
Jens Mache

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29EEDamon Tyman, Nirupama Bulusu, Jens Mache: An activity-based sensor networks course for undergraduates with sun spot devices. SIGCSE 2009: 34-38
28 Jens Mache, Samuel W. Bock, James Elwell, Dennis P. Gosnell, Travis Mandel, Jonathan S. Perry-Houts: Sensor Network Security: Elliptic Curve Cryptography on SunSPOTs. ICWN 2008: 687-692
27EEJens Mache, Chieh-Yih Wan, Mark D. Yarvis: Exploiting Heterogeneity for Sensor Network Security. SECON 2008: 591-593
26EEJens Mache, Damon Tyman, Nirupama Bulusu: Making Sensor Networks Accessible to Undergraduates Through Activity-Based Laboratory Materials. SECON 2008: 606-608
25EEJens Mache, Amy W. Apon, Thomas Feilhauer, Barry Wilkinson: Grid computing at the undergraduate level: can we do it? SIGCSE 2008: 381-382
24EEJens Mache, Chris Allick: The Cost of Preserving Privacy: Performance Measurements of RFID Pseudonym Protocols. ARES 2007: 606-609
23 Jens Mache, Elgin Dean, Kevin Imber: Sensor Network Lab Exercises Using TinyOS and MicaZ Motes, Part II. ICWN 2007: 464-467
22EEJens Mache, Damon Tyman, Andre Pinter, Chris Allick: Performance Implications of Using VPN Technology for Cluster Integration and Grid Computing. ICNS 2006: 75
21 Jens Mache, Chris Allick, John Charnas, Alex Hickman, Damon Tyman: Sensor Network Lab Exercises Using TinyOS and MicaZ Motes. PSC 2006: 154-
20EEJens Mache, Amy W. Apon: Grid computing in the undergraduate classroom topics, exercises and experiences. CCGRID 2005: 67-73
19EEJens Mache, Eric Anholt, Valentina Grigoreanu, Tim Likarish, Biljana Risteska: Look-Ahead Routing Reduces Wrong Turns in Freenet-Style Peer-to-Peer Systems. HICSS 2005
18 Jens Mache, Tim Likarish: Performance Evaluation of Browser-based SSL VPN Gateways. International Conference on Internet Computing 2005: 82-86
17EEJens Mache, Virginia Mary Lo, Sharad Garg: The impact of spatial layout of jobs on I/O hotspots in mesh networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(10): 1190-1203 (2005)
16EEJens Mache, David Ely, Melanie Gilbert, Jason Gimba, Thierry Lopez, Matthew Wilkinson: Modifying the Overlay Network of Freenet-Style Peer-to-Peer Systems after Successful Request Queries. HICSS 2004
15EEDavid P. Bunde, Vitus J. Leung, Jens Mache: Communication Patterns and Allocation Strategies. IPDPS 2004
14 Jens Mache, Jeff Lesh: Look-Ahead Improves the Routing in Freenet-style Peer-to-Peer Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 359-359
13 Jens Mache, Jeff Lesh: Simulated Annealing and Request Algorithms for Freenet-Style Peer-to-Peer Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 581-590
12 Jens Mache, Sharad Garg: Peer-to-Peer Lessons for Cluster File Systems. PDPTA 2003: 1867-1871
11EEVirginia Mary Lo, Jens Mache: Job Scheduling for Prime Time vs. Non-Prime Time. CLUSTER 2002: 488-493
10 Jens Mache, Joshua Bower-Cooley, Jason Guchereau, Paul Thomas, Matthew Wilkinson: Cost-effective High-performance Disk Access on PC Clusters With Commodity IDE Disks. PDPTA 2002: 449-455
9EEJens Mache, Melanie Gilbert, Jason Guchereau, Jeff Lesh, Felix Ramli, Matthew Wilkinson: Request Algorithms in Freenet-Style Peer-to-Peer Systems. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2002: 90-95
8EEAmy W. Apon, Rajkumar Buyya, Hai Jin, Jens Mache: Cluster Computing in the Classroom: Topics, Guidelines, and Experiences. CCGRID 2001: 476-483
7EESharad Garg, Jens Mache: Performance Evaluation of Parallel File Systems for PC Clusters and ASCI Red. CLUSTER 2001: 172-177
6 Jens Mache, Joshua Bower-Cooley, Robert Broadhurst, Jennifer Cranfill, Clark Kirkman IV: Parallel I/O Performance of PC Clusters. PPSC 2001
5EEJens Mache, Virginia Mary Lo, Sharad Garg: Job Scheduling that Minimizes Network Contention due to both Communication and I/O. IPDPS 2000: 457-464
4 Jens Mache, Robert Broadhurst, Jeffrey Ely: Ray Tracing on Cluster Computers. PDPTA 2000
3EEJens Mache, Virginia Mary Lo, Marilynn Livingston, Sharad Garg: The Impact of Spatial Layout of Jobs on Parallel I/O Performance. IOPADS 1999: 45-56
2EEJens Mache: An Assessment of Gigabit Ethernet as Cluster Interconnect. IWCC 1999: 36-42
1EEVirginia Mary Lo, Jens Mache, Kurt J. Windisch: A Comparative Study of Real Workload Traces and Synthetic Workload Models for Parallel Job Scheduling. JSSPP 1998: 25-46

Coauthor Index

1Chris Allick [21] [22] [24]
2Eric Anholt [19]
3Amy W. Apon [8] [20] [25]
4Samuel W. Bock [28]
5Joshua Bower-Cooley [6] [10]
6Robert Broadhurst [4] [6]
7Nirupama Bulusu [26] [29]
8David P. Bunde [15]
9Rajkumar Buyya [8]
10John Charnas [21]
11Jennifer Cranfill [6]
12Elgin Dean [23]
13James Elwell [28]
14David Ely [16]
15Jeffrey Ely [4]
16Thomas Feilhauer [25]
17Sharad Garg [3] [5] [7] [12] [17]
18Melanie Gilbert [9] [16]
19Jason Gimba [16]
20Dennis P. Gosnell [28]
21Valentina Grigoreanu [19]
22Jason Guchereau [9] [10]
23Alex Hickman [21]
24Kevin Imber [23]
25Hai Jin [8]
26Clark Kirkman IV [6]
27Jeff Lesh [9] [13] [14]
28Vitus J. Leung [15]
29Tim Likarish [18] [19]
30Marilynn Livingston [3]
31Virginia Mary Lo [1] [3] [5] [11] [17]
32Thierry Lopez [16]
33Travis Mandel [28]
34Jonathan S. Perry-Houts [28]
35Andre Pinter [22]
36Felix Ramli [9]
37Biljana Risteska [19]
38Paul Thomas [10]
39Damon Tyman [21] [22] [26] [29]
40Chieh-Yih Wan [27]
41Barry Wilkinson [25]
42Matthew Wilkinson [9] [10] [16]
43Kurt J. Windisch [1]
44Mark D. Yarvis [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)