
Thiab R. Taha

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15EEThiab R. Taha: Foreword. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 74(2-3): 71 (2007)
14EEThiab R. Taha: Foreword. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 74(4-5): 265 (2007)
13EEM. S. Ismail, Thiab R. Taha: A linearly implicit conservative scheme for the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 74(4-5): 302-311 (2007)
12EEThiab R. Taha: Foreword. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 69(3-4): (2005)
11EEThiab R. Taha: Foreword. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 69(5-6): 423 (2005)
10EEThiab R. Taha, Xiangming Xu: Parallel Split-Step Fourier Methods for the Coupled Nonlinear Schro"dinger Type Equations. The Journal of Supercomputing 32(1): 5-23 (2005)
9 Thiab R. Taha, Ruihua Liu: Parallel Split-Step Fourier Methods for the CMKdV Equation. PDPTA 2003: 1317-1323
8 Xiangming Xu, Thiab R. Taha: Parallel Split-Step Fourier Methods for Nonlinear Schrödinger-Type Equations. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 2(3): 185-201 (2003)
7EEThiab R. Taha: Foreword. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(1-2): 1 (2003)
6EEAbdul-Majid Wazwaz, Thiab R. Taha: Compact and noncompact structures in a class of nonlinearly dispersive equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(1-2): 171-189 (2003)
5EEJinhua Guo, Thiab R. Taha: Parallel implementation of the split-step and the pseudospectral methods for solving higher KdV equation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(1-2): 41-51 (2003)
4 Thiab R. Taha, Xiangming Xu: Parallel Split-step Fourier Methods for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. PDPTA 2002: 132-142
3 Hamid R. Arabnia, Thiab R. Taha: A parallel numerical algorithm on a reconfigurable multi-ring network. Telecommunication Systems 10(1): 185-202 (1998)
2 Thiab R. Taha, Peiqing Jiang: A Parallel Algorithm for Solving Periodic Tridiagonal Toeplitz Linear Systems. PPSC 1993: 491-496
1 Thiab R. Taha, JerJiann Liaw: An Algorithm for Solving a 4-Diagonal Toeplitz Linear System of Equations on Vector Computers. PPSC 1993: 510-514

Coauthor Index

1Hamid R. Arabnia [3]
2Jinhua Guo [5]
3M. S. Ismail [13]
4Peiqing Jiang [2]
5JerJiann Liaw [1]
6Ruihua Liu [9]
7Abdul-Majid Wazwaz [6]
8Xiangming Xu [4] [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)