
Adrienne Decker

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11EEMichael E. Caspersen, Jürgen Börstler, Adrienne Decker, Carl Alphonce: Worked examples for sound OO pedagogy: the seventh "killer examples" workshop. OOPSLA Companion 2008: 781-782
10EEMichael E. Caspersen, Jürgen Börstler, Adrienne Decker, Carl Alphonce: Worked examples for sound object-oriented pedagogy: a "killer" workshop. OOPSLA Companion 2008: 869-870
9EECarl Alphonce, Jürgen Börstler, Michael E. Caspersen, Adrienne Decker, Michael Kölling: Process in oo pedagogy: a "killer" workshop. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 737-738
8EEGene Wang, Brian McSkimming, Zachary Marzec, Joshua Gardner, Adrienne Decker, Carl Alphonce: Green: a flexible UML class diagramming tool for eclipse. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 791-792
7EEGene Wang, Brian McSkimming, Zachary Marzec, Joshua Gardner, Adrienne Decker, Carl Alphonce: Green: a flexible UML class diagramming tool for eclipse. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 834-835
6EECarl Alphonce, Michael E. Caspersen, Adrienne Decker: Killer "killer examples" for design patterns. SIGCSE 2007: 228-232
5EECarl Alphonce, Michael E. Caspersen, Adrienne Decker, Bruce Trask: "Killer examples" for design patterns: the fifth annual OOPSLA "Killer Examples" workshop. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 625-626
4EECarl Alphonce, Michael E. Caspersen, Adrienne Decker, Bruce Trask: "Killer examples" for design patterns: a poster reporting results of the workshop. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 636
3EEAdrienne Decker, Phil Ventura, Christopher A. Egert: Through the looking glass: reflections on using undergraduate teaching assistants in CS1. SIGCSE 2006: 46-50
2EEPhil Ventura, Christopher A. Egert, Adrienne Decker: Ancestor worship in CS1: on the primacy of arrays. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 68-72
1EEAdrienne Decker, Phil Ventura: We claim this class for computer science: a non-mathematician's discrete structures course. SIGCSE 2004: 442-446

Coauthor Index

1Carl Alphonce [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
2Jürgen Börstler [9] [10] [11]
3Michael E. Caspersen [4] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11]
4Christopher A. Egert [2] [3]
5Joshua Gardner [7] [8]
6Michael Kölling [9]
7Zachary Marzec [7] [8]
8Brian McSkimming [7] [8]
9Bruce Trask [4] [5]
10Phil Ventura [1] [2] [3]
11Gene Wang [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)