
Debasish Ghose

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31EEK. R. Guruprasad, Debasish Ghose: Multi-agent search using sensors with heterogeneous capabilities. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1397-1400
30EEK. N. Krishnanand, Debasish Ghose: Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Hazard Sensing in Ubiquitous Environments Using Heterogeneous Agent Swarms. Soft Computing Applications in Industry 2008: 165-187
29EEK. N. Krishnanand, Debasish Ghose: Theoretical foundations for rendezvous of glowworm-inspired agent swarms at multiple locations. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(7): 549-569 (2008)
28 K. N. Krishnanand, Debasish Ghose: Chasing Multiple Mobile Signal Sources: A Glowworm Swarm Optimization Approach. IICAI 2007: 1308-1327
27EEArpita Sinha, Debasish Ghose: Control of Agent Swarms Using Generalized Centroidal Cyclic Pursuit Laws. IJCAI 2007: 1525-1530
26EEK. R. Guruprasad, Debasish Ghose: Deploy and Search Strategy for Multi-agent systems using Voronoi partitions. ISVD 2007: 91-100
25EEP. B. Sujit, Arpita Sinha, Debasish Ghose: Team, Game, and Negotiation based Intelligent Autonomous UAV Task Allocation for Wide Area Applications. Innovations in Intelligent Machines (1) 2007: 39-75
24EEArpita Sinha, Debasish Ghose: Generalization of nonlinear cyclic pursuit. Automatica 43(11): 1954-1960 (2007)
23EEJingxi Jia, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Debasish Ghose: Adaptive Load Distribution Strategies for Divisible Load Processing on Resource Unaware Multilevel Tree Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(7): 999-1005 (2007)
22EEP. B. Sujit, Arpita Sinha, Debasish Ghose: Multiple UAV task allocation using negotiation. AAMAS 2006: 471-478
21EEKrishnanand N. Kaipa, Amruth Puttappa, Guruprasad M. Hegde, Sharschchandra V. Bidargaddi, Debasish Ghose: Rendezvous of Glowworm-Inspired Robot Swarms at Multiple Source Locations: A Sound Source Based Real-Robot Implementation. ANTS Workshop 2006: 259-269
20EEDebasish Ghose, H. J. Kim: A Generalized Linear Programming Based Approach to Optimal Divisible Load Scheduling. ICDCIT 2006: 235-248
19 Krishnanand N. Kaipa, Amruth Puttappa, Guruprasad M. Hegde, Sharschchandra V. Bidargaddi, Debasish Ghose: Glowworm-inspired Robot Swarm for Simultaneous Taxis towards Multiple Radiation Sources. ICRA 2006: 958-963
18EEK. N. Krishnanand, Debasish Ghose: Glowworm swarm based optimization algorithm for multimodal functions with collective robotics applications. Multiagent and Grid Systems 2(3): 209-222 (2006)
17 K. N. Krishnanand, Debasish Ghose: Multimodal Function Optimization using a Glowworm Metaphor with Applications to Collective Robotics. IICAI 2005: 328-346
16EEDebasish Ghose, Hyoung Joong Kim, Tae Hoon Kim: Adaptive Divisible Load Scheduling Strategies for Workstation Clusters with Unknown Network Resources. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(10): 897-907 (2005)
15EEK. N. Krishnanand, Debasish Ghose: Formations of minimalist mobile robots using local-templates and spatially distributed interactions. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 53(3-4): 194-213 (2005)
14 Debasish Ghose, Thomas G. Robertazzi: Foreword (Special Issue of Cluster Computing on Divisible Load Scheduling. Cluster Computing 6(1): 5-5 (2003)
13 Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Debasish Ghose, Thomas G. Robertazzi: Divisible Load Theory: A New Paradigm for Load Scheduling in Distributed Systems. Cluster Computing 6(1): 7-17 (2003)
12 Debasish Ghose: A Feedback Strategy for Load Allocation in Workstation Clusters with Unknown Network Resource Capabilities Using the DLT Paradigm. PDPTA 2002: 425-428
11 Debasish Ghose, Hyoung Joong Kim: Large Matrix-vector Product Computations on Multicast Bus-oriented Workstation Clusters. PDPTA 2002: 436-441
10EEDebasish Ghose, Jason L. Speyer, Jeff S. Shamma: A Game Theoretical Multiple Resource Interaction Approach to Resource Allocation in an Air Campaign. Annals OR 109(1-4): 15-40 (2002)
9 Debasish Ghose, M. Krichman, Jason L. Speyer, Jeff S. Shamma: Modeling and analysis of air campaign resource allocation: a spatio-temporal decomposition approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(3): 403-418 (2002)
8 Debasish Ghose, Hyoung Joong Kim: Scheduling Video Streams in Video-on-Demand Systems: A Survey. Multimedia Tools Appl. 11(2): 167-195 (2000)
7EEL. Anand, Debasish Ghose, V. Mani: Probabilistic load scheduling with priorities in distributed computing systems. Computers & OR 25(10): 839-856 (1998)
6 Animesh Chakravarthy, Debasish Ghose: Obstacle avoidance in a dynamic environment: a collision cone approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(5): 562-574 (1998)
5 Debasish Ghose, Hyoung Joong Kim: Load Partitioning and Trade-Off Study for Large Matrix-Vector Computations in Multicast Bus Networks with Communication Delays. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 55(1): 32-59 (1998)
4EEL. Anand, V. Mani, Debasish Ghose: Availability maximization in machine-repair systems using an optimal load sharing approach. Int. J. Systems Science 28(3): 249-258 (1997)
3EEL. Anand, Debasish Ghose, V. Mani: Analysis of the drop-out rule in probabilistic load sharing in distributed computing systems. Int. J. Systems Science 28(5): 457-465 (1997)
2EEBharadwaj Veeravalli, Debasish Ghose, V. Mani: Optimal Sequencing and Arrangement in Distributed Single-Level Tree Networks with Communication Delays. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(9): 968-976 (1994)
1 Debasish Ghose, V. Mani: Distributed Computation with Communication Delays: Asymptotic Performance Analysis. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 23(3): 293-305 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1L. Anand [3] [4] [7]
2Sharschchandra V. Bidargaddi [19] [21]
3Animesh Chakravarthy [6]
4K. R. Guruprasad [26] [31]
5Guruprasad M. Hegde [19] [21]
6Jingxi Jia [23]
7Krishnanand N. Kaipa [19] [21]
8H. J. Kim [20]
9Hyoung Joong Kim [5] [8] [11] [16]
10Tae Hoon Kim [16]
11M. Krichman [9]
12K. N. Krishnanand [15] [17] [18] [28] [29] [30]
13V. Mani [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
14Amruth Puttappa [19] [21]
15Thomas G. Robertazzi [13] [14]
16Jeff S. Shamma [9] [10]
17Arpita Sinha [22] [24] [25] [27]
18Jason L. Speyer [9] [10]
19P. B. Sujit [22] [25]
20Bharadwaj Veeravalli [2] [13] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)