
Guy-René Perrin

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27EEMichel Salomon, Fabrice Heitz, Guy-René Perrin, Jean-Paul Armspach: A massively parallel approach to deformable matching of 3D medical images via stochastic differential equations. Parallel Computing 31(1): 45-71 (2005)
26 Michel Salomon, Guy-René Perrin, Fabrice Heitz: Parallel Sampling with Stochastic Differential Equations for 3D Deformable Matching of Medical Images. PDPTA 2002: 40-48
25 Frédérique Voisin, Guy-René Perrin: Sparse Computations with PEI. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 1006-1014
24 Frédérique Voisin, Guy-René Perrin: Sparse Computation with PEI. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 10(4): 425-442 (1999)
23 Eric Violard, Stéphane Genaud, Guy-René Perrin: Refinement of data parallel programs in PEI. Algorithmic Languages and Calculi 1997: 107-131
22 Guy-René Perrin, Alain Darte: The Data Parallel Programming Model: Foundations, HPF Realization, and Scientific Applications Springer 1996
21 Guy-René Perrin: Introduction. The Data Parallel Programming Model 1996: 1-3
20 Sylvie Damy, Guy-René Perrin: A Refinement of Communicating Processes. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 15(6): (1996)
19 Stéphane Genaud, Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: Transformation Techniques in PEI. Euro-Par 1995: 131-142
18 Abdelhamid Benaini, David Laiymani, Guy-René Perrin: A Reconfigurable Parallel algorithm for Sparse Cholesky Factorization. IRREGULAR 1995: 261-274
17 Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: Reduction in PEI. CONPAR 1994: 112-123
16 Laurent Philippe, Guy-René Perrin: Distributed Scheduling for Multicomputers. HPCN 1994: 344-349
15 Guy-René Perrin: Some Synthesis Aspects for Data Parallel Programming. HPCN 1994: 469-474
14 Catherine Mongenet, Philippe Clauss, Guy-René Perrin: Geometrical Tools to Map Systems of Affine Recurrence Equations on Regular Arrays. Acta Inf. 31(2): 137-160 (1994)
13 Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: PEI: a Single Unifying Model to Design Parallel Programs. PARLE 1993: 500-516
12 Marie-Christine Eglin-Leclerc, Jacques Julliand, Guy-René Perrin: How to Compile Systems of Recurrence Equations into Networks of Communicating Processes. CONPAR 1992: 795-796
11 Sylvie Damy, Guy-René Perrin: A Refinement of Communicating Processes. PARLE 1992: 949-950
10 Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: PEI: A language and its refinement calculus for parallel programming. Parallel Computing 18(10): 1167-1184 (1992)
9 Philippe Clauss, Catherine Mongenet, Guy-René Perrin: Synthesis of size-optimal toroidal arrays for the Algebraic Path Problem: A new contribution. Parallel Computing 18(2): 185-194 (1992)
8 Guy-René Perrin, Jean-Pierre Finance: Communication Relations: A Paradigm for Parallel Program Design. Sci. Comput. Program. 19(1): 25-59 (1992)
7EEPhilippe Clauss, Catherine Mongenet, Guy-René Perrin: Calculus of space-optimal mappings of systolic algorithms on processor arrays. VLSI Signal Processing 4(1): 27-36 (1992)
6 Philippe Clauss, Catherine Mongenet, Guy-René Perrin: Synthesis of size-optimal toroidal arrays for the algebraic path problem. Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures 1991: 199-204
5 Catherine Mongenet, Philippe Clauss, Guy-René Perrin: A Geometrical Coding to Compile Affine Recurrence Equations on Regular Arrays. IPPS 1991: 582-590
4 Jacques Julliand, Guy-René Perrin: Asynchronous Functional Parallel Programs. ICCI 1990: 356-365
3 Catherine Mongenet, Guy-René Perrin: Synthesis of Systolic arrays for Inductive Problems. PARLE (1) 1987: 260-277
2EEJean Claude Miellou, Guy-René Perrin, Pierre Spitéri: An inexpensive method of performance evaluation for subdomain decomposition parallel algorithms of three-dimensional elliptical problems. Journal of Systems and Software 6(1-2): 169-173 (1986)
1 Jacques Julliand, Guy-René Perrin: Design and development of concurrent programs. CONPAR 1981: 464-479

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Paul Armspach [27]
2Abdelhamid Benaini [18]
3Philippe Clauss [5] [6] [7] [9] [14]
4Sylvie Damy [11] [20]
5Alain Darte [22]
6Marie-Christine Eglin-Leclerc [12]
7Jean-Pierre Finance [8]
8Stéphane Genaud [19] [23]
9Fabrice Heitz [26] [27]
10Jacques Julliand [1] [4] [12]
11David Laiymani [18]
12Jean Claude Miellou [2]
13Catherine Mongenet [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [14]
14Laurent Philippe [16]
15Michel Salomon [26] [27]
16Pierre Spitéri [2]
17Eric Violard [10] [13] [17] [19] [23]
18Frédérique Voisin [24] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)