János A. Csirik (with a middle initial) is his son
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
42 | EE | Edward G. Coffman Jr., János Csirik, Lajos Rónyai, Ambrus Zsbán: Random-order bin packing. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(14): 2810-2816 (2008) |
2006 | ||
41 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson, Claire Kenyon, James B. Orlin, Peter W. Shor, Richard R. Weber: On the Sum-of-Squares algorithm for bin packing. J. ACM 53(1): 1-65 (2006) |
2005 | ||
40 | EE | Dóra Csendes, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy, András Kocsor: The Szeged Treebank. TSD 2005: 123-131 |
39 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson, Claire Kenyon: On the Worst-case Performance of the Sum-of-Squares Algorithm for Bin Packing CoRR abs/cs/0509031: (2005) |
2004 | ||
38 | EE | András Kuba, András Hócza, János Csirik: POS Tagging of Hungarian with Combined Statistical and Rule-Based Methods. TSD 2004: 113-120 |
37 | EE | Dóra Csendes, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy: The Szeged Corpus: A POS Tagged and Syntactically Annotated Hungarian Natural Language Corpus. TSD 2004: 41-48 |
2003 | ||
36 | EE | Zoltán Alexin, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy, Károly Bibok, Csaba Hatvani, Gábor Prószéky, László Tihanyi: Annotated Hungarian National Corpus. EACL 2003: 53-56 |
35 | EE | Xiaoyi Jiang, Karin Abegglen, Horst Bunke, János Csirik: Dynamic computation of generalised median strings. Pattern Anal. Appl. 6(3): 185-193 (2003) |
2002 | ||
34 | EE | Paul S. A. Reitsma, Peter Stone, János Csirik, Michael L. Littman: Randomized strategic demand reduction: getting more by asking for less. AAMAS 2002: 162-163 |
33 | EE | Árpád Beszédes, Csaba Faragó, Zsolt Mihály Szabó, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy: Union Slices for Program Maintenance. ICSM 2002: 12-21 |
32 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson, Claire Kenyon, James B. Orlin, Peter W. Shor, Richard R. Weber: On the Sum-of-Squares Algorithm for Bin Packing CoRR cs.DS/0210013: (2002) |
31 | EE | János Csirik, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Resource augmentation for online bounded space bin packing. J. Algorithms 44(2): 308-320 (2002) |
2001 | ||
30 | Árpád Beszédes, Tamás Gergely, Zsolt Mihály Szabó, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy: Dynamic Slicing Method for Maintenance of Large C Programs. CSMR 2001: 105-113 | |
29 | EE | János Csirik, Csanád Imreh, John Noga, Steven S. Seiden, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Buying a Constant Competitive Ratio for Paging. ESA 2001: 98-108 |
28 | EE | Marek Chrobak, János Csirik, Csanád Imreh, John Noga, Jiri Sgall, Gerhard J. Woeginger: The Buffer Minimization Problem for Multiprocessor Scheduling with Conflicts. ICALP 2001: 862-874 |
27 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson, Claire Kenyon: Better approximation algorithms for bin covering. SODA 2001: 557-566 |
26 | EE | András Kocsor, János Csirik: Fast Independent Component Analysis in Kernel Feature Spaces. SOFSEM 2001: 271-281 |
25 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson: Bounded Space On-Line Bin Packing: Best Is Better than First. Algorithmica 31(2): 115-138 (2001) |
2000 | ||
24 | EE | János Csirik, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Resource Augmentation for Online Bounded Space Bin Packing. ICALP 2000: 296-304 |
23 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson, Claire Kenyon, James B. Orlin, Peter W. Shor, Richard R. Weber: On the sum-of-squares algorithm for bin packing. STOC 2000: 208-217 |
1999 | ||
22 | EE | János Csirik, David S. Johnson, Claire Kenyon, Peter W. Shor, Richard R. Weber: A Self Organizing Bin Packing Heuristic. ALENEX 1999: 246-265 |
21 | EE | János Csirik, J. B. G. Frenk, Martine Labbé, Shuzhong Zhang: Two Simple Algorithms for bin Covering. Acta Cybern. 14(1): 13-26 (1999) |
1998 | ||
20 | Noga Alon, Yossi Azar, János Csirik, Leah Epstein, Sergey V. Sevastianov, Arjen P. A. Vestjens, Gerhard J. Woeginger: On-Line and Off-Line Approximation Algorithms for Vector Covering Problems. Algorithmica 21(1): 104-118 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
19 | Gabriella Kókai, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy: Learning the Syntax and Semantic Rules of an ECG Grammar. AI*IA 1997: 171-182 | |
18 | Zoltán Alexin, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy, Márk Jelasity, László Tóth: Learning Phonetic Rules in a Speech Recognition System. ILP 1997: 37-44 | |
17 | EE | János Csirik, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Shelf Algorithms for On-Line Strip Packing. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(4): 171-175 (1997) |
1996 | ||
16 | Noga Alon, János Csirik, Sergey V. Sevastianov, Arjen P. A. Vestjens, Gerhard J. Woeginger: On-line and Off-line Approximation Algorithms for Vector Covering Problems. ESA 1996: 406-418 | |
15 | János Csirik, Gerhard J. Woeginger: On-line Packing and Covering Problems. Online Algorithms 1996: 147-177 | |
1995 | ||
14 | EE | Horst Bunke, János Csirik: An Improved Algorithm for Computing the Edit Distance of Run-Length Coded Strings. Inf. Process. Lett. 54(2): 93-96 (1995) |
1993 | ||
13 | EE | János Csirik, J. B. G. Frenk, Martine Labbé: Two-Dimensional Rectangle Packing: On-Line Methods and Results. Discrete Applied Mathematics 45(3): 197-204 (1993) |
12 | János Csirik: The Parametric Behavior of the First-Fit Decreasing Bin Packing Algorithm. J. Algorithms 15(1): 1-28 (1993) | |
1991 | ||
11 | János Csirik, David S. Johnson: Bounded Space On-Line Bin Packing: Best is Better than First. SODA 1991: 309-319 | |
10 | EE | János Csirik, J. B. G. Frenk, Martine Labbé, Shuzhong Zhang: Heuristic for the 0-1 Min-Knapsack Problem. Acta Cybern. 10(1-2): 15-20 (1991) |
9 | János Csirik, J. B. G. Frenk, Gábor Galambos, A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan: Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms for Dual Bin Packing Problems. J. Algorithms 12(2): 189-203 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
8 | János Csirik, J. B. G. Frenk, Martine Labbé, Shuzhong Zhang: On the multidimensional vector bin packing. Acta Cybern. 9(4): 361-369 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
7 | János Csirik, János Demetrovics, Ferenc Gécseg: Fundamentals of Computation Theory, International Conference FCT'89, Szeged, Hungary, August 21-25, 1989, Proceedings Springer 1989 | |
6 | János Csirik, Balázs Imreh: On the worst-case performance of the NkF bin-packing heuristic. Acta Cybern. 9(2): 89-105 (1989) | |
5 | János Csirik: An On-Line Algorithm for Variable-Sized Bin Packing. Acta Inf. 26(8): 697-709 (1989) | |
1988 | ||
4 | EE | János Csirik, V. Totik: Online algorithms for a dual version of bin packing. Discrete Applied Mathematics 21(2): 163-167 (1988) |
1987 | ||
3 | János Csirik, Gábor Galambos: On the expected behaviour of the NF algorithm for a dual bin-packing problem. Acta Cybern. 8: 5-9 (1987) | |
2 | János Csirik, J. Magyar, G. Polner: A computer algorithm to determine the recognition site of restriction enzymes. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 3(3): 245-246 (1987) | |
1986 | ||
1 | János Csirik, E. Máté: The probabilistic behaviour of the NEF Bin Packing algorithm. Acta Cybern. 7(3): 241-245 (1986) |