
Vander Alves

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12EEVander Alves, Daniel Schneider, Martin Becker, Nelly Bencomo, Paul Grace: Comparitive Study of Variability Management in Software Product Lines and Runtime Adaptable Systems. VaMoS 2009: 9-17
11EESérgio Soares, Fernando Calheiros, Vilmar Nepomuceno, Andrea Menezes, Paulo Borba, Vander Alves: Supporting software product lines development: FLiP - product line derivation tool. OOPSLA Companion 2008: 737-738
10EEVander Alves, Tarcisio Camara, Carina Alves: Experiences with Mobile Games Product Line Development at Meantime. SPLC 2008: 287-296
9EEVander Alves, Fernando Calheiros, Vilmar Nepomuceno, Andrea Menezes, Sérgio Soares, Paulo Borba: FLiP: Managing Software Product Line Extraction and Reaction with Aspects. SPLC 2008: 354
8EEVander Alves, Christa Schwanninger, Paul C. Clements, Awais Rashid, Ana Moreira, João Araújo, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Bedir Tekinerdogan: Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements and Architecture for Product Lines (EA@SPLC.08). SPLC 2008: 382
7EEVander Alves, Christa Schwanninger, Luciano Barbosa, Awais Rashid, Peter Sawyer, Paul Rayson, Christoph Pohl, Andreas Rummler: An Exploratory Study of Information Retrieval Techniques in Domain Analysis. SPLC 2008: 67-76
6EEVander Alves, Pedro Matos, Leonardo Cole, Alexandre Vasconcelos, Paulo Borba, Geber Ramalho: Extracting and Evolving Code in Product Lines with Aspect-Oriented Programming. T. Aspect-Oriented Software Development 4: 117-142 (2007)
5EEVander Alves, Rohit Gheyi, Tiago Massoni, Uirá Kulesza, Paulo Borba, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena: Refactoring product lines. GPCE 2006: 201-210
4EEUirá Kulesza, Vander Alves, Alessandro F. Garcia, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Paulo Borba: Improving Extensibility of Object-Oriented Frameworks with Aspect-Oriented Programming. ICSR 2006: 231-245
3EEVander Alves, Ivan Cardim, Heitor Vital, Pedro H. M. Sampaio, Alexandre L. G. Damasceno, Paulo Borba, Geber Ramalho: Comparative Analysis of Porting Strategies in J2ME Games. ICSM 2005: 123-132
2EEVander Alves, Pedro Matos Jr., Leonardo Cole, Paulo Borba, Geber Ramalho: Extracting and Evolving Mobile Games Product Lines. SPLC 2005: 70-81
1EEVander Alves: Identifying Variations in Mobile Devices. Journal of Object Technology 4(3): 47-52 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Carina Alves [10]
2João Araújo [8]
3Elisa L. A. Baniassad [8]
4Luciano Barbosa [7]
5Martin Becker [12]
6Nelly Bencomo [12]
7Paulo Borba [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [11]
8Fernando Calheiros [9] [11]
9Tarcisio Camara [10]
10Ivan Cardim [3]
11Paul C. Clements [8]
12Leonardo Cole [2] [6]
13Alexandre L. G. Damasceno [3]
14Alessandro F. Garcia (Alessandro Garcia) [4]
15Rohit Gheyi [5]
16Paul Grace [12]
17Uirá Kulesza [4] [5]
18Carlos José Pereira de Lucena [4] [5]
19Tiago Massoni [5]
20Pedro Matos [6]
21Pedro Matos Jr. [2]
22Andrea Menezes [9] [11]
23Ana Moreira (Ana M. D. Moreira) [8]
24Vilmar Nepomuceno [9] [11]
25Christoph Pohl [7]
26Geber Ramalho [2] [3] [6]
27Awais Rashid [7] [8]
28Paul Rayson [7]
29Andreas Rummler [7]
30Pedro H. M. Sampaio [3]
31Peter Sawyer [7]
32Daniel Schneider [12]
33Christa Schwanninger [7] [8]
34Sérgio Soares [9] [11]
35Bedir Tekinerdogan [8]
36Alexandre Vasconcelos [6]
37Heitor Vital [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)