
Adilson Gonzaga

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11 André de Souza Tarallo, Adilson Gonzaga, Marco Andrey Cipriano Frade: Segmentation and Classification of Cutaneous Ulcers in Digital Images Through Artificial Neural Networks. HEALTHINF (2) 2008: 59-65
10EELucio Andre de Castro Jorge, Henrique de Souza Ruiz, Ednaldo J. Ferreira, Adilson Gonzaga: Wrapper Approach to Select a Subset of Color Components for Image Segmentation with Photometric Variations. SIBGRAPI 2007: 245-252
9EEHebert Luchetti Ribeiro, Adilson Gonzaga: Hand Image Segmentation in Video Sequence by GMM: a comparative analysis. SIBGRAPI 2006: 357-364
8EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Lucimar Sasso Vieira, Fabrício Lopes Sanchez, Jan Frans Willem Slaets, Lyrio Onofre Almeida, Adilson Gonzaga, Marcelo Bianchi: A Matched FIR Filter Bank for Audio Coding.. ISM 2005: 796-801
7EERodrigo Fernandes de Mello, Maria Stela V. de Paiva, Luís Carlos Trevelin, Adilson Gonzaga: Analysis on the Significant Information to Update the Tables on Occupation of Resources by Using a Peer-to-Peer Protocol. HPCS 2002: 229-230
6EERodrigo Fernandes de Mello, Maria Stela V. de Paiva, Luís Carlos Trevelin, Adilson Gonzaga: OpenTella: A Peer-to-Peer Protocol for the Load Balancing in a System Formed by a Cluster from Clusters. ISHPC 2002: 346-353
5 Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello, Maria Stela V. de Paiva, Luís Carlos Trevelin, Adilson Gonzaga: Model for Resources Load Evaluation in Clusters by Using a Peer-to-Peer Protocol. PDPTA 2002: 475-479
4EEFrancisco José Monaco, Adilson Gonzaga: Remote Device Command and Resource Sharing over the Internet: A New Approach Based on a Distributed Layered Architecture. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(7): 787-792 (2002)
3EEAndres Anobile Perez, Adilson Gonzaga, Jose Marcos Alves: Segmentation and Analysis of Leg Ulcers Color Images. MIAR 2001: 262-266
2EEFrancisco José Monaco, Adilson Gonzaga, Leonardo B. Guerreiro: Restraining Content Explosion vs. Constraining Content Growth. Web Engineering 2001: 148-155
1EEEvelina Maria de Almeida Neves, João Eduardo Borelli, Adilson Gonzaga: Target Search by Bottom-Up and Top-Down Fuzzy Information. SIBGRAPI 2000: 60-66

Coauthor Index

1Lyrio Onofre Almeida [8]
2Jose Marcos Alves [3]
3Marcelo Bianchi [8]
4João Eduardo Borelli [1]
5Ednaldo J. Ferreira [10]
6Marco Andrey Cipriano Frade [11]
7Leonardo B. Guerreiro [2]
8Rodrigo Capobianco Guido [8]
9Lucio Andre de Castro Jorge [10]
10Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello [5] [6] [7]
11Francisco José Monaco [2] [4]
12Evelina Maria de Almeida Neves [1]
13Maria Stela V. de Paiva [5] [6] [7]
14Andres Anobile Perez [3]
15Hebert Luchetti Ribeiro [9]
16Henrique de Souza Ruiz [10]
17Fabrício Lopes Sanchez [8]
18Jan Frans Willem Slaets [8]
19André de Souza Tarallo [11]
20Luís Carlos Trevelin [5] [6] [7]
21Lucimar Sasso Vieira [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)