jean-François Perrot, Ralph E. Johnson: Language support for adaptive object-models using metaclasses. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 31(3-4): 199-218 (2005) |
11 | EE | Kawal S. Rhode, Maxime Sermesant, David C. Brogan, Sanjeet Hegde, John H. Hipwell, Pier Lambiase, Eric Rosenthal, Clifford Bucknall, Shakeel A. Qureshi, Jaswinder S. Gill, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill: A system for real-time XMR guided cardiovascular intervention. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(11): 1428-1440 (2005) |
2004 | ||
10 | Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Raghavendra Chandrashekara, Maxime Sermesant, Kawal S. Rhode, Reza Razavi, Derek L. G. Hill, Daniel Rueckert: Detecting the Onset of Myocardial Contraction for Establishing Inverse Electro-Mechanical Coupling in XMR Guided RF Ablation. ISBI 2004: 1055-1058 | |
9 | Simon R. Arridge, Iason Kastanis, Avi Silver, Derek L. G. Hill, Reza Razavi: Reconstruction of the Heart Boundary from Undersampled Cardiac MRI using Fourier Shape Descriptors and Local Basis Functions. ISBI 2004: 1063-1066 | |
8 | EE | Maxime Sermesant, Kawal S. Rhode, Angela Anjorin, Sanjeet Hegde, Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Daniel Rueckert, Pier Lambiase, Clifford Bucknall, Derek L. G. Hill, Reza Razavi: Simulation of the Electromechanical Activity of the Heart Using XMR Interventional Imaging. MICCAI (2) 2004: 786-794 |
7 | EE | Nicholas M. I. Noble, Derek L. G. Hill, Marcel Breeuwer, Reza Razavi: The Automatic Identification of Hibernating Myocardium. MICCAI (2) 2004: 890-898 |
6 | EE | Reza Razavi, Jean-François Perrot, Nicolas Guelfi: Adaptive Modeling: An Approach and a Method for Implementing Adaptive Agents. MMAS 2004: 136-148 |
2003 | ||
5 | EE | Kawal S. Rhode, Derek L. G. Hill, Philip J. Edwards, John H. Hipwell, Daniel Rueckert, Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Sanjeet Hegde, Vithuran Rahunathan, Reza Razavi: Application of XMR 2D-3D Registration to Cardiac Interventional Guidance. MICCAI (1) 2003: 295-302 |
4 | Kawal S. Rhode, Derek L. G. Hill, Philip J. Edwards, John H. Hipwell, Daniel Rueckert, Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Sanjeet Hegde, Vithuran Rahunathan, Reza Razavi: Registration and tracking to integrate x-ray and MR images in an XMR facility. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 22(11): 1369-1378 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
3 | EE | Nicholas M. I. Noble, Derek L. G. Hill, Marcel Breeuwer, Julia A. Schnabel, David J. Hawkes, Frans A. Gerritsen, Reza Razavi: Myocardial Delineation via Registration in a Polar Coordinate System. MICCAI (1) 2002: 651-658 |
2 | Kate McLeish, Derek L. G. Hill, David Atkinson, Jane M. Blackall, Reza Razavi: A Study of the Motion and Deformation of the Heart due to Respiration. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(9): 1142-1150 (2002) | |
2000 | ||
1 | EE | Joseph W. Yoder, Reza Razavi: Metadata and Adaptive Object-Models. ECOOP Workshops 2000: 104-112 |