
Petra Becker-Pechau

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8EEJörg Pechau, Petra Becker-Pechau: Challenges: agile values meet different value systems. OOPSLA Companion 2008: 843-846
7 Petra Becker-Pechau, Bettina Karstens, Carola Lilienthal: Automatisierte Softwareüberprüfung auf der Basis von Architekturregeln. Software Engineering 2006: 27-37
6EEPetra Becker-Pechau, Wolf-Gideon Bleek, Carola Lilienthal, Axel Schmolitzky: Educating Non-Programmers to Flexible, Communicative Software Engineers in a 10 Month Training Program. CSEE&T 2004: 98-103
5EEPetra Becker-Pechau, Pierre Grenon, Mark Lycett, Christopher Partridge, Jörg Pechau, Dirk Siebert: Philosophy, Ontology, and Information Systems. ECOOP Workshops 2004: 62-66
4EEPetra Becker-Pechau, Stefan Roock, Joachim Sauer: Open Source für die Softwareentwicklung. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 238: (2004)
3 Petra Becker-Pechau, Wolf-Gideon Bleek, Axel Schmolitzky, Heinz Züllighoven: Integration agiler Prozesse in die Softwaretechnik-Ausbildung im Informatik-Grundstudium. SEUH 2003: 8-21
2EEPetra Becker-Pechau, Holger Breitling, Martin Lippert, Axel Schmolitzky: Teaching Team Work: An Extreme Week for First-Year Programmers. XP 2003: 386-393
1EEMartin Lippert, Petra Becker-Pechau, Holger Breitling, Jörn Koch, Andreas Kornstädt, Stefan Roock, Axel Schmolitzky, Henning Wolf, Heinz Züllighoven: Developing Complex Projects Using XP with Extensions. IEEE Computer 36(6): 67-73 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Wolf-Gideon Bleek [3] [6]
2Holger Breitling [1] [2]
3Pierre Grenon [5]
4Bettina Karstens [7]
5Jörn Koch [1]
6Andreas Kornstädt [1]
7Carola Lilienthal [6] [7]
8Martin Lippert [1] [2]
9Mark Lycett [5]
10Christopher Partridge [5]
11Jörg Pechau [5] [8]
12Stefan Roock [1] [4]
13Joachim Sauer [4]
14Axel Schmolitzky [1] [2] [3] [6]
15Dirk Siebert [5]
16Henning Wolf [1]
17Heinz Züllighoven [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)